Peer Review Process

93 views 10:25 am 0 Comments April 20, 2023

recommend based on the literature should be presented as ‘suggested’ pending confirmation and refinement after commen e communi a holder engagement activities.
Report Presentation: Please summarise and present information in prose. DO NOT include any graphs, tables or flowcharts. Present your report in accordance with the requirements described in the Guide to Assignment Presentation for Postgraduate Pubic Health Courses (see Assessments in Blackboard for this document). You are expected to follow the guidelines on the writing style recommended by the guide and to write using appropriate, non-discriminatory language. Submit your paper with a title page with declaration, contents page, numbered headings and subheadings and a reference page. Present your citations (i.e. in-text references) and reference list in APA style. Note that the 4,000 word count is NOT to include the title page, contents page, or reference pages word count DOES include in-text referencin (i.e. author-date citations). Marking criteria and feedback guide: Carefully read the feedback guide (i.e. rubric) under Assessments in Blackboard to ensure you have met the ired criteria before submission. Contact your tutor if you have any queries.
Peer Review Process:
Your teamwork during the process of developing and presenting this assignment will be subject to peer review. Each group member is required to assess the contributions made by themselves and the other members in producing the PABCAR report. The form to use for peer review is to be found in the PABCAR folder in Assessments in Blackboard. This submitted form is worth no marks but is a may for you to provide feedback on the team work process undertaken. If you are all agreed, you may submit one form as a group. This does not prevent any group member submitting a form themselves. Groups may also choose to submit individual forms, reporting on the group process from their own point of view.
If there are major discrepancies in the rankings assigned to group members, the group members will be contacted by the Unit Coordinator to negotiate appropriate marks. If the group ranking is consistent then it may be used to scale the marks. Due consideration needs to be given if you are going to differentiate between individuals.
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