Private Registration Scheme

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Page 1 of 14 KANNUR UNIVERSITY Private Registration Scheme SDE I/SDE I – 2/2533/2022 (7) 05.08.2023 INSTRUCTIONS Instructions to candidates regarding submission of Assignments of Internal Evaluation of the First Semester B.B.A. Degree (Private Registration) (Regular – 2022 Admission/ Supplementary – 2020 & 2021 Admission) Examinations, November 2022:- 1. Internal Evaluation (20%) of each course of the First Semester B.B.A. Degree (Private Registration) (Regular – 2022 Admission/ Supplementary – 2020 & 2021 Admission) Examinations, November 2022 shall be based on Assignments. 2. The last date of submission of assignments of the First Semester B.B.A. Degree (Private Registration) (Regular – 2022 Admission/ Supplementary – 2020 & 2021 Admission) Examinations, November 2022 shall be 11.09.2023, 4 PM. 3. Those who have registered for the First Semester B.B.A. Degree (Private Registration) Examinations, November 2022 session (Regular – 2022 Admission/ Supplementary – 2020 & 2021 Admission) ONLY are eligible for submitting assignments. 4. In the case of 2020 & 2021 admission candidates, those who registered for their First Semester REGULAR Examination, but could not submit their assignments shall register for the First Semester November 2022 session examinations to become eligible to submit the Assignments now. Such candidates shall remit Rs.150/-towards a total fine in addition to the fee prescribed for the Assignment. 5. The assignments may be submitted to the Office of the Director, School of Distance Education, or may be sent through registered post or parcel or reliable courier to the Director, School of Distance Education, Kannur University, Thavakkara, Civil Station PO, Kannur, PIN 670002, to reach by the last date fixed. Assignments after the last date will not be accepted. Assignments of all courses (papers) of a semester shall be submitted, and piecemeal submission of assignments is not permitted. 6. Online/e-mail submission of assignments is not allowed. Typed assignments will not be accepted. Page 2 of 14 7. As part of the assignment of a course (paper), candidates shall answer 4 essay questions for 10 marks each, out of 8 questions, covering the syllabus of the course, or as per the instructions given in the question paper. The marks secured by the candidates out of 40 marks will be converted into 10 (i.e. 20 % of the marks) earmarked for Internal Evaluation and awarded. Fractions 0.5 and above will be rounded to the next integer and less than 0.5 be ignored. Assignments will be evaluated considering, among other things, the contents, idea, logical sequence, and innovative idea presented. 8. In addition to the entry on the covering sheet, the title of the course (paper) shall be written on the top of the beginning page of the assignment. Questions shall also be reproduced along with each answer. 9. Candidates are advised NOT to simply reproduce the exact extracts from books/notes/internet sources for answering questions in assignments. Candidates shall answer questions in their own words. Copying verbatim from books, downloading from an internet source, or copying from other students should be avoided. If the assignments of two or more candidates are found to be similar, the matter will be viewed seriously and appropriate action will be taken as per the rules. 10. Candidates shall write answers neatly in their own handwriting. Candidates shall sign a declaration to this effect on the covering sheet. The assignments without a signed declaration will be rejected. Only A4 size paper shall be used for assignments, and assignments shall not be written on undersized or thin paper. Answers shall be written neatly and legibly using a pen in blue or black ink, and not using a pencil. A 1” margin may be left on the left, top and bottom of an assignment. 11. The answer may be written either in English or in Malayalam, except in the case of languages. 12. Questions for Assignments are available on the Kannur University website on the link; ACADEMICS – Private Registration – Assignment – Assignment Submission. 13. Assignments of each course (paper) of a semester shall be answered on a separate sheet eg: assignments of “English Common course” and that of “Additional Common course Hindi/Malayalam” shall not be written on the same sheet in continuation, and a separate sheet shall be used to begin each assignment. 14. A covering sheet in the given format shall be used and attached for EACH assignment. A sample covering sheet is given below. Candidates may download the format and a photocopy of the same may be used (one for each assignment). A handwritten covering sheet shall NOT be used. Pin each assignment separately with a separate covering sheet. Page 3 of 14 15. Assignments without a covering sheet or signature, will NOT be accepted or evaluated. In case an assignment attached to a covering sheet is not the one mentioned on the covering sheet, such an assignment will not be evaluated and will be treated as “ABSENT”. Therefore, the candidates are requested to take utmost care while writing the name of the course (Paper) on the cover sheet concerning the assignment attached. 16. The enrolment number should be furnished correctly and legibly on the cover sheet of each assignment. 17. Assignments with spiral binding, hard binding, laminations, plastic sticks, plastic covers, and transparent/colour plastic sheets are not allowed. The candidates should use a simple white tag/thread/ twine for tying the assignment of each course (paper). All the assignments of a Programme, tied separately, shall be put in a single cover and submitted. The name of the Programme and the Enrolment number of the candidate should be furnished on the cover. 18. Submission of assignments is compulsory. No grade will be awarded for a course if the candidate fails to submit the assignment even if the candidate appeared for the End Semester Examinations. Piecemeal submission of the Assignments of papers of a semester will not be permitted. If a candidate is unable to submit the assignment of a semester within the last date fixed, he/she will be permitted to submit the same along with a subsequent batch with a fine of Rs.150/- in addition to the fee for assignments. 19. Candidates will not be permitted to correct and resubmit the assignments once submitted. Those candidates who fail to secure minimum marks for passing in Internal Evaluation will be permitted to submit the assignment again along with the subsequent batch. Such candidates shall register for subsequent supplementary examinations to become eligible to submit the assignment along with the subsequent batch. 20. There shall be no revaluation for assignments. No complaint or grievance redress request regarding Internal Evaluation will be entertained after one month of publication of results. 21. The fee for Assignment is ₹ 60/- (Rupees Sixty only) per paper. 22. Candidates shall remit the total fee in a single Challan and attach the original Challan receipt with the covering sheet of ONLY ONE OF THE ASSIGNMENTS. However, details of the fee remitted shall be furnished on covering sheets of all Assignments. Payment may be made through SBI Collect at 23. Candidates are advised to keep a photocopy of their assignments, and the receipt from the courier/post office obtained in this regard. Page 4 of 14 24. Differently abled candidates who are unable to write assignments in their own handwriting shall submit a request with a copy of the disability certificate to the Director, SDE for permission to submit the assignment using a scribe or typed assignment. 25. Assignments not as per the above instructions will not be accepted or evaluated. We wish you the best in the completion of the assignments and submission of the same by the deadline. (Sd/-) DIRECTOR SCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION The following are appended:- 1. Format of Covering Sheet to be attached with each Assignment. 2. Question papers of the following courses (papers): I Semester B.B.A. (Reg./Supple.), November 2022 1. 1A01ENG – Communicative English 2. 1A02ENG – Readings on Kerala 3. 1A07-1ARB – Literature in Arabic 1A07-1HIN – Kavitha Aur Kahani 1A07-1KAN – Poetry and Prose 1A07-1MAL – സാഹിതരൂപൾ 4. 1B01BBA – Principles and Practice of Management 5. 1C01BBA – Statistics for Business Decisions 6. 1C02BBA – Managerial Economics TOTAL FEE TO BE REMITTED TOWARDS ASSIGNMENTS 2022 Admission candidates Number of Assignments X ₹ 60/- ie, 6 X ₹ 60 = ₹ 360/- 2020 & 2021 Admission candidates (Number of Supplementary Assignments X ₹ 60/-) + ₹ 150/- (Total fine) Page 5 of 14 Downloaded/ Typewritten copy of this covering sheet ONLY shall be used KANNUR UNIVERSITY Private Registration Scheme I Semester B.B.A. (Reg./Supple.), November 2022 (2022, 2021 & 2020 adm.) ASSIGNMENT COVERING SHEET (To be filled by the candidate) (Separate covering sheet should be used for each Assignment. Candidates shall remit the total fee towards the Assignment in a single challan and attach the original challan receipt with the covering sheet of only one of the Assignments. However, the details of fee remitted shall be furnished on the covering sheet of all Assignments.) DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE 1. I certify that all the details furnished above are correct. 2. I certify that the Assignment of the above mentioned course (Paper) attached with this covering sheet is written by me in my own handwriting. In the event of this declaration/information being found to be false, I shall be liable for punishment under the Kannur University Laws and other laws applicable. Date: Signature of the Candidate (Name should not be written) NB: Differently abled Candidates who are unable to write answers in their own handwriting and who obtained special permission to submit Assignments otherwise, should strike out Sl. No. 2 of the above declaration. ————————————————————————————————————————————– For Office Use Only In Figures In Words Total Marks out of 40 Marks Converted into 10 1 Name of the Programme 2 Semester & Session I Semester, November 2022 3 Name of the Course (i.e., Paper) 4 Enrolment number of the Candidate (Enrolment Number should be furnished correctly & legibly) 5 Total Number of Pages of Assignment 6 Details of fee Remitted. Total Amount Chalan/ DU Number Date of Remittance Page 6 of 14 1 O 22 KANNUR UNIVERSITY PRIVATE REGISTRATION Internal Evaluation Assignment I Semester B.B.A. (Reg./Supple.), November 2022 (2022, 2021 & 2020 admission) 1A01ENG – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Max. Marks: 40 I. Write FOUR essays, out of the following eight topics, in not more than 150 words. Each answer carries maximum of 5 marks. 1. Write about paragraphs 2. Rules for changing direct speech to indirect speech 3. Question Tags 4. Types of Words 5. What is effective speaking? 6. Describe Word Stress 7. What are the different kinds of questions? 8. What are the parts of news report? (4×5=20) II. Write FOUR essays, out of the following eight topics, in not more than 150 words. Each answer carries maximum of 5 marks. 1. Subject-Verb Agreement 2. Describe Modals 3. Describe Phonemes 4. Describe Indefinite Article 5. How to organise a letter? 6. How to write a resume? 7. What are the different kinds of advertisements? 8. Describe the stages in telephonic conversations (4×5=20) Page 7 of 14 1 N 22 KANNUR UNIVERSITY PRIVATE REGISTRATION Internal Evaluation Assignment I Semester B.B.A. (Reg./Supple.), November 2022 (2022, 2021 & 2020 admission) 1A02ENG – READINGS ON KERALA Max. Marks:40 Write FOUR essays, out of the following eight topics, each in not less than 500 words. Each Question carries 10 marks. 1. Elaborate on the paradigm shift Guru brought to the concept of spirituality by fusing it with the idea of social development. What is its relevance in the contemporary society? 2. Analyse Sahodaran Ayyappan’s poem “Curing Caste” as a critique on casteism. How does casteism affect the progress of the society? 3. How does “Eri” subvert casteist modernity by retelling the renaissance of Kerala from a Paraya male perspective? How does it problematize mainstream histories that do not document the lives of lower caste communities? 4. How does “Kelu” capture the period of nationalist awakening and the inner turmoil of the main character Kelu Nair? 5. How does “Parting from the Path of Life” reflect the practice of matrilineal system and the social realities of Kerala? 6. Discuss Edasseri’s poem “The Kuttippuram Bridge” as a critique of urbanization. How do you look at the recent developmental projects in Kerala in the light of the poem? 7. Describe the commencement and outcome of Vaikom Satyagraha. 8. How do the trials and tribulations in the singing career of Yesudas reflect the socio-cultural contexts in Kerala? What are his contributions towards building a secular atmosphere in Kerala? (4×10=40) Page 8 of 14 1 F 22 KANNUR UNIVERSITY PRIVATE REGISTRATION Internal Evaluation Assignment I Semester B.B.A. (R/S), November 2022 (2022, 2021 & 2020 admission) 1A07-1ARB – LITERATURE IN ARABIC Max. Marks: 40 Write FOUR essays, out of the following eight topics, each in not less than 500 words. Each Question carries 10 marks. Answers should be in Arabic Language. (4×10=40) Page 9 of 14 1 R 22 KANNUR UNIVERSITY PRIVATE REGISTRATION Internal Evaluation Assignment I Semester B.B.A. (R/S), November 2022 (2022, 2021 & 2020 admission) 1A07-1HIN – KAVITHA AUR KAHANI Max. Marks: 40 Write FOUR essays, out of the following eight topics, each in not less than 500 words. Each Question carries 10 marks. 1. “दिलत जीवन की दुदशा का लंत िचण ‘ ब ! बत हो चुका ‘ नामक किवता म आ है ” – दिलत सािहकार ओमकाश वाीिक का परचय देकर उ कथन पर िवृत िवचार कीिजए। 2. सूयकांत िपाठी ‘िनराला ‘ नेअपनी िस किवता ‘ जूही की कली ‘ मकृ ित और ेम का जीता जागता वणन िकया है- इस कथन की आलोचना कीिजए। 3. कबीरदास का परचय देकर, पाम म िदए गए पाँच दोहों के आधार पर उनके सामािजक एवं दाशिनक िवचारों पर काश डािलए। 4. ेमचंद ने’ बूढ़ी काकी ‘ नामक अपनी कहानी म’ वृ समा ‘ का िचण िकया है- इस मत की िवृत ाा कीिजए। 5. नीलेश रघुवंशी ‘ हंडा ‘ नामक किवता मकौन सी समा का पदाफ़ाश करना चाहती हऔर ुत समा का समाधान ा है?  कीिजए। 6. “ कृ ा सोबती के ‘ िसा बदल गया ’ नामक कहानी मभारत िवभाजन सेउ भीषण व दाण परथितयों का िचण आ है। उसके साथ साथ मानवीय संबंधों एवं मूों म आए िवघटन का भी वणन ुत कहानी म िमलता है“ – उ कथन का समथन कीिजए। 7. िहंदी सािह म सूरदास की कृ  भ और उनका वा वणन अितम है – ाचीन किव सूरदास के सािहक देन पर काश डालतेए उ कथन की िववेचना कीिजए। 8. किव मंगलेश डबराल ने’ गुमशुदा ‘ नामक किवता ारा समाज मसेलापता होनेवाले लोगों और उनके जीवन की िवडनाओं को पाठकों के सामने ुत िकया है’ – उ कथन पर ान रखते ए किवता की समीा कीिजए। (4×10=40) Page 10 of 14 1 W 22 KANNUR UNIVERSITY PRIVATE REGISTRATION Internal Evaluation Assignment I Semester B.B.A. (Reg./Supple.), November 2022 (2022, 2021 & 2020 admission) 1A07-1KAN – POETRY AND PROSE Max. Marks: 40 Write FOUR essays, out of the following eight topics, each in not less than 500 words. Each Question carries 10 marks. (4×10=40) Page 11 of 14 1 AA 22 KANNUR UNIVERSITY PRIVATE REGISTRATION Internal Evaluation Assignment I Semester B.B.A. (Reg./Supple.), November 2022 (2022, 2021 & 2020 admission) 1A07-1MAL – സാഹിതരൂപൾ Max. Marks: 40 Write FOUR essays, out of the following eight topics, each in not less than 500 words. Each Question carries 10 marks. 1. ജാതിചിയിെല കയ്ുരസെ വിവരിു കവിതയാണ്’ കടൽകാകൾ’ . വിശകലനം െചുക. 2. സമകാലിക ഇൻ സാഹചരളുെട പാാലിൽ ‘ േമാഹൻദാസ ് ഗാിയും നാഥൂറാം േഗാഡ ് െസയും’ എ കവിത്നിരൂപണം താറാുക. 3. ബാലകാലിെ ഗൃഹാതുരമായ ഓർകളും വർമാന കാലിെ െപാു യാഥാർവുമാണ്െമാ , മണൽാലം എീ കവിതകൾ ചർ െചുത്. വിശദമാുക. 4. പസവം എ ൈണാനുഭവെ പശ്നവൽരിു നാടകമാണ്’ േലബർറൂം’ . ഉപനസിുക. 5. ‘ആദാമിെ വാരിെയ ്’ എ സിനിമ്നിരൂപണം താറാുക. 6. മനുഷെ േഹാേനഷണമാണ്’ആയുിെ പുകം’ എ േനാവലിെ കാതലായ പേമയം. വിശദമാുക. 7. ‘ ചലിത ഗാനളുെട സാഹിത മൂലം’ എ വിഷയിൽ ലഘു ഉപനാസം താറാുക. 8. ബാലചൻ ചുിാടിെ കവിതകളുെട സഹജപകൃതൾ എെാമാണ്. ഭാഷെയ ൈവദുദീകരി കവി എ േലഖനെ മുൻ നിർി വിശദമാുക. (4×10=40) Page 12 of 14 1 G 22 KANNUR UNIVERSITY PRIVATE REGISTRATION Internal Evaluation Assignment I Semester B.B.A. (Reg./Supple.), November 2022 (2022, 2021 & 2020 admission) 1B01BBA – PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT Max. Marks: 40 Write FOUR essays, out of the following eight topics, each in not less than 500 words. Each Question carries 10 marks. 1. Define management. Explain the functions of management in detail 2. What do you mean by decision making? Explain different types of decisions generally taken by management 3. Difference between delegation and Decentralization of authority and Explain various factors governing the degree of decentralisation 4. What is manpower planning? Explain its types and process 5. Define directing. Explain the elements of directing in detail 6. Define controlling. Explain different traditional and modern techniques of control 7. What is BPO? Explain the scope of BPO in modern business world 8. Explain the importance of administration management theory of Henry Fayol in the business world. (4×10=40) Page 13 of 14 1 H 22 KANNUR UNIVERSITY PRIVATE REGISTRATION Internal Evaluation Assignment I Semester B.B.A. (Reg./Supple.), November 2022 (2022, 2021 & 2020 admission) 1C01BBA – STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS DECISIONS Max. Marks: 40 Write FOUR essays, out of the following eight topics, each in not less than 500 words. Each Question carries 10 marks. 1. Define index number. Briefly explain different methods of construction of price indices 2. Explain different types of Graphs in data representation 3. Briefly explain the methods of collecting primary data 4. Explain the concept of time series? And list the utilities of time series analysis 5. What is correlation? Explain the methods of measuring correlations 6. Explain the preliminary steps before data collection 7. What is meant by statistical investigation? What are the stages of statistical investigation? 8. Define statistics. Explain its role in management decision. (4×10=40) Page 14 of 14 1 I 22 KANNUR UNIVERSITY PRIVATE REGISTRATION Internal Evaluation Assignment I Semester B.B.A. (Reg./Supple.), November 2022 (2022, 2021 & 2020 admission) 1C02BBA – MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Max. Marks: 40 Write FOUR essays, out of the following eight topics, each in not less than 500 words. Each Question carries 10 marks. 1. Let Quantity demanded (QD) = 50 p -20 p, and Quantity supplied (QS) = 20 + 4P Determine the equilibrium price. 2. Explain the concept of Demand and list out the determinants of demand. 3. What is meant by Monopoly? Explain its features and price output determinants under monopoly 4. What do you mean by managerial economics? Explain the relationship with other disciplines 5. Discuss the various cost concepts that are useful for decision-making 6. How does Managerial economics differ from the traditional economics? 7. Define pricing policy? What are the factors to be considered while making pricing decisions? 8. Explain the concept of Elasticity of demand. Explain different types of elasticity of demand. (4×10=40)

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