London: A Global City

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London: A Global City – Assignment Brief 2 Academic Year 2022/23

1. Module Code
and Title:
FDY3009 London: A Global City 4. Module Convener: Dr Stephen Asafo Agyei
2. Assignment
No. and Type:
Assignment 2 Case Report 5. weighting Assessment per
3. Submission
Time and
All students must
submit their
assignment for
formative feedback
Draft submission (Mandatory):
Week 12
19/05/2023 Friday 23:59
Final Submission Due (Mandatory):
Week 13 [Connection Week]
26/05/2023 Friday 23.59
6. Target feedback
moderated mark**:
Time and Date:
(**Note the LPTC’s working
day feedback deadline and
SMU’s moderation do not
include bank holidays,
weekends or periods when
the college is closed)


7. Assignment task Aims
Assignment 2 is an individual report involving students developing their numeracy skills and making sense of
a range of quantitative data in a business context. It also aims to build students’ confidence in generating a
structured report. It involves considering London as the headquarters of a significant proportion of global
corporations and finance. This will allow them to demonstrate their ability to communicate a current business
issue and concern using different sources of information. By doing so, they will be able to determine the
characteristics and impact of globalisation on London as a highly regarded global headquarters city.
8. Assessed Learning Outcomes:
CW1 has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of a selection or all
of the following module learning outcomes as designated below
CW1 LO1. Outline the principles of globalisation.
LO2. Identify examples of globalisation in London.
LO3. Describe the role of London as a global financial centre.
LO4. Develop numeracy skills for business.
Apply and develop the academic and written communication skills developed in FDY3008.


9. Assignment 2 Task Requirements
London is an established global headquarters (HQ) host for many “global” corporations.
Students must carry out limited desk research to identify and interpret recent data on the flows of
capital and investment in establishing or moving HQs into/out of London by foreign corporations.
In the 1000-word case report, you should report to your line manager and provide convincing
development backed up by adequate interpretations of quantitative source data. There is a need to
consider both the positive and negative aspects of London’s role as a central investment hub for
global business players.
Apart from the Guidelines noted in Section 10 below, you are reminded that the report should have the
following sections developed to meet the learning outcomes of Assignment 2. These are:
Executive Summary:
Pointing out the aim, method and anticipated outcomes of your report in 75 words
Table of Report Content:
B- Addressor and Addressee:
From X to Line Manager Y
C- Introduction [75 words]:
You should indicate the sections of the report development contextualised within a
textbook definition of the meaning of London as a global city and headquarters of major
global corporations and investments.
D- Development Part I [300 words]:
You should select referenced and indicative quantitative source data [i.e. graphs, tables,
etc.] and interpret their significance relative to the following points:
1. Quantitative source data of comparable nature on London’s hosting of HQs
compared to other global cities.
2. Quantitative source data on the home destinations of HQ’s investments in London.
3. Comparable quantitative source data on two industries/sectors of HQ investments
in London.
Development Part II [300 words]:
Point out why global organisations overwhelmingly favour London as an HQ base.
Identify the impact of HQs presence in London.
Describe any potential concerns impacting London’s role as the principal HQ host
Conclusion [50 words]:
G: Recommendation: [50 words]
Indicate in bullet format two recommendations to the Line Manager as a result of the
conclusion you made above.


10. Assignment 2 Format: Notes for Guidance
1. You should present your work as a professional report.
2. Any assignment that is -/+ 10% of the word count as set out by the Module Brief will be subject to a
penalty deduction of 5 marks for the overall assessment.
3. All submissions must be submitted on Moodle by the date mentioned above in Item [3].
4. You should include a cover page with full identifiers (e.g. Module, Academic Year etc.) and an
alphanumeric Table of Contents.
5. The written part of the coursework should be in a Word Document, 12-pt Times New Roman or Arial
Font [Unless instructed otherwise], with 2.0 line spacing with appropriate sectioned headings and


page numbers.
6. You should include a cover page with full identifiers (e.g. Module Name, Academic Year etc.)
and a Table of Contents and a disclaimer at the bottom of the page that states:
I confirm that this assignment presented for the Foundation Year assessment has i) been
composed entirely by myself, ii) been the result of my work solely, iii) not been submitted for
any other assessments
7. All Illustrations and tabulations are to be correctly titled and referenced
8. A reference list is expected, with a minimum of four citations included. These must demonstrate that
the student has deployed a range of literature sources, e.g. books, journals, articles, company
documents, the internet, credible websites etc.
11. Referencing and research requirements
Please reference your work according to the Harvard style defined in Cite Them Right Online https://www
. This information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and
Shields, G. (2016)
Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 10th eds. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Copies
are available via the University library.


12. Submission details
All submissions of assignments must be on Moodle VLE and should be uploaded personally. Any other channels of
assignment submission, such as emails, must be avoided.
Before the formal assignment submission, all lecturers will ask you to upload some work for formative feedback. This
request will equip you with the digital skills to upload your assignment confidently by the deadline.
If you have a technical issue for any reason, you need to report the incident in advance and not after the deadline.
The contact detail for Moodle-related incidents and other enquiries is
[email protected].
13- Academic Integrity
You are reminded of SMU’s policy that stresses academic integrity and the importance of avoiding unfair practices
and academic misconduct
when you conduct your academic assignments
The University’s academic misconduct regulations can be viewed on the University website: In submitting your assignment, you are
acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.


14- Marking Criteria-[How will your work be assessed]
Research has shown that assessment literacy, including the marking rubric, will empower students to achieve higher
scores and grade results.
Your work will be assessed on how it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for the
designated Assignment 2 (see above) and against other criteria and performance indicators as presented in the
Assessment Rubric for Level 3 and Module requirements.
You are expected to be familiar with Marking Assessment Criteria related to the module, and the lecturer will advise
you on optimising your effort and achievement accordingly.
This assignment will be marked, adapted and mapped in line with SMU’s grading descriptors for Foundation Year
Level 3.
Please check for the assessment criteria or marking grid below and on the submission page in the Moodle Section
titled “
Submissions and Result”.


Please note:
This Assignment Brief is expected to be used in conjunction with relevant information provided to you on
Moodle and in the contact sessions with module instructor (s).

Level 3 FHEQ-FDY3009 Assessment Criteria for LGC Assignment 2 –Case Report Report-Dec 2022

Performance Descriptor Performance Levels Marking Bands
understanding, and
coverage relevance
There is clear evidence of knowledge and understanding of the relevant concepts and framework related to the focus of
the LGC module, showing appropriate articulation of their meanings and demonstrating an ability to convey a level of
comprehension of the perspective advocating the role of globalisation in positioning London as a global headquarter for
many hosted corporations; the report has a well-formulated aim and evidence of making connections and relevant
utilisation and interpretation of numerical data in different formats to prelude and/or back-up the report’s perspective that
London is a central headquarter for many global corporations, which in effect shows a sufficient level of reading and
relevant information research,
Accomplished & Exemplary 17.25-20.0
Competent & Proficient 15.25-17.24
Developing and Growing 14.25-15.24
Emerging & Satisfactory 09.25-14.24
Beginning & Up to Par 7.25-09.24
Unsatisfactory 4.25-7.24
Substandard 0.0-4.24
Intellectual Skills: Application and
There is a demonstration of selecting appropriate and indicative quantitative data to establish those specifics and
summaries of the trends which their interpretation should be the content of the analysis as required by Assignment Brief 2;
you have shown a utilisation of a range of quantitative data and illustrations for interpretation and incorporation into an
explanation of the reasons, drivers, factors or conditions leading to enhancing London’s competitive attractiveness and
presence as a Headquarter for different global corporations.
Accomplished & Exemplary 21.55-25.0
Competent & Proficient 17.55-21.54
Developing and Growing 13.55-17.54
Emerging & Satisfactory 10.55-13.54
Beginning & Up to Par 7.25-10.54
Unsatisfactory 3.55-7.24
Substandard 0.0- 3.54
Critical Evaluation
There is evidence of not only going beyond the interpretation of the quantitative data and the development of analysis but
also taking a step further to evaluate the positive and negative impact of having London, a global city and a headquarter
for global companies; there is evidence also of presenting your viewpoint and its reasons about whether you are or not in
favour of positioning London as a headquarter for global corporations and finance; you have managed to produce
judgements in the form of recommendations to the line manager, arising from the evaluative viewpoint that has been
grounded in the preceding analysis developed earlier.
Accomplished & Exemplary 17.25-20.0
Competent & Proficient 15.25-17.24
Developing and Growing 14.25-15.24
Emerging & Satisfactory 09.25-14.24
Beginning & Up to Par 7.25-09.24
Unsatisfactory 4.25-7.24
Substandard 0.0-4.24
Practice &
Enquiring Skills
Theoretical input and
There is a demonstrable effort to tie up and critically integrate the development with reference to theory when needed,
backed up with correct cited work and appropriate referencing derived primarily from the list of assigned sources in the
module and more broadly the business and management disciplines.
Accomplished & Exemplary 8.0-10.0
Competent & Proficient 7.0-7.9
Developing and Growing 6.0-6.9
Emerging & Satisfactory 5.0-5.9
Beginning & Up to Par 4.0-4.9
Unsatisfactory 3.0-3.9
Substandard 0.0-2.9
Professional and Life Skills Communication,
reflective writing and
layout presentation
There is clear evidence that you have followed the guidelines in presenting a structured report in the context of business
communication, with an appropriate level of consideration applied to the written work, that demonstrates appropriateness
for a business reporting environment, proving skillset gains in communicating to line manager effectively as the result of
having the following: 1) appropriate grammar and spelling, 2) headings and subheadings, 3) progressive and structural
development in the form of business report, 4) captioning with accurate Figure or Table labels and titles, 5) referencing in
Harvard style, 6) adequate alphanumeric table of contents, 7) the inclusion of a creative and proper cover page layout with
identifiers and, 8) word count within + or – 10%, all are contributing to conveying cohesiveness, coherence and impact.
Accomplished & Exemplary 8.0-10.0
Competent & Proficient 7.0-7.9
Developing and Growing 6.0-6.9
Emerging & Satisfactory 5.0-5.9
Beginning & Up to Par 4.0-4.9
Unsatisfactory 3.0-3.9
Substandard 0.0-2.9
Numerical skills
There is evidence of utilising a range of numerical skills necessary to summarise, calculate, compare, average quantitative
data and use them as needed and then be able to interpret and incorporate them into the report’s aim and development,
whether in the form of description, illustration, explanation, or support.
Accomplished & Exemplary 12.25-15.0
Competent & Proficient 10.25-12.24
Developing and Growing 8.25-10.24
Emerging & Satisfactory 6.25-8.24
Beginning & Up to Par 4.25-6.24
Unsatisfactory 2.25-4.24
Substandard 0.0-2.24