Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

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Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Learner Workbook

Table of Contents

Instructions to Learner

Assessment instructions


Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task.

Written work

Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of the overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written assessment tasks, please ensure that you address the following criteria:

Address each question including any sub-points

Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly

Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner

Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed

Active participation

It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is completing all the assessment tasks on time.


Plagiarism is taking and using someone else’s thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a learner can be accused of plagiarism:

Presenting any work by another individual as one’s own unintentionally

Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner

Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work

Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.

If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment, then a meeting will be organised to discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly.


Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and, as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary action.

Competency outcome

There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more training and experience).

Once the learner has completed all the assessments for this unit of competency, the learner will be awarded “Competent” (C) or “Not Competent” (NC) for the relevant unit of competency.


The college will treat anything, including information about your job, workplace, employer, with strict confidence, in accordance with the law. However, you are responsible for ensuring that you do not provide us with anything regarding any third party including your employer, colleagues and others, that they do not consent to the disclosure of. While we may ask you to provide information or details about aspects of your employer and workplace, you are responsible for obtaining necessary consents and ensuring that privacy rights and confidentiality obligations are not breached by you in supplying us with such information.

Assessment appeals process

If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during your assessment, and you are not happy with your assessment and/or the outcome as a result of that treatment, you have the right to lodge an appeal. You must first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you would like to proceed further with the request after discussions with your trainer/assessor, you need to lodge your appeal via the complaint and appeal form which is available on the college website.

Recognised prior learning

Learners will be able to have their previous experience or expertise recognised on request.

Special needs

Learners with special needs should notify their trainer/assessor to request any required adjustments as soon as possible. This will enable the trainer/assessor to address the identified needs immediately.

Assessment requirements

Assessment can be:

Direct observation

Product-based methods e.g. reports, role plays, work samples

Portfolios – annotated and validated


The assessment activities in this workbook assess aspects of all the elements, performance criteria, skills and knowledge and performance requirements of the unit of competency.

To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must undertake all activities in this workbook and have them deemed satisfactory by the assessor. Once you have demonstrated the required level of performance, you will be deemed competent in this unit.

As part of the assessment process, all learners must abide by any relevant assessment policies as provided during induction.

Candidate Details

Assessment – BSBLDR523 – Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer/assessor for marking. This forms part of your assessment for BSBLDR523 – Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Name: Ivamere Nailiku Anthony

Learner ID: 16501

Email: [email protected]


I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. I also understand the assessment instructions and requirements and consent to being assessed.

Signed: Ivamere Nailiku Anthony

Date: 17th November 2022

If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below:

This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person.

Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Activity 1A

Performance Criteria

P.C. 1.1

Identify required processes for workplace collaboration according to organisational policies and procedures.

Question 1:

Explain what the term of work collaboration means.

Work Collaboration means Interconnected roles will rely on each individual fulfilling their job properly. Team members may need to be alerted of completed work or informed of the results to take the next appropriate step.

Question 2:

Give and clearly explain three (3) examples of workplace collaboration and teamwork incorporation.

The capacity to work together and solve difficulties both individually and collectively

tenacity to keep striving toward the eventual objective despite personal disagreements and emotions

Support and assistance from team members when needed

Question 3:

What are three (3) advantages/benefits to collaborating in the workplace/organisation?

Activity 1B

Performance Criteria

P.C. 1.2

Develop consultation processes for employees to contribute to issues related to their work role

Question 1:

Outline a simple consultation process that could be used by employees to raise concerns about their work role.

Learner Guide = 1b Develop the process

Page 17

Question 2:

Read the following scenario, develop a relevant consultation process for internal staff.

Scenario: You are working as a Human resources officer. You have been assigned the task in developing a consultation process for all employees in corresponded to their Work Health and Safety issues.

Formal meeting – documentation is important document that has been discuss during the meeting

Activity 1C

Performance Criteria

P.C. 1.3

Develop processes for conflict management

P.C. 1.4

Develop processes for escalated issues or refer to relevant personnel

Question 1:

Provide three (3) events/situations where an effective conflict management is needed.

Question 2:

Identify three (3) things that will be essential for a conflict management process.

Question 3:

Which legislation may you need to refer to when developing a conflict management process in an organisation?

Question 4:

What types of formal processes may you need to include to manage escalated issues?

Question 5:

Identify three (3) requirements when documenting processes for escalated issues.

Question 6:

Give one (1) example of when you might want to refer to another person when developing processes for escalated issues.

Question 7:


Tom has worked in the role of Human Resource Manager for more than 10 years, and he is currently being hired in Ginga company. Ginga is a new business which has been operated for just a month. The company needs Tom to help with internal processes, policies and procedures related to employee management. Tom realises that the company does not have a formal conflict management process and processes for escalated issues for all employees to follow so that Tom is required to assist the company regarding these.

According to a provided scenario, develop the following processes:

a process for conflict management

a process for escalated issues

Guideline: The learner may use a diagram to list each step of a conflict management process.

The process for conflict management may focus on general terms.

Conflict Management

Page 21 -24

Assessor’s feedback for ACTIVITY: 1A – 1C

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Ivamere Nailiku Anthony

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist

Performance Criteria*

1A – 1

Has the learner explained what the term of work collaboration means?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

PC 1.1

1A – 2

Has the learner given and clearly explained three (3) examples of workplace collaboration and teamwork incorporation?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

1A – 3

Has the learner identified what are three (3) advantages/benefits to collaborating in the workplace/organisation?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

1B – 1

Has the learner outlined a simple consultation process that could be used by employees to raise concerns about their work role?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

PC 1.2

1B – 2

Has the learner developed a relevant consultation process for internal staff in accordance with a provided case study?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

1C – 1

Has the learner provided three (3) events/situations where an effective conflict management is needed?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

PC 1.3 – 1.4

1C – 2

Has the learner identified three (3) things that will be essential for a conflict management process?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

1C – 3

Has the learner identified which legislation may they need to refer to when developing a conflict management process in an organisation?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

1C – 4

Has the learner identified types of formal processes may you need to include to manage escalated issues?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

1C – 5

Has the learner identified three (3) requirements for documented processes?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

1C – 6

Has the learner given one (1) example of when they might want to refer to another person when developing processes for escalated issues?

Yes         No

(Please circle)


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

The learner’s performance was:

Not satisfactory


Activity 2A

Performance Criteria

P.C. 2.1

Delegate and confirm responsibilities for fulfilling work tasks

Case Study A – Task delegation

An organisation that sells goods must arrange distribution from its warehouse.

These task roles must be delegated and confirmed:

Responsibilities for the first person – they must process customer orders by recording these on the customer orders system; once done, they must then notify the person producing the customer sales paperwork that the records are ready to be accessed. Orders must be processed in batches to ensure they are passed to the warehouse team in a time-efficient manner

Responsibilities for the second person – they must produce customer sales invoices, address labels and other sales paperwork for the warehouse team to prepare the goods for dispatch. These must be printed and collated, so each order has the correct paperwork prepared. Once produced, they must pass the paperwork to ‘Person three’

Responsibilities for the third person – they must distribute the sales paperwork to the warehouse pickers. Once done, they need to coordinate goods retrieval to the ‘outbound goods’ area, making sure the dispatch workers are aware of the orders being sent. They must notify ‘Person one’ when warehouse pickers will require further sales paperwork

Responsibilities for the fourth person – they must update customer records to show when goods have been sent; as goods are prepared, one part of the sales invoice is kept and passed on to ‘Person four’ for this purpose. They must record the order number, time of sending and expected delivery date on each customer’s record. The paperwork is then filed in a ‘goods sent’ folder.

Instruction for Q.1:

In a group of three (3) to four (4) people or this will be allocated and further instructed by your trainer.

One person will play a role of team leader, delegate two of the task roles to two workers, confirm that both understand their responsibilities.

In your group, you are required to show that you all clearly understand your roles and responsibilities of each position.

In addition, you are required to show that you understand how to confirm in your task responsibilities in case you are unsure.

Activity 2B

Performance Criteria

P.C. 2.2

Identify how to collaborate and support team to perform work tasks.

Scenario one

A work team is down two people and additional tasks from each role have to be shared between the remaining members of the team. One worker is new and in training; they cannot be given any extra tasks, but they can be given a little more responsibility in the work they have been trained to do. Another worker is feeling stressed at the additional workload, and morale in the team is generally low.

Scenario two

A work team is not performing well in its goal for team cohesion. Team members are reluctant to collaborate with each other or keep other team members informed about work progress. They do not have effective communication processes and lack interpersonal skills.

Question 1:

Read and complete the following tasks:

Identify issue occurring in each scenario

Suggest how you could collaborate and support each team to complete their work tasks.

Activity 2C

Performance Criteria

P.C. 2.3

Identify and address issues in workplace relationships according to processes established.

Case study B – Addressing workplace relationship issues

An organisation is experiencing workplace relationship issues. Two work teams are having issues for very different reasons.

Team one

An administrative team has started to underperform. One worker is being left out of task discussions, and as a consequence, is not being given work. The other team members do not talk to this worker or give them team support; they often talk about this worker unfairly without just cause because this person comes from a different cultural background. The worker feels that the team is trying to push them out of their job role.

Team two

The manufacturing team works on a 24-hour basis. The day shift works well, but the night shift does not always complete the right jobs or finish urgent tasks that are left from the day shift. The day shift has a manager that works effectively to coordinate work; at the end of the day, they leave handover notes for the night shift team. There is no manager at night, and the team does not work cohesively or refer to the handover notes; they tend to pick up where they think things were left or just start new jobs.

Instruction: Read, analyse and answer the following questions

Question 1:

What are the workplace relationship issues of each team?

Question 2:

Refer to your answers in question 1, provide solutions to address each identified issue, and include any relevant processes that you think necessary.

Activity 2D

Performance Criteria

P.C. 2.4

Monitor and communicate to employees outcomes of conflict management

Question 1:

Identify three (3) monitoring activities that you could use to manage conflict resolution.

Question 2:

What should your communications of the outcomes to conflict with employees include?

Question 3:


You are working as a sales manager. You have been reported that two of your employees, Jane and James, who are working as sales representatives have conflicted during working hours. James told you that he was taking care of one customer, and he should be the one who got a commission; however, Jane claimed that she should be the one who got the commission as she referred this customer to James.

You as a manager of these two staff, what would you do to monitor and communicate desired outcomes for James and Jane.

Assessor’s feedback for ACTIVITY: 2A – 2D

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Ivamere Nailiku Anthony

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist

Performance Criteria*

2A – 1

Has the learner achieved working in a group or as instructed by their trainer to allocate roles and responsibilities for each person in a group?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

PC 2.1

2B – 1

Has the learner identified issues occurring in each scenario and suggest how to collaborate and support each team to complete their work tasks?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

PC 2.2

2C – 1

Has the learner provided what the workplace relationship issues of each team are?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

PC 2.3

2C – 2

Has the learner outlined solutions to address each identified issue, and include any relevant processes that you think necessary?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

2D – 1

Has the learner identified three (3) monitoring activities that could be used to manage conflict resolution?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

PC 2.4

2D – 2

Has the learner identified communications of the outcomes to conflict with employees?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

2D – 3

Has the learner clearly/reasonably explained what he/she would do to monitor and communicate desired outcomes for James and Jane?

Yes         No

(Please circle)


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

The learner’s performance was:

Not satisfactory


Activity 3A

Performance Criteria

P.C. 3.1

Seek feedback on management of workplace relationships from relevant stakeholders

P.C. 3.2

Evaluate feedback for improvements to leadership style

P.C. 3.3

Identify areas of improvement for future workplace relations leadership

Question 1:

Identify one aspect of managing workplace relationships that you would like to improve on.

Write down five (5) feedback questions that you could ask in relation to your current performance.

Identify the stakeholder(s) that you would ask and make sure the questions are applicable to your association with them.

Question 2:

Instruction: In a group of 3-4 people or as instructed by your trainer. Complete the following tasks and make note in your own words.

How would you present this feedback to your stakeholder(s) and why?

Present the feedback questions to your group members (as stakeholders)

Receive and provide feedback within your group

Assess how you can make improvements to your management of workplace relationships and leadership style and write an evaluation of your feedback and evaluation process

Question 3:

Following question 1 and 2, write down the conclusions you have identified from your feedback evaluation.

Guideline: Specifically, you should identify where and what you can improve on in future management of workplace relationships.

Assessor’s feedback for ACTIVITY: 3A

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Ivamere Nailiku Anthony

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist

Performance Criteria*

3A – 1A

Has the learner identified one aspect of managing workplace relationships that he/she would like to improve on?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

PC 3.1 – 3.3

3A – 1B

Has the learner written down five (5) feedback questions that you could ask in relation to your current performance?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

3A – 1C

Has the learner identified the stakeholder(s) that you would ask and make sure the questions are applicable to your association with them?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

3A – 2A

Has the learner identified how he/she would present this feedback to your stakeholder(s) and why??

Yes         No

(Please circle)

3A – 2B

Has the learner appropriately presented the feedback questions to his/her group members (as stakeholders)?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

3A – 2C

Has the learner received and provided feedback within your group?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

3A – 2D

Has the learner assessed how he/she can make improvements to their management of workplace relationships and leadership style?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

3A – 3

Has the learner written down the conclusions you have identified from your feedback evaluation?

Yes         No

(Please circle)


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

The learner’s performance was:

Not satisfactory


Summative Assessments answer guide

Section A: Skills Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this unit.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:


prepares plans and policies incorporating appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions


adapts personal communication style to model behaviours, build trust and positive working relationships, and to support others

takes responsibility for formulating, organising and implementing plans, processes and strategies that impact the workplace

Initiative and enterprise:

follows organisational policies and procedures regarding diversity and ethical conduct


plays a lead role in situations requiring effective collaboration, demonstrating high level support and facilitation skills and ability to engage and motivate others

evaluates outcomes to identify opportunities for improvement

Planning and organising:

systematically gathers and analyses all relevant information and evaluates options to inform decisions about organisational strategies.

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible.

Instructions to Assessor:

Access to a suitable work environment with personnel must be given to the learner. This activity must be carried out at the same time as the Performance Activity. Interactions and communications must be observed.

Equipment needed:

Legislation, regulations, standards and codes relevant to workplace relationships

Relevant workplace documentation and resources.

Skill demonstration, Performance Activity question one:

In your communication and consultation to delegate tasks and task responsibilities to the work team, demonstrate your ability to adapt your communication style in order to enable positive communications with the team. You should seek to establish a working relationship by building trust and rapport with the team, providing support during discussions to delegate tasks and responsibilities, and helping to overcome difficulties. You should model good behaviours to facilitate their participation.

As well as demonstrating self-management in communications, you should also take the lead to organise work tasks with the team as required in organisational plans. You may need to decide and use strategies that help you to communicate and lead the team effectively in work processes.

In your team interactions, you should also follow organisational diversity and ethical conduct policies and procedures with all team members. You should be aware of each person’s differences and ensure they are included and supported to take on their tasks and responsibilities.

Skill demonstration, Performance Activity question two:

During conflict management, you must prepare two plans with each party to outline the conflict resolution process (including the identified goals). This will require you to demonstrate your writing skills by following organisational documentation guidelines. This will include how you structure and lay out the plans, as well as your use of vocabulary and grammar. You should ensure your plans are professional in style and presentation, with accurate spelling, grammar and meaning.

The plans must be constructed with the input of the relevant parties, and you will need to work collaboratively as a team to determine how each conflict resolution should be planned. This must include providing support to help each person reach a suitable outcome, and will require you to engage them in communications in your role to lead and manage conflict resolution. You must gather and analyse the information relating to each situation, and working with the parties, decide how to reach a resolution. This should involve determining appropriate strategies that meet organisational and employee needs.

Attach a printed copy of your completed plans to your workbook.

Section A: Skills Activity Checklist

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Task #12 – <Skill Activity>

The student is required to demonstrate ALL components from the list below






Did the student:





Assessor must record observations in sufficient detail to demonstrate their judgement of the student’s performance against the criteria


Demonstrate self-management and initiative and enterprise skills in Performance Activity question one:

Lead team discussions and facilitate team members’ participation

Communicate positively with the team to build trust and to work with the team

Delegate and confirm tasks and task responsibilities

Support the team in task discussions and with resolving task issues

Model behaviours to the team to demonstrate good communication and positive participation

Take responsibility for task discussions and plans to carry out tasks

Identify strategies for effective communications and work plans

Use effective communication strategies in team discussions

Follow organisational diversity and ethical conduct policies and procedures to communicate and interact fairly and inclusively with all team members.


Demonstrate writing, teamwork and planning and organising skills in Performance Activity question two:

Prepare and present two written plans for conflict resolution that are relevant and which follow the conflict resolution processes carried out

Lead the persons involved in conflict resolution to reach an agreed outcome

Work collaboratively to facilitate conflict resolution with all parties

Provide support and encouragement to all individuals throughout the process

Motivate others to work positively and to reach agreements

Gathers and evaluates information with the relevant persons

Evaluate options for resolution and assist parties to agree on one or more strategies and actions for resolution.


Produce two written plans in Performance Activity question two:

Follow organisational document guidelines to produce and present their plans

Use clear and professional language and grammar

Check language, grammar and meaning are correct

Use a clear layout and structure that is easy to read and follow.

All task criteria must be satisfactorily demonstrated by the student. The task has been confirmed:

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Assessor comments/recommendations for future training/action in cases where the student has not satisfactorily achieved all criteria:

Assessor Declaration:

I declare that I have observed the student perform this task. The task has been conducted as per assessment procedures and the instructions provided for this assessment task. I have provided appropriate feedback to the student.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:

Date Marked:

Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:

KE 1.0

systems, policies and procedures that can support the development of effective work relationships

KE 2.0

key aspects of work relationships, including:

interpersonal styles



cultural and social sensitivity


conflict resolution

KE 3.0

legislation relevant to managing effective workplace relationships

KE 4.0

organisational policies and procedures relevant to workplace relationships

KE 5.0

methods to develop processes for:

consultation with employees

conflict management

task issue management.

Answer each question in as much detail as possible.

All answers will vary, but the learner should be able to answer each question competently.

Identify and explain one system of work that supports workplace relationships.

How do employment policies and procedures encourage effective work relationships?

Explain how interpersonal styles can impact work relationships. Give two separate examples of this.

What value do work communications have on workplace relationships? (Identify five benefits).

What is the purpose of a consultation process, and how does this help workplace relationships?

How can you improve workplace relationships by having cultural and social sensitivity policies and procedures?

What does networking do for workplace relationships?

Why is it important to have conflict resolution processes?

What is the main legislation that seeks to manage workplace relationships?

Give three national employment standards.

Identify two different anti-discrimination laws and what these seek to achieve.

Identify three areas relating to workplace relationships that an organisation will develop policies and procedures for.

What should you do when developing consultation processes with employees?

Identify two things that you should do when developing conflict management processes.

What should you remember to do when developing a task issue management process?

Assessor’s feedback for Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Ivamere Nailiku Anthony

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist

Performance Criteria*


Has the learner identified and explained one system of work that supports workplace relationships?

Yes         No

(Please circle)

Knowledge Evidence


Has the learner explained how employment policies and procedures would encourage effective work relationships?

Has the learner


Has the learner explained how interpersonal styles can impact work relationships?

Has the learner


Has the learner identified what value do work communications have on workplace relationships?

Has the learner


Has the learner identified the purpose of a consultation process, and how does this help workplace relationships?

Has the learner


Has the learner explained how to improve workplace relationships by having cultural and social sensitivity policies and procedures?

Has the learner


Has the learner explained networking do for workplace relationships?

Has the learner


Has the learner explained how it is important to have conflict resolution processes?

Has the learner


Has the learner identified what is the main legislation that seeks to manage workplace relationships?

Has the learner


Has the learner given three national employment standards?

Has the learner


Has the learner identified two different anti-discrimination laws and what these seek to achieve?

Has the learner


Has the learner identified three areas relating to workplace relationships that an organisation will develop policies and procedures for?

Has the learner


Has the learner identified what they should do when developing consultation processes with employees?

Has the learner


Has the learner identified two things that you should do when developing conflict management processes?

Has the learner


Has the learner identified what they should remember to do when developing a task issue management process?

Has the learner


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

The learner’s performance was:

Not satisfactory


Section C: Performance Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit.

Performance Evidence

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:

KE 1.0

implement processes to manage ideas and information on at least two occasions, including:

communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities

facilitating employees’ contributions to consultation on work issues

providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations

resolving issues raised or referring to relevant personnel

KE 2.0

develop and implement processes and systems to manage difficulties on at least two occasions, including:

identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies and procedures

planning how to address difficulties

providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties.

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible.

Instructions to Assessor:

Access to a suitable work environment with personnel must be given to the learner. A manager must be present to assist the learner at all times; they must provide the learner with feedback on their performance in activity question one. This activity must be relevant to the learner’s business industry. You must determine a suitable timeline for conducting all parts of this activity; this must be representative of real commercial timelines. This activity will need to be observed.

Equipment needed:

Legislation, regulations, standards and codes relevant to workplace relationships

Relevant workplace documentation and resources.

All activity answers will vary, but the learner should be able to demonstrate their competency in the unit requirements.

As a real or simulated workplace activity, you must demonstrate effective workplace relationships in the following management tasks.

On two occasions, for two different work needs, you must lead your work team to perform their work tasks. This will involve explaining work and consulting with the team to discuss any relevant ideas and to clarify and confirm these requirements.

You must develop and implement consultation processes, as relevant to each situation, and you should determine these processes prior to both interactions (for example, a team meeting, informal discussions or a team brainstorming session).

In both situations, you must:

Follow employment law and organisational policies and procedures for conducting work collaboration processes

Communicate information clearly to explain and delegate tasks and responsibilities

Communicate to support workers to achieve tasks and responsibilities

Provide workers with opportunities to contribute to consultations

Ensure that workers are able to raise any issues related to their work roles

Seek ways to work collaboratively to manage and overcome work issues

Refer to their manager for further guidance if work issues cannot be overcome

Confirm tasks and task responsibilities with the team.

You should then evaluate how well the consultations and collaborations went, identifying any parts that could have been improved upon by you. You should also seek feedback from your manager on your performance and include this in your evaluation. Document your findings and how you could improve upon your leadership in a feedback report, making sure this meets organisational documentation guidelines. (This should be approximately two to four A4 sides of paper).

Attach a copy of your feedback report to your workbook.

As a real or simulated workplace activity, you must demonstrate effective workplace relationships in the following management tasks.

On two occasions, for two different workplace difficulties, you must develop and implement conflict management processes according to workplace systems. You must follow organisational policies and procedures, and employment law to develop and implement these processes. If needed, you should refer to your manager or the relevant person to obtain their guidance. This should include the development of processes for escalated issues.

You must then seek resolution of both issues/conflicts using the appropriate process; you should:

Identify the issue with the relevant persons involved

Follow a conflict resolution process to discuss and reach a mutually agreeable outcome

Form plans with the relevant persons to address and resolve the issues

Provide support and guidance to assist workers when resolving their work difficulties

Provide basic counselling to assist workers in the resolution of their work difficulties

Monitor the outcomes of conflict resolution according to the plans made and to keep these on track

Communicate the outcome of conflict resolution to the persons involved.

Section C: Performance Activity Checklist

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Task #14 – <Performance Activity>

(use the separate table on the next page to record subsequent assessment attempts if required)

The student is required to demonstrate ALL components from the list below

Occasion 1

Occasion 2




Did the student:





Assessor must record observations in sufficient detail to demonstrate their judgement of the student’s performance against the criteria


Lead the work team in work delegation, discussions and consultations on two separate occasions:

Follow organisational policies, procedures and legislation to provide leadership in task delegation and discussions

Develop appropriate consultation processes for task briefings and discussions

Explain and delegate tasks and responsibilities clearly and fully

Provide support in communications to help workers with task achievement

Provide the opportunity for workers to contribute to discussions

Listen to the contributions, ideas and work issues that are raised by workers

Respond appropriately to the contributions made by workers to motivate, support or resolve as needed

Work collaboratively with workers to overcome any work issues

Refer to their work manager for assistance when work issues could not be overcome with the team, as necessary

Clarify and confirm tasks and task responsibilities with the team.


Produce one feedback report that evaluates their leadership in both task communications and consultations in activity question one:

Obtain feedback from their manager on their leadership in communications and consultations on task delegation

Evaluate their own performance

Evaluate the feedback given by the manager on their performance

Reach relevant and appropriate outcomes on the information that has been gained

Document their evaluations in a feedback report

Follow organisational documentation guidelines to produce their report.


Implement conflict management processes to resolve work difficulties on two separate occasions:

Follow organisational policies, procedures and legislation to develop and implement conflict management processes

Refer to their manager for guidance on processes, as necessary

Develop processes for escalated issues that meet legislative requirements

Identify the issue(s) with the relevant persons

Follow a conflict resolution process that is suitable for the type and seriousness of the issue

Form plans from agreements to resolve the conflict

Follow plans to reach a resolution of the conflict

Provide support and guidance to individuals in conflict, as needed

Provide basic counselling to help individuals resolve difficulties, as needed

Monitor the actions carried out by the relevant persons for conflict resolution to keep the resolution on track

Communicate the outcomes of conflict resolution to the persons involved in a concise and clear manner.

All task criteria must be satisfactorily demonstrated by the student. The task has been confirmed:

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Assessor comments/recommendations for future training/action in cases where the student has not satisfactorily achieved all criteria:

Assessor Declaration:

I declare that I have observed the student perform this task. The task has been conducted as per assessment procedures and the instructions provided for this assessment task. I have provided appropriate feedback to the student.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:

Date Marked:

Additional Performance Activity Checklist – if required for reassessment

Task #14 – <Performance Activity>

The student is required to demonstrate ALL components from the list below

Occasion 1

Occasion 2




Did the student:





Assessor must record observations in sufficient detail to demonstrate their judgement of the student’s performance against the criteria


Lead the work team in work delegation, discussions and consultations on two separate occasions:

Follow organisational policies, procedures and legislation to provide leadership in task delegation and discussions

Develop appropriate consultation processes for task briefings and discussions

Explain and delegate tasks and responsibilities clearly and fully

Provide support in communications to help workers with task achievement

Provide the opportunity for workers to contribute to discussions

Listen to the contributions, ideas and work issues that are raised by workers

Respond appropriately to the contributions made by workers to motivate, support or resolve as needed

Work collaboratively with workers to overcome any work issues

Refer to their work manager for assistance when work issues could not be overcome with the team, as necessary

Clarify and confirm tasks and task responsibilities with the team.


Produce one feedback report that evaluates their leadership in both task communications and consultations in activity question one:

Obtain feedback from their manager on their leadership in communications and consultations on task delegation

Evaluate their own performance

Evaluate the feedback given by the manager on their performance

Reach relevant and appropriate outcomes on the information that has been gained

Document their evaluations in a feedback report

Follow organisational documentation guidelines to produce their report.


Implement conflict management processes to resolve work difficulties on two separate occasions:

Follow organisational policies, procedures and legislation to develop and implement conflict management processes

Refer to their manager for guidance on processes, as necessary

Develop processes for escalated issues that meet legislative requirements

Identify the issue(s) with the relevant persons

Follow a conflict resolution process that is suitable for the type and seriousness of the issue

Form plans from agreements to resolve the conflict

Follow plans to reach a resolution of the conflict

Provide support and guidance to individuals in conflict, as needed

Provide basic counselling to help individuals resolve difficulties, as needed

Monitor the actions carried out by the relevant persons for conflict resolution to keep the resolution on track

Communicate the outcomes of conflict resolution to the persons involved in a concise and clear manner.

All task criteria must be satisfactorily demonstrated by the student. The task has been confirmed:

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Assessor comments/recommendations for future training/action in cases where the student has not satisfactorily achieved all criteria:

Assessor Declaration:

I declare that I have observed the student perform this task. The task has been conducted as per assessment procedures and the instructions provided for this assessment task. I have provided appropriate feedback to the student.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:

Date Marked:

Competency record to be completed by assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the overall unit. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed competent or not yet competent for the unit or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Ivamere Nailiku Anthony

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competence

(Code and Title)


Has the learner completed all required assessments to a satisfactory standard?

Yes No

(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner to prove their competency across the entire unit?

Yes No

(Please circle)

Learner is deemed:

Not yet competent


Comments from trainer/assessor:

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