Introduction to FIN144, 300, 302, 303 courses at University of Miami

73 views 5:18 am 0 Comments March 14, 2023

1. FIN 144. Investing in Real Estate. 3 Credit Hours.


This course covers the fundamentals of commercial real estate. The aim of the course is to give you broad exposure to the commercial real estate market landscape. After discussing the relationship between real estate prices and rents, the first part of the course focuses on the real estate-level analysis of real estate equity as an investment, in particular real estate valuation. This section will be based on a valuation case for a proposed development in downtown Miami. Following this, we’ll look at the fundamentals of real estate debt (mortgages) and the stock market (REITs).

2. FIN 300. Fundamentals of Finance for Non-Finance Majors. 3 Credit Hours.

This course provides an overview of modern finance for non-business majors. Key information includes: how financial markets work, understanding the financial pages in newspapers and the internet, how stock and bond prices are determined, how investment portfolios are structured, concepts of risk and return, how companies manage cash and investments, and international finance. Credits not available to business students.

3. FIN 302. Fundamentals of Finance. 3 Credit Hours.

An introduction to the fundamental tools and concepts of finance. This is the finance core subject of our undergraduate programme. Topics include the financial framework of commercial entities, taxation, the time value of money, capital market theory, financial risk measures and capital budgeting. Note: To earn the Finance major, students must earn a B or better in this course (a grade of B- is not eligible).

4. FIN 303. Intermediate Financial Management. 3 Credit Hours.

This course provides an overview of financial decision-making in companies. Building on the topics covered in the introductory finance course, this course develops the foundations of optimal financial policy and applies these principles to corporate financial decision-making, including capital structure, capital budgeting, dividend policy, leasing, securities issuance and the role of investment banks, and mergers and acquisitions. Note: Students must earn a B or higher in FIN302 to major in Finance. Earning an A in this or any other course does not remove that requirement.
