Learning Differences

105 views 9:14 am 0 Comments May 20, 2023

Context: This assessment asks you to draw upon your collective learning of historical and current
understanding of the breadth and depth of learning differences and wellbeing. The assessment is
about a person-centred approach of learning differences in the context of daily life, schooling, and
with specific reference to adopting measures for positive wellbeing beyond education.
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Subject Code and Title LDF402 Learning Differences
Assessment Folio: Is different too different?
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2500 words
Learning Outcomes a) Understand and apply a ‘person centred ’
approach to analyse and problem solve
issues and challenges associated with
learning differences.
b) Critique and reflect upon own and others’
biases, prejudices and assumptions
associated with learning differences.
c) Demonstrate and apply an understanding
of inclusive educational practices for
supporting individuals with learning
d) Critique historical and contemporary
perspectives and practices for supporting
individuals with learning differences and
their carers.
e) Demonstrate independent research skills
drawing on a diverse range of relevant
sources and demonstrate communication
skills for professional and academic
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT on Sunday at the end
of Module 6 (Week 12)
Weighting 50%
Total Marks 100 marks

This assessment requires you to compile a thematic analysis of three cartoon images (attached below),
with reference to the subject resources, assessment tasks, discussions and your own research. This will
be presented as a folio of your learning. The cartoon images serve as a prompt for your in-depth
analysis and representation of your understanding of the breadth and depth of learning differences, the
historical, and current impact differences impede on an individual’s wellbeing as well as a
recognition of more contemporary approaches to understanding differences
To best represent your understanding of this subject your folio should cover these three themes, each of
which are linked to the cartoon images, and the modules studied.
1. Learning disabilities as learning differences
2. Looking beyond the acronym
3. Promotion of positivity in differences
It is recommended that your folio is set out in the following layout:
Introduction to each cartoon image – setting, characters, imagery, reference to the subject (250
Expand each of the three themes, drawing together module materials/discussion and linking to a
portrayal of learning differences in each image (600 words, each theme)
Conclusion – demonstrate an appreciation for the importance of understanding learning
differences (450 words).
LDF 403 Assessment 3 Explanation
The cartoon images serve as a prompt for your in-depth analysis and representation
of your understanding of the breadth and depth of learning differences, the historical, and
current impact differences impede on an individual’s wellbeing as well as a recognition
of more contemporary approaches to understanding differences.
Describe the images – discuss what you see in each (character and setting, explain imagery) What is
the meaning of each image
? (What do you think it is showing?) What does the text (writing on
them say) All discussion should be in reference to learning differences.
Analysing Each Image
1. Learning disabilities as learning differences (explain the meaning of this). What does this mean to
ou? Based on the knowledge you have gained in this subject so far. Explain why learning disabilities
should be seen as learning differences (focus on the resources in module 6 in your discussion), use any
of the 3 images to explain this theme.
2. Looking beyond the acronym why is this important to look beyond. What does this theme mean, why
is it important to look beyond the acronym or the disability? Focus on the resources in module 6 and
include your own research and Ross Greene’s view to explain the importance of this, use any of the 3
images to explain this theme.
3. Promotion of positivity in differences include strengths. Explain the importance of focusing on the
strengths and not just the challenges that students with learning disabilities and difficulties, include
discussion of neurodiversity, use resources in module 6
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Demonstrate an appreciation for the importance of understanding learning differences (450 words)
say why it is important to understand learning differences- discuss the benefits to teachers, students
and parents, include references in your discussions
Remember to use APA writing style and to include references in your discussions
Cartoon images: Green, R. (2017) Lives in the Balance.
Academic Integrity:
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately
referenced and academically written according to the
Academic Writing Guide.
Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic
Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are
viewable online. Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment
Special Consideration:
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected
or extenuating circumstances, please consult the
Assessment Policy for Higher Education
Coursework and ELICOS
and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application
for Special Consideration form
to your Learning Facilitator.
Submission Instructions:
Submit the case study response via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in ASL
402 Autism: Contemporary Practices. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade
Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades
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Learning Rubric: Assessment 3

Fail (Unacceptable) Pass
Credit (Proficient) Distinction (Advanced) High Distinction
(Grading Scheme)
Fail grade will be
awarded if a student is
unable to demonstrate
satisfactory academic
performance in the
subject or has failed to
complete required
assessment points in
accordance with the
subject’s required
assessment points.
Pass is awarded for work
showing a satisfactory
achievement of all
learning outcomes and
an adequate
understanding of theory
and application of skills.
A consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are
Credit is awarded for work
showing a more than
satisfactory achievement of
all learning outcomes and a
more than adequate
understanding of theory
and application of skills. A
consistent academic
referencing system is used
and sources are
Distinction is awarded for
work of superior quality in
achieving all learning
outcomes and a superior
integration and
understanding of theory
and application of skills.
Evidence of in-depth
research, reading, analysis
and evaluation is
demonstrated. A consistent
academic referencing
system is used and sources
are appropriately
High Distinction is
awarded for work of
outstanding quality in
achieving all learning
outcomes together with
outstanding integration
and understanding of
theory and application of
skills. Evidence of
indepth research,
reading, analysis, original
and creative thought is
demonstrated. A
consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are

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Knowledge and
Limited understanding of
required concepts and
Key components of the
assignment are not
The response identifies the
three topics in the context
of key issues in learning
differences and wellbeing
and identifies experiences
and support needs of the
person with learning
differences and associated
The response demonstrates
an in-depth understanding of
the development of practices
for educational support
required for learning
The response demonstrates a
high order analysis historical
and contemporary practices in
relation to the key issues
associated within each topic.
Comprehensive reflection
and coverage of learning
differences and wellbeing
integrating the importance
of lived experience
understanding and support
in the context of education
and work life.


Critical reflection
Specific position
(perspective or argument)
fails to take into account
the complexities of the
issue(s) or scope of the
Makes assertions that are
not justified.
The response demonstrates
a capacity to critique and
analyse reasons for current
views about learning
differences and wellbeing in
The response identifies
contemporary pedagogy
implementation challenges in
relation to the person first
Using the person first
approach, a thorough
demonstration of the support
approaches for an individual
with learning differences in
education and workplaces.
Specific perspective is
presented imaginatively
and accurately taking in to
account the complexity of
learning differences and

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Capacity to apply a
Limited synthesis and
ions based upon analysis.
The relationship between
the shift of the student
understandings about
learning differences and
wellbeing is demonstrated
through the lens of the
-centred approach
There is clear identification
and understanding of the
contemporary support
required for individuals with
learning differences
The response demonstrates a
highly developed capacity to
integrate a person
within each topic.
The folio demonstrates a
creative, innovative
synthesis of ideas.
Academic conventions
Poorly written with errors in
spelling, grammar.
Demonstrates inconsistent
use of good quality,
credible and relevant
research sources to support
and develop ideas.
There are mistakes in using
the APA style.
The response is written
according to academic genre.
The response demonstrates a
consistent use of credible and
relevant research sources to
support ideas, however these
are not always well
Is well-written and adheres to t
academic genre (e.g. with
introduction, conclusion or sum
Demonstrates consistent use of
good quality, credible and
relevant research sources to
support and develop ideas.
Is very well-written and adhere
the academic genre.
Consistently demonstrates
expert use of good quality,
credible and relevant research
sources to support and develop
appropriate arguments and
statements. Shows evidence of
reading beyond the key
Is very well-written using the
academic genre.
Consistently demonstrates
expert use of high quality,
credible and relevant
research sources to support
and develop appropriate
arguments and statements.
Shows evidence of reading
beyond the key reading.
There are no mistakes with