Project Overview

127 views 7:28 am 0 Comments April 27, 2023

Project on Occasion LTD Marketing

Project introduction
Name of the Organisation: Occasion Ltd
Project Title: LifeTime Marketing Plan
Project Summary –launching a new smart watch
Project Timeframe: 3months
Prepared By:
Project Contact: Marketing
Project Overview
Lifetime Firm is a company that sells smartwatches
and is introducing wristwatches for the very frst time.
People may simplify their lives by using this watch.
This can serve a variety of purposes in people’s lives.
The device is used by people of all ages, including
children. You must be ready to recover from the
danger. creating a successful plan. Success chances
are influenced by promotions. People are drawn to
various advertising and promotional videos, among
other things.

Gantt Chart
Launching marketing’s motivation
launching marketing’s motivation provide
additional alternatives and diversity for the
items and services supplied. Proftability of the
business – Increasing Sales and Revenue. More
options for products. Businesses become
increasingly technologically advanced. Value
of a brand

Prospective Clients
With smartwatches, children may beneft from
technology’s fnest features to stay connected and
secure without having to deal with its downsides, such
screen use, social networks, internet hazards, or
online bullying. Professionals – By increasing the
efciency of business owners and employees,
smartwatches may help companies. Employers may
use smartwatches to monitor employee behavior at
work and gather information about them
Project Risk
Identifying a brand and contacting the right audiences
customer opinions. Lack of a suitable promotion.
Assessing risks. No one will refuse to purchase an
unknown product. Customers’ opinions might be both
favorable and unfavorable. The intended region cannot
be reached by the goods without advertising
. Solutions: Widespread advertising to the relevant
audiences is required so that everyone will remember
the name. Give the greatest quality possible to prevent
bad reviews. should effectively advertise the goods.

Project Success
Evaluation skills for a decision-critical debate.
Gaining a sizable market share can lead to increased sales as a result
of loyal, present customers buying more of a company’s products.
Revenue growth may also broaden the entire customer base of a
company as potential new customers imitate existing ones
(Goodman, 2012).
Gaining market share may emphasis and improve a company’s
Including the new audience. The organization may focus its
marketing efforts and money on the segments most likely to become
customers by identifying its target market. With this strategy, one
may rapidly and cheaply produce business leads.

According to the research, just a handful products were
successful following their frst launches.
If the product doesn’t sell well, the Occasion Ltd. frm can
still earn a proft or they could simply print their name.
I have the greatest marketing strategy that can help the
business succeed.
There are many ways to succeed. The corporation will
indeed be able to allow their name reach the audiences
or get the highest proft possible from this goods.

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