Information Theories

145 views 8:26 am 0 Comments April 18, 2023

Assignment 1 Topics Covered
Use the below to jog your memory about the topics we covered when deciding what to
write about in your
Critical Analysis
Note – an interactive version of this list is provided here:
Week 2 – Information Theories
Events: true/false statements about happenings, situations, states of affairs
Probabilities are attached to events; the probability can be subjective or objective
The information value of an event is inversely proportional to its probability.
The information value of a true event is zero; the information value of an event that
is impossible is undefined
Surprise: The more unexpected an event, the more information it carries
Shannon’s theory is silent on the meaning of an event
Proposition: true/false statements about happenings, situations, states of affairs
Information is carried by an analog signal r that emanates from a source, ie
information is an objective feature of reality
A human agent digitizes the analog signal
A human agent has knowledge k, which determines its ability to digitize. The higher
the k, the more it can digitize
Digitizing transforms a proposition into information content. This happens when the
conditional probability is one; Pr(p|k,r) = 1
Information content has meaning for the agent
Information content becomes a belief
Knowledge is information caused belief
Week 3 – Perception
Sensory information
What information is coming through the senses?
Remember, there are more than 5
Top-down attention
Bottom-up attention
What tasks are driving attention?
What unusual parts of the scenario are directing attention?
What schemas are being drawn on during processing?
What background knowledge does the user have that is relevant to the situation?
Is any information experienced in the scenario being Assimilated into an existing

Is Accommodation occurring – are any new schemas being formed?
Top-down processing
Bottom-up processing
How are expectations filling in missing information?
What changes or errors in predictions are the perceptual system picking up in the
Week 3 – Memory
Working Memory
Limits to capacity
Cognitive load
Long Term Memory
What Episodic memories are being drawn on and/or formed?
What Semantic memories are being drawn on and/or formed?
What Procedural memories are being drawn on and/or formed?
What memories are being Recalled?
What memories are being remembered through Recognition?
Week 4 – Rationality & Decision-making
Bounded rationality
What assumptions exist for rational thinking in this scenario?
How are the users in your scenario bounded in their rationality?
Dual Process Theories
What decision would System 1 make? What heuristics, intuitions, instincts, etc. are
driving this decision?
What decision would a user make if they were employing System 2?
Interaction between System 1 & System 2
How would the Default-Interventionalist Model describe the process of making the
How would the Parallel-Competitive Model describe the process of making the
Cognitive Biases
Availability Bias
Anchoring Bias
Framing Effect
Confirmation Bias
Hindsight Bias
Authority Bias
Loss aversion
Modality effect