International Market Analysis

124 views 8:14 am 0 Comments April 13, 2023

Your task

Individually, you must prepare a 1500 word market analysis by using international business tools to various situations arising in the global market context based on a selection of companies that your workshop facilitator will provide at the end of week 2 class. Please note that if you focus on any other company than the one your workshop facilitator provides, your submission will receive a grade of zero.

Assessment Description

This individual assessment aims to develop students’ skills in evaluating global trends that would impact the local organisation and analyse some strategic prospects for the same business in an international context.

Assessment Instructions

To start working on this assessment, you will need to select an organisation from the list provided by your facilitator. Choose your organisation wisely as you will use this company in the second assessment in this subject. You will not be able to change the company once you have selected it in this assessment. The companies provided to you are ASX listed and should have the availability of public information about its products and services, corporate background, and market reputation. Your workshop facilitator will not allocate any other company, so it is crucial to identify one from the list you wish to work on. Do this early and consult with your workshop facilitator about your choice if in doubt.

To complete the assessment, follow the steps below:

Step-1    Select a company from the list provided by the workshop facilitator.

Step-2    Identify two possible countries that the company could consider expanding into.

Step-3    Research both countries and find information about the following characteristics of each one.

Then, summarise the findings in a table (use a replica of Table 1 below).

    • Whether the country has a trade agreement with Australia
    • The value of the local currency against the Australian dollar
    • The existence of an Australian embassy or consular section in that country and its size and significance
    • General political relationships between the two countries
    • In general, international companies can set up in that country Table-1 easily (Given below). Summary of research findings

Table 1(Needs to be inserted in the appendix of your report)

Step-4    Prepare an analysis addressing the following (the word count given below are indicative)

    • Company’s expansion plans into each chosen country based on points a to e above (300 words).
    • Selection of a geographical location, i.e., city and suburb, to open company offices and provide reasons for this choice (200 words).
    • Risks associated with the selection of the country you have selected (300 words).
    • Suitability of each country for the company using the results you reached in Table 1. Insert Table 1 under this heading and comment on its contents (300 words, not including the materials in Table 1).
    • A final recommendation for the company to go to one of the two countries and a justification for this choice (300 words).