Principles of Ventilation and Air Conditioning

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Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Construction and the Built Environment
Specification – Issue 1 – October 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2016
126Special Needs Assistance
Unit 10: Principles of Ventilation
and Air Conditioning
Design & Installation
Unit code D/615/1926
Unit level 4
Credit value 15
The demands of modern living as well as the potential impact on the environment
has meant that the building services engineer has become a key member of the
building design team. The spaces that we occupy must be provided with ventilation
to allow us to function and, where required, the addition of cooling helps to avoid
the building overheating and maintains a comfortable environment for the
This unit will introduce students to the principles of the design and installation of
these ventilation and air conditioning systems that are present in all of the buildings
we use in everyday life.
Subjects included in this unit are: the production of pre-design/design briefs,
design data, cooling loads, total cooling loads, cooling plant capacity, building
overheating, peak summertime temperatures, sizing and specification of ventilation
and air conditioning system components, and the commissioning, testing and
handover procedures.
On successful completion of this unit students will understand the principles of
ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit students will be able to:
1. Identify pre-design information required for a non-domestic ventilation and air
conditioning system.
2. Analyse cooling load for non-domestic buildings.
3. Present a design for a non-domestic ventilation and air conditioning system for
a given building type.
4. Justify the selection of non-domestic ventilation and air conditioning
components and an installation strategy.

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Construction and the Built Environment
Specification – Issue 1 – October 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2016
Essential Content
LO1 Identify pre-design information required for a non-domestic
ventilation and air conditioning system
The design process:
Design stages and tasks.
Health & safety considerations.
Possible design constraints.
Pre-design/design brief:
Building form and orientation to optimise the impact of solar gain.
Building air tightness to reduce infiltration.
Fabric insulation.
Optimisation of glazing.
Balancing daylighting needs against thermal performance.
Building thermal mass.
Required functional performance.
Usage details.
Potential internal gains.
Internal design conditions.
Cost plan.
Design data:
External design data.
Internal design condition.
Selection of ventilation rates.
Publications and guides.
Statutory requirements.

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Construction and the Built Environment
Specification – Issue 1 – October 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2016
Analyse cooling load for non-domestic buildings
Cooling loads due to solar radiation:
Solar geometry and terminology.
Direct and diffuse solar radiation.
Calculation of solar irradiance on vertical, horizontal and pitched surfaces.
Transmission of solar radiation on building structures.
Total cooling load and cooling plant capacity:
Factors contributing to cooling plant capacity.
Assessment of total heat gains to the interior.
Effect of building construction and orientation.
Use of tables.
Reference data and software to determine cooling loads for rooms, zones and
Strategies to prevent building overheating:
Effect of shadows and shading.
Passive and active cooling measures.
Peak summertime temperatures:
Calculation and assessment of peak summertime temperatures in rooms.
Use of tables.
Reference data and computer software.
Present a design for a non-domestic ventilation and air conditioning
system for a given building type
Possible strategies:
Natural ventilation.
Types of mechanical ventilation systems.
Mechanical comfort cooling and close control air conditioning systems.
Interrelationship of ventilation and air conditioning with other mechanical and
electrical building services.

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Construction and the Built Environment
Specification – Issue 1 – October 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2016
Ventilation systems:
Natural ventilation systems.
Mechanical ventilation systems.
Mixed mode and displacement ventilation systems.
Process, fume and dust extraction systems.
Free cooling and night purging.
Mechanical ventilation heat recovery (MVHR) systems.
Air conditioning systems:
Properties and characteristics of comfort cooling and close control application.
Humidity control.
Cooling coils: direct expansion (DX) and chilled water.
Centralised and local plant selection.
Air conditioning systems, including: constant volume (CV), variable air volume
(VAV), fan coils units, chilled beams, chilled ceilings, room-based heat pumps
(versatemp systems), split systems, heat pumps, variable refrigerant flow
(VRF) systems.
Justify the selection of non-domestic ventilation and air conditioning
components and an installation strategy
Sizing and specification of ventilation system components:
Duct sizing.
Fan sizing.
Fan selection and fan laws.
Damper sizing and selection.
Air handling unit (AHU) sizing and selection.
Grille and diffuser sizing and selection.
Sizing and specification of air conditioning system components:
Psychrometric principles.
Use of psychrometric charts to size cooling and heating coils and
humidification requirements.
Refrigeration principles.
Plotting refrigeration cycles and calculation of coefficient of performance
Sizing and specification of heat pumps and VRF systems.

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Construction and the Built Environment
Specification – Issue 1 – October 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2016
Commissioning, testing and handover procedures:
Current standards and procedures for commissioning ventilation and air
conditioning systems.
Commissioning procedures for ventilation and air conditioning system
Commissioning schedules and handover documentation.

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Construction and the Built Environment
Specification – Issue 1 – October 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2016
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Identify pre-design information required for a
non-domestic ventilation and air conditioning system
P1 Explain the design
process stages and tasks
for the design of a non
domestic ventilation and
air conditioning system.
P2 Discuss the
information included in a
design brief for a non
domestic ventilation and
air conditioning system
P3 Produce design data
for a ventilation and air
conditioning system in a
given building.
M1 Evaluate the design
considerations and
constraints for the design
of a non-domestic
ventilation and air
conditioning system for a
given building.
Analyse health &
safety and environmental
legislation relevant to the
design, installation and
operation of a non
domestic ventilation and
air conditioning system.
LO2 Analyse cooling load for non-domestic buildings
P4 Calculate the heat
gains for a room within a
given building.
P5 Calculate the total
cooling load for a given
P6 Calculate the peak
summertime temperature
for rooms in a given
M2 Analyse strategies that
could be used to reduce
the total cooling load
calculated for the given
M3 Analyse the peak
summertime temperatures
calculated, making
suitable recommendations.

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Construction and the Built Environment
Specification – Issue 1 – October 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2016

Pass Merit Distinction
LO3 Present a design for a non-domestic ventilation
and air conditioning system for a given building type
P7 Discuss ventilation
strategies for a given
P8 Present a ventilation
and air conditioning
design proposal for a
given building type.
M4 Compare different
ventilation strategies to
determine best practice.
D2 Evaluate sustainable
options for inclusion in a
ventilation and air
conditioning strategy for a
given building type.
LO4 Justify the selection of non-domestic ventilation
and air conditioning components and an installation
P9 Specify ventilation
and air conditioning
components, including
ductwork sizing for a
given building.
P10 Justify the selection
of components for a non
domestic ventilation and
air conditioning system.
M5 Discuss the effect of
different duct sizing on the
performance of a
ventilation and air
conditioning installation.

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Construction and the Built Environment
Specification – Issue 1 – October 2016 © Pearson Education Limited 2016
Recommended Resources
CHADDERTON, D. (2013) Building Services Engineering. 6th Ed.
Abingdon: Routledge.
Air Conditioning: A Practical Guide. 3rd Ed.
Abingdon: Routledge.
CIBSE (2015)
CIBSE Guide A: Environmental design. 8th Ed. London: CIBSE.
CIBSE (2005)
CIBSE Guide B: Heating, ventilating, air conditioning and
London: CIBSE.
JONES, W. (2001)
Air Conditioning Engineering. 5th Ed. Oxford: Elsevier.
RACE, G. L. (2012)
CIBSE Knowledge Series: KS20, Practical Psychrometry.
London: CIBSE.
This unit links to the following related units:
Unit 2: Construction Technology
Unit 8: Mathematics for Construction
Unit 9: Principles of Heating Services Design & Installation
Unit 17: Principles of Public Health Engineering
Unit 31: Advanced Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design & Installation
Unit 43: Hydraulics

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