Project management leadership

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Requirements Each individual student is required to select one (1) peer reviewed journal article from the list of four (4) journal articles provided on project management leadership related to the course (see below). Each individual student is required to write a blog critically analysing their selected journal article, including an introduction, summary, analysis, and conclusion (approximately 1200-1500 words). The review should be supported by references from the literature, demonstrating wider reading and critical thinking (approximately 6-10 references).
In addition, each individual student will be required to review one (1) other student’s blog (approximately 100-150 words per review). Reviews should provide a deep analysis of the critique as well as suggesting applications and consequences of the ideas presented.
Select one (1) of the following articles:
• Norrie, J., & Walker, D. H. (2004). A balanced scorecard approach to project management leadership. Project management journal, 35(4), 47-56. token=USEztn0Y4 r4AAAAA:GJ3EvcM0atkTTzXJ1SsnHzrrHWSPbOXD99KEpiZFz0f1 CekwbmeB2xHoVotLGvt YVzLB5DEyd83sQ
• Sutherland, J., Viktorov, A., Blount, J., & Puntikov, N. (2007, January). Distributed scrum: Agile project management with outsourced development teams. In 2007 40th annual Hawaii international conference on system sciences (HICSS’07) (pp. 274a-274a). IEEE. token=lzD-Vz7JQIMAAAAA: ICyR-OjNZQglAS532Mj4V7bD-otTHtZ-a0H46 zUyIdYD-S1Lf•511 iE
Nasir, M. (2006, June). A survey of software estimation techniques and project planning practices. In Seventh ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD’06) (pp. 305-310). IEEE. token=TJ8QyIfDibEAA AAA:Hcp30aaNi wuFgD8d06d1DBFgFoaRbLMZFp9m1rHjci0eDuy1mm6ROwaW88C7Naa 75 uFmtR4HmK9zA
• Oertig, M., & Buergi, T. (•• challen•es of mana•ual project teams. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 12(1), 23-30. he-challenges-of-managing-crosscultural-virtual-project-teams
A quality project management bloq will be clearly articulated and professionally presented. It should demonstrate analysis, and a synthesis of content, knowledge, skills, and ideas acquired from lectures, tutorials and academic authors. It will include a well written introduction which catches the reader’s attention, sets the scope of the blog, indicates the aims of the blog, and provides an overall plan for the blog. The summary should include a brief outline of the main ideas of the paper. The analysis should explain both the strengths and weaknesses of the key arguments and should be supported by evidence. The conclusion should revise the main ideas and include clear implications of your findings.
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