
119 views 8:35 am 0 Comments May 30, 2023


Discussion 1 – Answer in 100-150 words

Article: 17 million kids with mental disorders



Discussion 2 – Answer in 100-150 words

Article: Genetic Overlap between common mental health conditions



Discussion 3 – Answer in 100-150 words (with citation and reference)

Identify the components of the cutaneous system.


Discussion 4 – Answer in 100-150 words (with citation and reference)

Explain the role of the somatosensory cortex in the perception of pleasure and pain.


Discussion 5 – Answer in 100-150 words (with citation and reference)

Explain the relationship between the perception of smell and taste.


Discussion 6 – Answer in 100-150 words (with citation and reference)


Describe the connection between the chemical senses, emotional memories, and the brain.