Market Management and Planning

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Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
Michael Campbell
Student # c3237596
GSBS6005 Marketing Management and Planning
Assignment 2: Individual Report
Gloria Jean’s Coffees
Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
MARKETING OBJECTIVES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
SEGMENTATION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
TARGET MARKETS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
POSITIONING…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
APPROPRIATE MARKETING MIX ………………………………………………………………………………………….10
PRODUCT ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
PRICING ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
PROMOTION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
PLACE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
CONCLUSION – ROLE OF THE MARKETING PLAN………………………………………………………………..14
TABLE OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15
REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15
Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
This report outlines the marketing plan for Gloria Jean’s Coffees (GJ’s) for the next 12
months to address the issues identified in the in recently completed Marketing Situational
Analysis group assignment.
The marketing issues identified include:
1. A lack of technology, whereby the organisation does not currently appeal to all
demographics and tech savvy consumers due to the absents of a mobile app which would
complement and can enhance their current eSipper Club Card program;
2. Inconsistent branding across the organisation in that some stores are currently using the
old logo and collateral, some stores are using a mix of the old and the new and some are
using the recently updated logo. The company website also features both the old and the
new logo and branding. Inconsistent branding displays a disconnect from the mission of
“a vibrant store atmosphere” (Gloria Jean’s Coffees International Pty Ltd, n.d.), as well as
a confused marketing message and lack of congruency;
3. Not using people in its promotional material to connect with consumers, instead opting to
mostly use products only in advertising material which only seems to appear on their
website and in store. Further to this, they are not maximising social media opportunities
to connect with people which is evident from the lack of activity on Facebook and
With the coffee and café industry currently in a saturated and mature market, this marketing
plan outlines the need to update branding and image to improve brand recognition and
presence through social media, as well as capitalise on technological opportunities not yet
augmented on by GJ’s to increase market share. The marketing plan discusses the marketing
objectives and considers the market segmentation, target market as well as positioning. It also
identifies the appropriate marketing mix in speaking to product, pricing, promotion and place

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
It will be important for GJ’s competitive strategy to build a strong brand image as discussed
by Reyes, Nieto, & Pèrez (2018) and technology to achieve the following marketing
objectives over the next 12 months:
1. Increase brand equity by 40%
2. Implement new technology by way of a mobile app
3. Increase social media posts, likes and shares (Facebook and Instagram) by 7,500 per
To achieve these objectives, GJ’s will complete the revitalisation of the logo, re-branding and
updating merchandise, signage and collateral material throughout the organisation, including
their website, stores, Facebook and Instagram.
It will also be vital in this mature and competitive market to build loyalty amongst consumers
in the appropriate segmentations. This will be supported by the technological innovation as
well as leveraging the power of cost effective and popular social media channels.
To realise its goals, GJ’s will utilise the S.M.A.R.T. criteria, as outlined by Solomon, Hughes,
Chitty, Marshall, & Stuart (2014), to ensure its objectives are met resulting in the ultimate
success of this marketing plan. For the goals to be realised, it is important for the marketing
plan to be specific, its outcomes measurable, having attainable and realistic expectations all
within a timely period. With successful outcomes, GJ’s will be able to evaluate the success of
this marketing plan and will enjoy increased brand awareness and market share as well as
repeat business from both existing and new customers.
Specifically, to achieve the required results over the next 12 months GJ’s will:
1. Complete implementation and installation of the re-styled logo and re-branding
process across the organisation by ensuring all stores, signage, merchandise, collateral
material, advertising and website content is consistent across the board. All old
branding and imagery to be made obsolete and removed from circulation which will
support the new brand identity and remove confusion in the market.
2. Implement an app designed to enhance the current eSipper Club offerings as well as
providing the convenience of mobile ordering, electronic payment, tracking of
consumer purchasing habits as well as rewards programs to make it easier, more

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
inviting and more efficient to do business with GJ’s. In addition, the app will provide
GJ’s with the data and statistics, including to plan and support future marketing
initiatives. It will also act as a tool to push out to its loyal customer’s future
promotions and messages. The plastic reward card system will soon evolve by going
mobile, eventually replacing the old plastic card system.
3. Utilise social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram to create loyalty and
advocacy by connecting with the target market introducing brand personality and
awareness. This will contribute to brand loyalty and advocacy by encouraging
consumers to act as brand ambassadors as discussed by Solomon et al. (2014, p. 432)
to upload and share to their own social media accounts positive written and visual
affirmations and sharing enjoyable experiences which include the GJ’s logo, using a
product they have purchased through the app.
The above objectives are
specific in that the organisation knows what needs to be achieved
for the marketing plan to be deemed successful at the end of the 12 month period.
With the existing marketing data, coupled with the ability to analysis data gleaned from the
app, website analytics, social media statistics and the financial results, the results can be
measured throughout the period.
With other organisations, such as Beat the Q with its Hey You app and Uber Eats, already
servicing the industry, it is evident that the objectives are
attainable and timeframes realistic.
With the recently reported challenges for GJ’s’ parent company, Retail Food Group, as
available on the ASX website (ASX Limited, 2019) it is
timely for the above mentioned
objectives to commence immediately with a deadline of 12 months.

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
Figure 1: S.M.A.R.T. Goals table (Hunt Executive Search, 2016)
Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
As mentioned in the situational analysis, the Australian coffee culture is somewhat mature
and sophisticated with consumers preferring the quality offered by smaller independent
players (Herbison, 2014). Therefore, to ensure they are not being left behind, it is essential
that GJ’s shifts focus to utilise technology, social media and update collateral material to
become front of mind of the ever growing emotive, tech savvy, time conscious, brand aware
and loyal consumers which has been discussed by Reyes et al. (2018) who discuss that certain
factors contribute to brand value, awareness, recognition and loyalty being influenced. Reyes
et al. (2018) outlines the importance of positive experiences by associated throughout
different media.
GJ’s can be segmented into a number of various markets as they have diversified to capitalise
on a range of products to complement each other and could be purchased independently of the
other products.
As displayed on the Gloria Jean’s Coffees International Pty Ltd website (n.d.), GJ’s serves as
coffee house offering fast beverage take-away for those in a hurry or in commute. Beverages
sold in this segment include a range of hot and cold drinks such as a wide range of coffee,
specialised teas, milk shakes and smoothies as well as soft drinks and water.
To compliment take away beverages, they also cater for those who need a quick take-away
light snack such as muffins, banana bread, toasties, sandwiches, wraps and other assortment
of cakes.
Also on offer is a range of merchandise as great gift ideas or for those loyal advocates who
enjoy taking the GJ’s experience to their home or office. They also act as a retailer of take
home packs of roasted beans and capsules.
GJ’s also doubles as a café for those who wish to dine in to enjoy their beverage of choice and
a light breakfast, morning tea, lunch or afternoon tea with an assortment of snacks or light
With the demographic of consumers becoming increasingly engaged in or addicted to social
media, GJ’s will substantially increase its presence on Facebook and Instagram to engage

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
with and recruit, as customers, both novice and avid users of online social media channels to
substantially increase online visibility, particularly when being shared across social media
platforms with like-minded demographic as discussed by Ham, Lee, Hayes, & Bae (2019).
The financial strength of the brand is diminishing as outlined in financials reported to ASX
(2019), albeit not due to a declining market, rather due to increased competition and possibly
poor management decisions. Therefore, it is timely that the brand be relaunched into a new
lifecycle with new technology to attract a new target market.
GJ’s stores are typically located in high volume areas such as shopping centres, main streets
and other shopping districts making local employees an ideal reliable source of repeat
business for the stores.
In addition to existing customers, including eSipper Club Card customers who currently use a
card based reward system, the target market is a time poor professional on a tight schedule at
their desk or on commute to the office, parents organising a social catch up after the school
drop off, business acquaintances wanting an open and neutral setting for a casual business
meeting over a quick lunch and the shopper wanting to take a breather between shops. The
majority, if not all, these consumers are tech savvy, time poor and mostly familiar with social
networking such as Facebook and Instagram.
GJ’s can be considered as an outlet able to satisfy needs as outlined in Maslow’s Hierarchy of
Needs as explained by Cherry (2018) the need for water and food. They can also fulfil higher
needs such as the need for belonging as people meet at the café to enjoy a social or business
meeting, as they tag themselves or share a post on social media presumably in the hope that
others will see, like and comment on their post. Also attending to their need for self-esteem as
consumers enjoy what is believed to be an affordable luxury as suggested by Vuong (2018).

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
Figure 2: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Cherry, 2018)
As a result of the intuitive mobile app and subliminal prompts by the increased Facebook and
Instagram posts, GJ’s will become the habitually preferred based on their activity as
highlighted by Ham et al. (2019), convenient and obvious choice for consumers in its target
market. While the organisation operates in a saturated market, the initiatives outlined above
will bring the GJ’s brand to front of mind for the consumer when they are ready to order their
morning coffee.
With the demographic of consumers being increasingly engaged with social media, GJ’s will
substantially increase its presence on Facebook and Instagram to engage with and recruit, as
customers and brand advocates (reference), both novice and avid users of online social media
channels to substantially increase online visibility by those associated with the consumer and,
as Ham et al. (2019) points out, those anonymous to the social media user, being the
consumer. In having the target market post social media messages and images, and sharing
those posts on GJ’s social media pages, GJ’s will enjoy having exposure to a like-minded
audience who are likely to associate themselves with the ideal target market customers.

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
Sharing posts on social media will be a function of the mobile app, being the new product.
The functionality of the interactive app will allow the ability to capture a new photo or upload
an existing photo from the users’ library where the user will be able to post to Facebook and
Instagram positive images which include the new revamped GJ’s logo and products. The app
will be coded to recognise and identify the new GJ’s logo within the picture. Pre-designed
posts of the product can also be captured with the use of QR Codes to assist with creating
ideal posts.
Features of the app to include; ordering food and beverages, payment, customise the order,
select options and preferences, use camera to upload pictures directly to customers’ social
media and share on GJ’s social media pages, use QR code reader for social media posts,
capturing loyalty points for free coffees and Gloria Jean’s (GJ) Points for birthday gift,
provide data and analytics to GJ’s such as spending habits and preferences, push notifications
for ongoing promotions including location of nearby stores not yet visited, birthday and
holiday greetings.
New products, including existing product lines, which will be introduced or updated, are
those merchandise items which are currently displaying the outgoing logo. The merchandise
is typically sold on store shelves and via the online stores available on the website and
As there are already a high number of quality products on the menu, consumable products
will not change as a result of this marketing campaign. That said, the Product Department
may continue to develop new products or tweak existing products according to consumer
demands or feedback during the 12 month promotional period.
To ensure the app is attractive to users and to maximise uptake, the app will be a free app and
considered as a cost of doing business. Another app already in the market is “Hey, You” by
Beat the Q which provides customers of popular smaller independent specialist coffee outlets

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
a free platform on which they can pre-order and pay for their purchase. Other players in the
market who provide a free app include Muffin Break and McDonalds for their McCafe brand.
The café and coffee industry operates within a market considered to be of elastic demand.
Therefore, as discussed by Solomon et al. (2014), due to the low price point and the already
competitive saturated and mature market it is reasonable for there to be no change to the
prices on the existing menu items as even a slight increase in price would negatively effect on
the turnover and profit of the organisation.
Completing the rebranding will provide consistency on a national basis and will then
synergise with the release of a nationwide app designed to lay the foundations for technology
to become a major interactive piece of a positive customer experience for years to come,
whilst creating a loyal following of existing and new customers. The app will be designed to
increase convenience, save customers’ time, invite customers to place their favourite order
when they are in the vicinity of a Gloria Jean’s Coffee store, record incentivised loyalty
rewards and birthday giveaways as well as act as a payment gateway for purchases to be paid
for through the functionality designed into the app.
Each purchase through the app provides a 24 hour window in which the user is able to upload
the picture via button on the app. Each tagged upload containing the logo will attract GJ’s
points which can be accrued towards a birthday gift such as a beverage, food item or
merchandise only redeemable during the week of the users’ birthday. Each point they accrue
will go towards accruing sufficient points to be redeemed in the week of their birthday for a
reward, such as sharing a coffee and cake with a friend in store, or a light lunch to a dollar
value for 2 people if enough points are earned.
Example of accruing points for a purchase;

Social media share for 1 purchase GJ Points accrued
Photo uploaded to personal Facebook page 1 GJ Point
Gloria Jean’s Coffees Facebook page tagged 1 GJ Point
Photo uploaded to personal Instagram page 1 GJ Point
Gloria Jean’s Coffees Instagram page tagged 1 GJ Point
Total GJ Points accrued for 1 purchase 4 GJ Points

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
Figure 3: Gloria Jean’s Coffees GJ’s Points sample chart
This will be twofold in that it will generate significant uplift in social media activity on an
ongoing basis, creates a loyal following and comes at a significantly reduced cost as opposed
to paying professional photographers, bloggers or social media experts on a semi-regular
basis to keep the social media channels updated and fresh with new content. The orders
through the app will also accrue credits in that every tenth beverage order made via the app,
will be a complimentary loyalty reward.
Traditionally, advertising has been a heavily reliant mostly on passing traffic and some repeat
However, to publicise the updated logo and introduce the app technology into the market
place, it will be necessary to undertake other marketing activities as suggested by Solomon et
al. (2014, p. 502) such as:
Radio advertising: utilise radio at targeted times in the morning rush as consumers are
commuting to work. Whether they are commuting in a car to the train station or to the office,
listening to the radio on the bus or when they arrive to work for the day, there will hear about
GJ’s new brand and the convenience of the new app design to save them time.
Buses, bus stops and train station billboards: As commuters get on and off trains and hop on
and off a buses, they will be met with the near GJ’s image and a prompt to download the app
and try ordering ahead to avoid having to wait in line for 5 to 10 minutes during the walk to
the office. They will see the same message on the side and back of buses.
Door to door targeted taste sampling: Friendly GJ’s representatives, dressed in the updated
uniforms, will go from door to door of surrounding businesses offering samplings of the
newly developed app. Instead of offering the traditional sample of food, the representatives
will explain the features and benefits of the new app, including the links to upload to
Facebook and Instagram, with a mock up demonstration on a company device. The sample
piece comes in where the first willing participant of the neighbouring business to download
the app onto their own device and order a coffee with a one off promo code provided by the
representative receives their first order complimentary.
Digital marketing: As outlined in assignment 1, there has been very little activity on the
social media space. GJ’s will ramp up its online presence through social media to

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
communicate with the target market, monitor and respond to posts. There will also be a range
of online ads and YouTube videos on how the app works as well as informational videos on
the originating source of the products. To build on its reputation or corporate responsibility,
YouTube video’s will also be produced to highlight the positive effects GJ’s is having on the
environment and farmers around the world who cultivate the coffee beans and the benefits of
collaborating with the Rainforest Alliance as outlined on the Gloria Jean’s Coffees website
(n.d.) such as ensuring fair work conditions and no child labour as highlighted by Curtin
Once downloaded, the app will feature an intuitive call to action function, which will populate
a pop-up notification when the consumer is the vicinity of a Gloria Jean’s Coffee’s store
which they have not visited before. The pop-up message will be to advise them a store is
nearby and invite them to drop by to enjoy their favourite beverage.
The app will be available from the App Store and Google Play to ensure it can be downloaded
on all iOS and Android mobile devices.
Updates to signage, merchandise and collateral material will be in each store, on the website,
Facebook and Instagram.

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
In conclusion, this marketing plan will meet the marketing objectives by following the
marketing mix in restoring the brand value with a new lifecycle with the introduction of new
technology, bringing with it a following of new customers and a new target market. The new
technology and increased social media presence will provide a platform to efficiently
communicate with its customers and receive important feedback allowing it to respond
accordingly. Updating the logo and brand will restore confidence and brand identity
substantially increasing social media presence giving the brand personality and a following of
like-minded loyal customers with consumers uploading positive images including individual
yet like-minded personality.

Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
Figure 1: S.M.A.R.T. Goals table (Hunt Executive Search, 2016)
Figure 2: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Cherry, 2018)
Figure 3: Gloria Jean’s Coffees GJ’s Points sample chart
ASX Limited. (2019, April 18). Share Price Research/Company/RFG. Retrieved from ASX:
Cherry, K. (2018, November 11).
The Five Levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved
from verywellmind:
Curtin, J. (2009, August 2). Fair’s fair: ethical products winning consumers. Sun-Herald, The
(Sydney). Retrieved April 19, 2019, from
Gloria Jean’s Coffees International Pty Ltd. (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2019, from Gloria Jeans
Gloria Jean’s Coffees. (n.d.).
Sustainability. Retrieved March 14, 2019, from Gloria Jean’s
Ham, C.-D., Lee, J., Hayes, J. L., & Bae, Y. H. (2019). Exploring sharing behaviors across social
media platforms.
International Journal of Market Research, 61(2), 157-177. Retrieved
Herbison, M. (2014, June 27).
Can a local operator succeed where Starbucks failed in
Australia – by opening more stores?
Retrieved March 2019, from Marketing Mag:
Assignment 2: Individual Report April, 2019
GSBS6005 Market Management and Planning Michael Campbell Student # c3237596
Hunt Executive Search. (2016, June).
SMART-Goals. Retrieved April 20, 2019, from House of
Reyes, G. I., Nieto, E. S., & Pèrez, G. I. (2018). Brand Image as Competitive Advantage.
Competition Forum, 16(1), 142-153. Retrieved from
Solomon, M. R., Hughes, A., Chitty, B., Marshall, G., & Stuart, E. (2014).
Marketing: Real
People, Real Choices
(3rd ed.). Frenchs Forest: Pearson Australia Group Py Ltd.
Vuong, B. (2018).
IBISWorld Industry Report H4511b Cafes and Coffee Shops in Australia.
Melbourne: IBISWorld Pty Ltd.