Lead and manage people         

71 views 8:30 am 0 Comments March 27, 2023


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Student Name  Saikumar Somavarapu Student ID  13122138
Assessor Name Saurav Chattoraj Completion Date  9/03/2023
Course Name Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery Course Code SIT40516
Unit Name Lead and manage people Unit Code SITXHRM003




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Student Signature: Saikumar

Date:  09/03/2023

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ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET                                                                                                                                                                    Acacia Institute SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people                                                                                                                                                RTOID: 45640 CRICOS: 03875B

Assessment Task 1

SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Written Test


Assessment Submission details:


  1. Please include following details on the top of your assessment:
    • Your Student Id 13122138
    • Your Trainer’s name Saurav Chattoraj
    • Title of your Assessment SITXHRM003
    • Assessment Due Date
    • Actual Submission Date 9/03/2023

Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.


  1. This assessment must be in Microsoft word format. Following settings should be made for this assignment to keep consistency among all the assessments:


  Body text   Page setup


• •

Font: Times New Roman

Font size: 12 point

Line spacing: Double

Text style: Normal

• •

Top: 2.54 cm

Bottom: 2.54 cm

Left: 3.17 cm

Right: 3.17 cm

    Header: 1.25 cm
    Footer: 1.25 cm


  1. Do not forget to attach the Cover Sheet at the front of the assessment.
  2. Make sure you have signed the Cover sheet to declare this is your own work.
  3. You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following details: In ‘subject’ mention your ‘student Id – Your name’.

Achieving Competence:


To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:

  • Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task
  • Correctly address all of the submission instructions
  • Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
  • Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet





Performance objective:


You need to answer the entire questions using information given to you from class and from your course material.

Assessment description:


You must provide a response to all questions in assessment Questions section.


Assessment Questions:



Checkpoint 1
Question 1: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to leadership and staff are true or false?
  True False
1. TH&E businesses depend on excellent staff and service provision to remain competitive  


2. Operational staff contribute less to the business performance than managers  


3. A key to creating a team environment is recognising both team and individual contributions    
4. Outstanding individuals are more important than teamwork for ensuring that the business has a competitive edge    
5. Good managers are role models for their staff and will display desired behaviour  


6. If a manager complains about targets the business has set, this will have a negative effect on the team    
Question 2: List 5 simple rules which are essential for a leader?
1.      Treat others with respect.

2.      Emphasise with other employees but never take sides.

3.      Conduct yourself with honesty and integrity.

4.      Apply yourself to achieve the goals of the business.

5.      Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Question 3: What is the importance of trust and respect in good leadership?
Good leadership is based on trust and respect, not fear and submission. People who WANT to achieve something are much more effective than people who are forced to do so. Trust in and respect for the leader inspires commitment to the cause; fear and submission only result in compliance.



Question 4: What are the principles of an authoritarian or autocratic leadership style?  
Authoritarian or autocratic leadership involves somebody speaking from a position of power and exercising tight control over their subordinates. An authoritarian leader does not involve their subordinates in any decisions; they merely dictate what needs to be done. This style of leadership is only effective when the leader is around. When the leader is absent there is no one to make decisions and no work gets done. Traditionally, many chefs used this style of leadership. They ran a kitchen as though their word was law, people were treated as though they were thick-skinned, long hours were worked and the language was quite rough.


Question 5: Provide a definition for each of the following leadership styles?  
Participative or democratic – Participative or democratic leadership is usually the most effective style of leadership. Using this style, you will give guidance to the team but also seek their input and opinions when making decisions. Using this type of approach teaches your employees to think for themselves and to work through problems. When the leader is absent, the group can still function efficiently by following processes established by the leader to solve problems and find solutions. People are more committed to the decisions because they worked on them together and have ownership of the decisions.

Laissez-faire style – The laissez-faire style of leadership involves giving people a job and a possible direction and letting them do it themselves. This is appropriate when you are in charge of a group of motivated, talented and cooperative individuals. The reason for hiring them is so that they can do the job themselves. This style of leadership does not work for untrained or unmotivated people and may not be appropriate when there are strict deadlines to be met.

Transactional leadership – Transactional leadership involves setting out clear goals and objectives, along with the corresponding rewards and punishment. This is a very impersonal style of leadership and relies on people motivating themselves to achieve their goals. Transactional leadership is more a style of management than leadership. Despite its limitations it is still very popular, probably because it requires little effort.


Transformational leadership – Transformational leadership is similar to charismatic leadership. The leader offers some type of personal transformation to the follower. This type of leadership is inspiring and uplifting and is more concerned with the big picture than the details. While this type of leadership can be very effective in motivating people or convincing people to try new approaches, you need to be aware of the steps necessary to proceed, otherwise any changes will fail. Cult leaders often use transformational leaders


Situational leadership – Situational leadership involves modifying your style of leadership to suit the particular situation. It is often the case that there isn’t one particular style of leadership that is the most effective for any given situation. Consider that over the course of a project the pressures and influences on the staff change many times. People are affected by home life, seasons changing, deadlines approaching, motivation, conflict, resources and many other factors. You may need to change the way you deal with your employees according to the situation.

Checkpoint 2  
Question 6: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to motivation are true or false?  
  True False


1. Most people need to be coerced to ensure that business goals are met  


2. Money is a key motivator and provides an ongoing incentive for people to do well  


3. The easiest techniques to use, such as coercion and offers of more money or rewards, are short-term solutions which will probably not be of any benefit in the long-term    
4. Research proves that a combination of staff performance monitoring and official acknowledgement achieves the best results for business    
5. Good leaders are born and this innate ability cannot be taught  


Question 7: Which key aspects should be considered when using monetary rewards to motivate people?
In some situations, the possibility of monetary rewards commensurate with performance achievements will result in an increase in activity and efficiency. Many sales positions use a monetary rewards scheme to motivate their staff to find more customers or clients.

However, monetary rewards only work in certain situations. Where income levels are low, particularly in comparison to the income level of guests, money can indeed be a motivating factor. The opportunity to collect large tips and gratuities from customers, or a bonus for selling a certain number of products, can inspire employees to work hard to achieve a particular goal.

It must be remembered, though, that if employees are solely focused on doing one particular task because it will make them the most money, they will tend to neglect other, equally important tasks in their job.

Question 8: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to motivation are true or false?
  True False
1. Personal preferences and likes often form key motivators for people    
2. Being put in control of a process and empowering staff will always guarantee positive outcomes    
3. Altruism can lead to high work performance as people enjoy being part of a team    
4. Directed praise for good performance must be avoided because it will lead to jealousy    
5. Verbal praise can be an effective staff motivator.    


6. Individuals and teams require motivational input from the manager to achieve optimum outcomes    
Question 9: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to motivational theories are true or false?
  True False
1. Ausubel, Piaget and Pavlov are well known psychologists who have developed some of the most acknowledged learning theories.    
2. Reward systems are inherent to the human brain as positive rewards create a chemical reaction    
3. Following B.F. Skinner’s theory means that reinforcement of desired behaviour is not required.    
4. The forming of building blocks of learning will allow workers to apply the principles to related situations    
5. Henry Gantt refined complex processes into steps and also constructed “Gantt charts”.    
Question 10: What are the basic principles of the following theories?
a)       Drive reduction theory – Drive reduction theory states that we all have internal drives or urges to do certain things. According to the theory, tasks such as eating are controlled by internal drives. As the drive builds, we spend more time and energy trying to achieve the task, and once the task has been achieved, the drive gets reduced. Drive reduction theory assumes that there is a biological reason behind motivation and is most appropriate where there is a biological need.


b)      Theory of needs – David McLelland introduced his theory of needs, which splits people’s motivation into three needs- need for achievement, affiliation and power.


c)       Herzberg’s theory – Motivators correspond to the social, esteem, self-actualisation and self-transcendence tiers of Maslow’s hierarchy. The hygiene factors correspond to the basic physiological and security needs. Hygiene factors do not create satisfaction, but their absence can create dissatisfaction. They are so-called because, like hygiene, they will not make you healthy, but their absence could make you unhealthy.


d)      Self-Determination theory – Self-determination theory is based on the role that intrinsic motivation plays in directing human behaviour. Self-determination theory has a similar progression of needs but says there is no innate desire for the higher needs. Rather, each need in the hierarchy is formed as a result of the previous need. For example, the need to eat brings people together at food sources, which has a benefit of safety in numbers. Hanging around together for safety allows the build-up of social relationships, which in turn develops the importance of esteem needs. The theory says that competence feedback and relatedness are the primary drivers for the higher-order self needs.


e)      Interests Theory – Interests theory is based around allocating tasks, jobs and professions to people based on their personality. John L. Holland divided people into six personality types and fitted them to the RIASEC job environments.

Question 11: Provide examples for motivational needs in the workplace based on Maslov’s hierarchy of needs?
a)    Physiological – the basic human elements of eating, sleeping, drinking, sex, etc.

b)    Safety and security – personal safety, financial security, health, sheltering from bad events

c)    Social – friendship, companionship, acceptance, family, intimacy

d)    Esteem – self-esteem, self-respect, respect of and by others, confidence, achievement, feeling valued

e)    Self-actualisation – growth, improvement, learning, appreciation, creativity, spontaneity

f)     Self-transcendence – morality, altruism, ethics



Checkpoint 3
Question 12: Provide an example for each of the following skills required by team members to provide for an effective team?
Listening – Team members must be willing to listen to other people’s ideas without interrupting and respect their contributions to the team.

Discussion – If there are differences or conflicts of opinion, the team must be able to come to an amicable agreement through discussion of the issues.

Sharing ideas – Using questioning skills may be necessary to draw out people’s opinions. If members are shy and remain quiet, then questioning will help to involve the whole team

Communication – People need to be able to use communication skills effectively and need to be willing to use communication channels to share and distribute information.

Helping – Teams will have a mix of experience, so some members will require more training and assistance from other staff.

Understanding –  The team must know its place within the organisation. Many teams depend on other teams in order to do their job. Likewise, other teams may depend on your team doing its job effectively.


Question 13: Provide 6 examples for common problems teams may encounter?

1.                 Lack of proper leadership

2.                 No team identity

3.                 Communication breakdowns

4.                 Tunnel vision or group thing

5.                 Lack of conflict resolution

6.                 No creativity

7.                 No participation


Question 14: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to motivational theories are true or false?
  True False
1. For large businesses such as resorts and hotels, forming teams can give people a sense of belonging when they might otherwise feel anonymous.    
2. Teams allow people to bond, share jokes and opinions, eat together, etc.    
3. Better results are not achieved when people work together towards their goals    
4. Team members support each other and can help make the work environment pleasant    
5. Forming a team allows people with different values and cultural backgrounds to work together and broaden their horizons    
6. Teams can provide a sense of togetherness and camaraderie, increase morale and encourage a fun atmosphere    
7. Teams can combine skill sets and provide an opportunity to learn from others.

Incorporating different skills into one team increases the effectiveness of the team

Question 15: What are the general guidelines for providing feedback to managers and employees which should be followed by an effective leader?


Using feedback, both upward and downward, helps to promote trust between managers and their employees. People like to hear constructive criticism in such a way that encourages them to strive further. Asking for feedback on your own performance shows that you don’t consider yourself to be perfect and that you are not scared to hear others’ opinions.
Question 16: Provide 4 examples for methods which can be used to help develop individuals within your team?
 Giving an individual the opportunity to develop shows them that you are happy with their performance and are willing to invest in them professionally. Some ways you can help develop individuals within your team include:

·         Giving them more responsibility within the team

·         Changing their job role by adding higher-level tasks

·         Offering formal training or professional development

·         Providing internal training that teaches them new aspects of the job.

Checkpoint 4
Question 17: Indicate whether the following statements are true or false?
  True False
1. When putting together a team you should first look at what the team will need to achieve.    
2. A team should consist of a variety of complementary skills and strengths. Individuals should be matched to particular tasks based on their strengths and weaknesses.    
3. People behave the same when they are alone as when they are participating as part of a group or team.    
4. Cohesion is a measure of how well the team members work together towards a common goal.    
5. Loafing is often due to a lack of motivation and can be overcome.  


Question 18: What are the benefits of involving staff in decision making processes? How should this be managed to be effective?


Including the team starts from the moment the team is put together. Specific operational aspects of the team’s work should be left to the team to allow them decision-making powers. This immediately provides ownership to the team and starts the development of commitment.

Allowing the team and its members to express their opinions helps to give everyone a sense of belonging. This should be encouraged, together with team members taking responsibility for their actions. Responsibility leads on from ownership and relies on enthusiasm and motivation.

Question 19: Provide 6 examples for emerging technologies in the TH&E industry?
1.                 Mobile Marketing

2.                 Social network marketing

3.                 Digital menu boards

4.                 Point of sales system with handheld terminals

5.                 Self-service Kiosks for ordering

6.                 QR codes

Question 20: Indicate whether the following statements relating to effective leadership of a team are true or false?
  True False
1. Once a team has started to engage in its duties, a good manager will encourage the team to act independently.    
2. Creating an environment in which information can be shared openly will also encourage better communication outside of scheduled meetings.    
3. If the atmosphere does not allow open communication then opportunities might be missed    
4. Praise and criticism should be used only when appropriate or necessary.    
5. When teams and individuals have performed above and beyond expectations, they should be rewarded.    
6. An important aspect of being the leader of a department or team is representing that team.    
Checkpoint 5
Question 21: A leader needs to fulfil many roles to manage and provide for a team effectively. Provide an example what this would require for each of the following roles?
1. Liaison – You will deal with suppliers, clients, staff outside the team and other parties outside the team.


Researcher – You will need to be constantly searching for information that can assist the team. This will allow you to be the best-informed member of the team so that you have the best chance of answering any questions or solving any problems.


Disseminator – Having found useful information, you need to keep your team informed. Often the manager will have access to certain resources that other team members will not. You need to share such relevant information.


Spokesperson – Your superiors will need to be periodically informed of the team’s status and achievements. Whenever the team needs to communicate with the outside world, you should do it. A marketing team will channel all its material through a dedicated spokesperson, often the head of department.


Negotiator – You will need to try to get the best conditions for your team. If any new operational arrangements or changes come into effect, you will need to negotiate good terms for your team.


Defender – Similar to the spokesperson role, but applies whenever there is criticism levelled at the team. You may also need to justify the existence of the team and explain its importance to the organisation.


Question 22: List 5 types of organisational information you might need to communicate to a team?
1.                   Any changes to policy,

2.                   new equipment/technology and

3.                   associated procedures or

4.                   new training updates and opportunities need to be communicated to the team.

5.                   Many teams will need to be aware of marketing initiatives to ensure that they provide the appropriate service and can answer the relevant questions.



Question 23: What are the basic principles of effective delegation? Which aspects need to be considered?
1.                    consider the task to be delegated

2.                    select the team of person

3.                    explain the reasons for delegation

4.                    explain the job

5.                    clarify understanding

6.                    Support and follow

Question 24: List 5 real reasons why some managers don’t delegate?
1.                    lack of faith

2.                    Fear of failure

3.                    Too much time

4.                    Desire for personal glory

5.                    lack of experience

Question 25: What processes can you implement to help overcome barriers to delegation?


An often-successful method of overcoming employee barriers is to move slowly through the levels of delegation. By allowing the employee to increase the level of responsibility and not giving the employee a huge increase all at one time, you can allow them to slowly learn and build confidence. If there is too much to do at once, the employee will likely get lost in the work and perform even worse than they would otherwise. Giving continual feedback and slowly increasing the workload and responsibility will help to build a trusting and open relationship and allow the employee to ease into their new role. Quite often an employee may not have some of the organisational skills required for the task. By showing them how to organise, prioritise and then monitor the progress of the task, you provide guidance and help increase the employee’s output and skill level.
Checkpoint 6
Question 26: Managing team performance means clear goal setting. List three measures which can be used to do this?
You should set clear goals for the short-, medium- and long-term, along with associated timelines and deadlines. For a long-standing team it may be of benefit to do the following:

·         Create daily and weekly to-do lists

·         Prioritise tasks and objectives weekly

·         Organise regular review meetings to analyse progress.


Question 27: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to managing team performance are true or false?
  True False
1. Managing and periodically monitoring of timelines will help to ensure that staff stay on track and increase productivity    
2. Well-designed KPIs can provide an objective tool to measure staff performance    
3. The SMART principle refers to a process that ensures quantifiable data for KPIs    
4. A well-defined KPI for staff would be to increase sales each month    
5. Feedback should always be positive in order to maintain staff motivation    
6. Conflicts are a common occurrence and need to be dealt with in a timely fashion    
7. Coaching and mentoring should be used by the managers to improve individual staff performance    
Question 28: Provide 5 examples for reasons why some parties are not interested in reaching a solution in a conflict situation?
1.                    Resentment – personal dislike and mistrust

2.                   Jealousy – one person may be in power or has gained more than the other

3.                   Enjoyment of conflict – trying to get under the skin of the opponent

4.                   Need for apology – too proud to take a step

5.                   Principles – if major belief is affected

6.                   Stubbornness – people are too set in their ways and resistant to change.

Question 29: List 5 desired key attributes sought in a mediator?
The mediator needs to build trust and has to be a professional with excellent listening skills. Some of their main attributes would have to be: a strong belief that the people involved in the dispute can solve their problem; having the relevant information needed for the process; being able to keep the process flowing and remaining neutral and in control. Mediation requires a clear process to take people through to a solution.
Question 30: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to rewards are true or false?
  True False
1. Recognising achievement is rewarding for the staff member and the manager    
2. Staff will always value monetary rewards more than personal praise    
3. Social staff occasions such as after-work drinks can support team culture    
4. Formal recognitions schemes should be avoided as the may create jealousy in other























Assessment Task 2

SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people


Assessment Submission details:


  1. Please include following details on the top of your assessment:
    • Your Student Id 13122138
    • Your Trainer’s name Saurav Chattoraj
    • Title of your Assessment SITXHRM003
    • Assessment Due Date
    • Actual Submission Date 9/03/2023

Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.


  1. This assessment must be in Microsoft word format. Following settings should be made for this assignment to keep consistency among all the assessments:


  Body text   Page setup


• •

Font: Times New Roman

Font size: 12 point

Line spacing: Double

Text style: Normal

• •

Top: 2.54 cm

Bottom: 2.54 cm

Left: 3.17 cm

Right: 3.17 cm

    Header: 1.25 cm
    Footer: 1.25 cm


  1. Do not forget to attach the Cover Sheet at the front of the assessment.
  2. Make sure you have signed the Cover sheet to declare this is your own work.
  3. You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following details: In ‘subject’ mention your ‘student Id – Your name’.



Achieving Competence:


To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:

  • Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task
  • Correctly address all of the submission instructions
  • Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
  • Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet







Performance objective:


The purpose of this assessment is to assess your underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:

  • roles of and functions performed by supervisors and managers:
  1. decision making
  2. delegating tasks
  3. monitoring staff
  4. planning and organising
  5. providing information:
    • organisation performance
    • changes in organisational policies
    • marketing information and targets
    • overall organisational objectives
    • plans for new equipment
    • rationale for management decisions
    • technology updates
    • training developments
  • expectations, roles and responsibilities of team members:
    1. adhering to policies and procedures
    2. cooperative and open communication
    3. nature and scope of work
    4. relationships with others in the workplace and interdependent areas of activity
    5. reporting requirements
  • considerations in the individual development of staff:
    1. change in job responsibilities
    2. external training and professional development
    3. formal promotion
    4. internal training and professional development
    5. opportunity for greater autonomy or responsibility
  • features of different leadership styles
  • features of open and supportive communication characteristics of effective leadership
  • principles of teamwork and:
    1. characteristics of effective teams
    2. roles and attributes of team members
    3. organisation of teams
    4. potential team problems
    5. benefits of effective teamwork
  • role and theories of motivation as they apply to the management of individuals and teams
  • the role of group dynamics in successful team management forms of recognition and reward applicable to leading staff:
    1. acknowledging individual good performance to the whole team
    2. incentive initiatives
    3. informal acknowledgement
    4. presenting awards
    5. written reports to management
    6. types of organisational plans and planning processes



Assessment description:


Part A –

Setting managing and communicating Key Performance Indicators

For this assessment you are required to consider a scenario from your industry and then set key performance indicators (KPIs) based on this scenario. You will need to consider the business reasons for the KPIs, look at what the current KPIs are and set target KPIs to be achieved.

You will then need to:

  1. Set and measure KPIs.
  2. Use new or innovative approaches to meet the KPIs.
  3. Define constraints to meeting KPIs.
  4. Know what to do if KPIs are not met.
  5. Use appropriate methods of communication.

If more space is required for any answer you can attach a separate page containing name, assessment date, unit title unit code and the assessment task number and attach this page with the current assessment task before submission.


Please choose ONE of the following scenarios which most closely resembles your industry.

Hospitality Scenario:

You are the supervisor of the Food and Beverage Service Team and have just returned from your monthly management meeting.

Mr. McElm, the new GM has reviewed the Sales and Customer service history from the past 12 months and accordingly developed and set new targets to improve the organisation’s customer service provisions and sales targets.

The following aspects will need to be addressed in the F&B section:


Current Targeted
EXAMPLE ONLY: The average per head spend currently sits at $23.00. EXAMPLE ONLY: Increase average spend to $26.50
The feedback received per 5000 customers shows 250  (5%) customers were dissatisfied with product and service provisions Improve product and service provisions pro-actively with a target of 98% within 9 months.
There have been 37 errors or discrepancies with customer accounts/wrong orders during the past 12 months which resulted in $3,950.00 of losses Maximum discrepancies must not exceed $100.00 per month – F&B manager must be informed immediately
There have been 16 complaints related to cleanliness of glassware/crockery during the past 5 months No complaints related to cleanliness of

glassware/crockery are acceptable – procedures must be implemented to ensure this.










Tourism Scenario:

As the team leader at Bulga Bulga adventure tours you are responsible for overseeing the promotion, booking and tour guide teams of guided bus tours in outback Australia.

The managing director has set business targets he would like to see achieved over the next 12 months. They are:


Current Targeted
On average, only 50 of our 320 customers per month are repeat customers. Increase number of repeat customers to 70 per month.
In customer feedback surveys only 45% of people say they are happy with the catering on the tours. Increase percentage of positive customer surveys to 75%
Commissions from bookings through our partner agencies made up $15,000 on average per month. Increase partner agency commissions to $20,000 per month.



Events Scenario:

You are the Team Leader of the Events Management team and have received an email from your Managing Director. Part of the email reads:


Good Morning,

I need to draw your attention to some problems that have recently come to my attention.

On the eventmanagement.com website, our company has received 14 poor reviews out of 22. This means only 37% of people are giving positive reviews. In my opinion anything less than 80% of positive reviews is unacceptable. The 2 most common reasons given for the poor reviews are the poor quality of catering, and that events did not run on time.


We know from our own customer feedback that our customers are generally very happy with our service, so I believe getting more of our happy customers to post would be a great advantage and boost our ranking on the site. As we have almost 50 customers per month I would like to see at least half of these encouraged to post positive reviews online.


Also, our repeat customer figures show that only 5 of our 50 customers last month were from repeat business. I would like to see this increase from 10% to the industry average of 20%.

As team leader, I am relying on you to make the team aware of the problems, set targets for improvement, and see that they are achieved over the next 6 months.




From this email the goals are:

Current Targeted
37% of people are giving positive reviews on eventmanagement.com Increase percentage of positive reviews to 80%
Unknown Get 25 new reviews posted per month on eventmanagement.com
10% of customers come from repeat business. Increase percentage of repeat customers to 20%.



1. Set and measure KPIs


NOTE: Please choose ONE of the previous scenarios which most closely resembles your industry to set the following KPIs.

Based on the chosen scenario, create 3 KPIs to help you monitor and manage the department.


Model Hospitality KPIs

KPI 1:

KPI Name:  Improve the head spent
KPI Description: Ensure that customer is ready to spend more
Current: The average per head spend currently sits at $23.00.
KPI Target: Increase average spend to $26.50
How you will measure this KPI?

Over what time frame?

We will control it with the number of the sales register in our system in each 3 months.


KPI 2:

KPI Name: Reduce the number of customers were dissatisfied with product and service provisions
KPI Description: Improve product and service provisions pro-actively with a target of 98% within
Current:  5% of customers is dissatisfied


KPI Target:  Reduce this number for only 2% of dissatisfied


How will you measure this KPI?

Over what time frame?

 With our feedback’s information in our page on Facebook and the questionnaire in our restaurant; In 9 months

KPI 3:

KPI Name:  No complaints related to cleanliness of glassware/crockery
KPI Description: No more complaints related to cleanliness of glassware/crockery are acceptable


Current: It has been 16 complaints related to cleanliness of glassware/crockery during the past 5 months


KPI Target:  0 complaints


How will you measure this KPI? Over what time frame? All waiters must check the cleanliness of glassware/crockery before to give to the client. Daily.



2. New or innovative approaches to meet the KPIs

For each KPI, outline the steps that you think need to be taken to achieve the KPI. You might need to employ innovative approaches (procedures, processes, systems, technology, etc) to make sure that you and your team achieve each KPI.

KPI Target Steps involved to achieve this KPI.
KPI Target 1

Improve product and service provisions proactively with a target of 98% within 9 months.

Provide training for our F & b STAFF, teaching them how to approach our clients and working in partnership with our KITCHEN to provide the best experiences for clients.
KPI Target 2

Increase total sales per head from $23 to $26.50 per head.

Selling drinks is key to increasing sales per customer. Wait staff need be proactive, Knowledge of specials and menus. Employing suggestive selling methods.
KPI Target 3

make sure the cleaning schedules are maintained

 No complaints related to cleanliness of glassware/crockery are acceptable – procedures must be implemented to ensure this.


Constraints to meeting KPIs.

1.What could prevent you (organisational constraints) from implementing these new techniques? What needs to be considered?

We believe that with techniques we can improve our reputation in social media and reduce our complains providing a better service for our client. We need to consider that our staff are the key point for implement these new techniques, so we must involve them in all process.



2.What to do if KPIs are not met.

What will you do if you identify that staff members struggle or do not achieve the set targets? Think about the technique you would use to find where the problem lies, who you would communicate with, and the steps involved in finding a solution.

If staff member/members are struggling to achieve the set targets then a refresher course of additional training as well as increased level of communication, support and encouragement can be helpful to achieve the targets. Also, if there is a need to provide more resources to the staff to achieve the targets then it should be arranged a soon as possible to help the staff member achieve a collective goal


Methods of communication.

  1. What methods of communication will you use to communicate the KPIs to your team?

Methods of communication:

  • Staff meetings.
  • Informal discussions.
  • One-one interviews.
  • Brains storming sessions.
  • Debriefing sessions.
  • Online portals.

Part B – Performance Review

Performance reviews are used by managers and supervisors to give and receive feedback from staff.

In this part of the assessment, you will create a set of evaluation criteria to monitor and evaluate your staff. You will need to:

  1. Set Job Responsibilities and Tasks
  2. Relate job responsibilities to specific performance indicators
  3. Employee Feedback
  4. Professional Development
  5. Bonus and Reward Systems
  6. Provide employees with feedback
  7. Delegating tasks

a. Set Job Responsibilities and Tasks

Choose one Job Role within your department and document the responsibilities for that job role. Use the following example as a guide:

EXAMPLE: Roles and responsibilities

JOB TITLE Responsibilities
Head waiter •       Provide table service to tables.

•       Abide by responsible service of alcohol laws.

•       Comply with all workplace health and safety guidelines.

•       Train junior staff on customer service and upselling techniques.

•       Act as a positive role model by offering excellent customer service.

•       Supervise junior staff during table service.

•       Monitor billing and payments of orders during service.

•       Delegate job tasks to other waiting staff.

JOB TITLE: Responsibilities
1.      F & B Manager.




·         Manage all F&B and day-to-day operations within budgeted guidelines and to the highest standards

·         Preserve excellent levels of internal and external customer service

·         Design exceptional menus, purchase goods and continuously make necessary improvements

·         Identify customers’ needs and respond proactively to all their concerns

·         Lead F&B team by attracting, recruiting, training, and appraising talented personnel

·         Establish targets, KPI’s, schedules, policies, and procedures

2.  Waiter





·         Providing excellent wait service to ensure satisfaction.

·         Taking customer orders and delivering food and beverages.

·         Making menu recommendations, answering questions, and sharing additional information with restaurant patrons.

3.  Bartender





·         Prepare alcohol or non-alcohol beverages for bar and restaurant patrons

·          Interact with customers, take orders, and serve snacks and drinks

·         Assess customers’ needs and preferences and make recommendations

·         Mix ingredients to prepare cocktails

·         Plan and present bar menu

·         Check customers’ identification and confirm it meets legal drinking age

·         Restock and replenish bar inventory and supplies

·         Stay guest focused and nurture an excellent guest experience

·         Comply with all food and beverage regulations


4.  Head Chef




·         Control and direct the food preparation process and any other relative activities

·         Construct menus with new or existing culinary creations ensuring the variety and quality of the servings

·         Approve and “polish” dishes before they reach the customer

·         Plan orders of equipment or ingredients according to identified shortages

·         Arrange for repairs when necessary

·         Remedy any problems or defects

·         Be fully in charge of hiring, managing, and training kitchen staff

·         Oversee the work of subordinates

·         Estimate staff’s workload and compensations

·         Maintain records of payroll and attendance

·         Comply with nutrition and sanitation regulations and safety standards

·         Foster a climate of cooperation and respect between co-workers


  1. Relate job responsibilities to specific performance indicators


Using the job responsibilities you listed in part A, create specific performance indicators.

You will need to:

  • State what the indicator is
  • Document how the indicator will be measured Example:
Performance Indicator: How this will be measured:
            Delegate job tasks to other waiting staff. All waiting staff to know their own role and tasks for each shift.


Performance Indicator: How this will be measured:
Delegate to the other bartender to make prep lists for all drinks


Make sure the bartenders check the prep list and include the items missing for the next shift


Performance Indicator: How this will be measured:
 Increase the client satisfaction Follow the number of good and bad reviews







c. Employee Feedback


List 3 methods you can employ to encourage employees to give you open and honest feedback, and give an example of each:


  Method: Example:
Staff meetings   During each staff meeting devote time to asking for ideas or contributions from staff.

Acknowledge staff who have given feedback.


  Method 1-3:   Example:
1. Daily meeting



2. As a manager always leave the door of your office open

3. Never do a criticism in front of other staff


  1. In the beginning of the shifts have a casual conversion with team, ask them what the plan for the job of the day


2.The staff are always welcome to get in any time

3. When you have a poor performance, call the employee, and have a private conversation and try to understand what is going on, never expose for others.





d. Professional Development


Training and development should help solve problems or skill shortages in the department and improve both the staff member and the business.

List 3 techniques which you can use to identify problems or skills shortages in your department, which will help you determine training needs.


Using customer feedback surveys. Customers making complaints might point you to a problem with products or service, which may highlight gaps in an individual’s knowledge or skills.


e. Bonus and Reward Systems


What is the purpose of a reward system?

List 3 different ways you can reward your employees. For each reward type list any positive or negative aspects associated with the type of reward.

Reward   Positive   Negative
1. Small Events





2. Money (bonus)





3. Gamification

1. Office parties are great because it gives people the opportunity to feel valued and let their hair down.



2. The bonus would be appreciated by employees when there are many expenses needed for them to cover their life



3. Using gamification to add a new level of interest to routine tasks will boost your engagement and set a fun, competitive environment for your employees


  1.Costing money




2. Not for prolonged motivation




3. Costing time



f. Provide employees with feedback


You should provide feedback to your staff on a regular basis. The method you use to provide feedback might depend on the time the employee has worked for you, and the context of the feedback you need to provide.

For each of the following, give an example of a method of feedback (continuous, public, private) you could use to provide feedback to the employee.


Work Scenario Feedback Method
Training a new employee. Continuous positive feedback is needed as each task is learned and completed.

New employees can feel anxious if they are not clearly shown what to do and given praise as they learn the ropes.


Work Scenario 1 Feedback Method
Indicating the progress of the team in relation to meeting KPIs.


Showing the progress is a way to motivate the team and show them the good job they are doing.


Work Scenario 2 Feedback Method
The worker needs to be spoken to after a period of poor performance.



It is very important to be honest and follow workers, to give feedback after a poor performance is important and also is a way to try understand what is going on and as work together to get better performance


Work Scenario 3 Feedback Method
Yearly review process.


 It is important because in an economy thing change on the time and also in a company so review with your KPI still fit in the moment of the company otherwise change and get a new plan

g. Delegating tasks


List 3 tasks you must delegate as a manager/supervisor in your department. For each task, define the benefits to delegating this task:


Task Benefits of delegation
Supervision of waiting stuff during table service Saves my time during service.

Increases morale of head waiter.

Creates professional growth for head waiter.

Task 1 Benefits of delegation
Cleaner to lock up the store at the end of the night Increasing cleaner morale. Saving my time to do more important tasks
Task 2 Benefits of delegation
Head waiter is required to check item inventory and order required products, provided the supervisor is kept informed of the outcomes  Saves my time to do more important tasks. Increasing my productivity. Improving head waiters’ skills and training. Professional growth for head waiter.
Task 3 Benefits of delegation
Cashier required to count and record money in the register, and lock the money in the safe at the close of business Saves my time to do more important tasks. Reducing my stress and imbalance of workload. Improving cashiers’ skills and training. Professional growth for cashier.


























Assessment Task 3

SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people


Assessment Submission details:


  1. Please include following details on the top of your assessment:
    • Your Student Id 13122138
    • Your Trainer’s name Saurav Chattoraj
    • Title of your Assessment SITXHRM003
    • Assessment Due Date
    • Actual Submission Date 9/03/2023

Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.


  1. This assessment must be in Microsoft word format. Following settings should be made for this assignment to keep consistency among all the assessments:


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  1. Do not forget to attach the Cover Sheet at the front of the assessment.
  2. Make sure you have signed the Cover sheet to declare this is your own work.
  3. You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following details: In ‘subject’ mention your ‘student Id – Your name’.

Achieving Competence:


To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:

  • Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task
  • Correctly address all of the submission instructions
  • Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
  • Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet



Performance objective:


The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and  performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

  • monitor individual or team performance demonstrating at least four of the following leadership and management roles:
  1. decision making
  2. delegation of tasks
  3. information provision
  4. provision of feedback
  5. motivation through recognition and rewards
  6. planning and organising
  • seek and respond to feedback from team members during the above service periods, in line with organisational goals and policies in the following areas: a) allocation or performance of work
  1. effectiveness of communication within team, between other teams or within organisation
  2. efficiency or deficiency in workplace practices

Assessment description:


Service Instances – Details      

You will be observed monitoring individual or team performance demonstrating at least 4 of the following  leadership and management roles:  (Select 4)

decision making   delegation of tasks   information provision   provision of feedback

motivation through recognition and rewards   planning and organising

The selected roles may be observed individually on several occasions or during e.g. preparation and service for a function, organising or holding an event or similar where a complete operational cycle can be observed.

Instance Date Duration from … to… Leadership role observed
Instance 1:      
1.customer is not happy with food, because they were being served cold food  01/05/2018 1:00 pm to 2:00pm  The manager told Head chef about customer’s complain then head chef asked for their forgiveness and served hot food.
Instance 2:      
Divided the work with team members  02/05/2018 11.00 am to12.00 pm  When the job roster is been finalised, the task has been divided by head chef to all the team members according to their experience
Instance 3:      
Information regarding delivery process for a function  03/05/2018 10:00 am to12:00 pm  Before the period of function Manager and head chef has informed about how to execute delivery to all the team members.
Instance 4:      
Discuss on the issues 04/05/2018 4:00 pm to 5:00pm If there is any issue

or problem which need to be sort out then manager and head chef will discuss on it.



Part A – Planning monitoring

  1. Once you have selected the activities with your trainer, you will need to develop a plan for the situation(s) where you undertake monitoring including:


  1. An overview of the activities typically undertaken by the team in the workplace or simulated training environment
  2. A description of the team
  3. The job roles and duties undertaken by each team member
  4. How the tasks to be completed during the instance(s) will be planned, organised and allocated, and communicated to each team member or the team as a group
  5. Provisions for decision making and delegation of tasks
  6. The documentation you will use to assist you to inform staff (e.g. booking information, menus, schedules etc.)
  7. The provisions for monitoring
  8. The provisions for de-briefing staff at the end of the service instance(s)


Part B – Observation

You will demonstrate your ability to carry out each of the 4 activities planned for in Part A. Using your knowledge of leadership and management techniques, you will need to:

  1. Plan and organise the activity (e.g. a meeting to provide workplace information)
  2. Use appropriate decision making techniques
  3. Delegate suitable tasks using the correct techniques
  4. Collect and provide relevant feedback from and to staff
  5. Use suitable motivation techniques


Part C – Post monitoring/observation. Evaluating the monitoring processes

  1. Provide an overview of the efficiency and/or deficiency of the workplace practices:

When we are organizing a function, we must look after all the things. If we find any mistake in that we must solve it as soon as possible or make sure it will not happen in the upcoming project. We should always try to do things in a simple way and focus that everyone doing their tasks properly.


  1. How effective was the communication:

Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information. It’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. As well as being able to clearly convey a message, we need to also listen in a way that gains the full meaning of what is being said and makes the other person feel heard and understood. Overall, between me & individual team members the communication impact was good as we had expected


  1. How effective was the allocation and delegation of tasks to individuals and the team overall? What were the shortfalls or weaknesses you have identified, and which actions will you take to overcome these?

Since jobs are generally divided according to the abilities of staff there was not much hassle to get done job. However, some weakness in serving time was appeared because of new staff such as (plating, presentation). I have realized that lack of self-confidence on new staff could be the reason for it. So, I will have to coach and teach them properly before the period of events to tackle such problems.


  1. What feedback have you provided? To whom?

After the function I reported to my manager regarding what we went wrong and what was good while getting job done. I  have pointed out some necessary things as well as to not let what happened this thing again in our upcoming project.


  1. What feedback have you received from individuals, and the team overall?

Like I have mentioned earlier, the entire team member was happy to get their assigned task except few mistakes. The entire team member has realized and committed that we will not repeat such mistake again, which was appreciable.





Part C – Post monitoring/observation. Evaluating the monitoring processes

a. Provide an overview of the efficiency and/or deficiency of the workplace practices:

When we are organizing a function, we must look after all the things. If we find any mistake in that we must solve it as soon as possible or make sure it will not happen in the upcoming project. We should always try to do things in a simple way and focus that everyone doing their tasks properly

b. How effective was the communication:

Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information. It’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. As well as being able to clearly convey a message, we need to also listen in a way that gains the full meaning of what is being said and makes the other person feel heard and understood. Overall, between me & individual team members the communication impact was good as we had expected

c. How effective was the allocation and delegation of tasks to individuals and the team overall? What were the shortfalls or weaknesses you have identified, and which actions will you take to Overcome these?

Since jobs are generally divided according to the abilities of staff there was not much hassle to get done job. However, some weakness in serving time was appeared because of new staff such as (plating, presentation). I have realized that lack of self-confidence on new staff could be the reason for it. So, I will have to coach and teach them properly before the period of events to tackle such problems.

d. What feedback have you provided? To whom?

After the function I have reported to my manager regarding what went wrong or what was good while getting job done. I have pointed out some necessary thing as well to not let happened this thing again in our upcoming project.

e. What feedback have you received from individuals, and the team overall?

Like I have mentioned earlier, the entire team member was happy to get their assigned task except few mistakes. The entire team member has realized and committed that we will not repeat such mistake again, which was appreciable.

f. How have you used feedback received and in which instances? How will you use feedback received for future services as part of continuous improvement?

Since feedback is the cheapest, most powerful, yet, most underused management tool that we have at our workplace. It helps us to get on track and serves as a guide to assist people to know how they and others perceive their performance. I’ll take all the feedback as a highly motivating and energizing. It has strong links to employee satisfaction and productivity, which will leave the positive impact for our future services.