Individual Assignment

163 views 10:26 am 0 Comments September 28, 2023

STEM College ~ School of Engineering

Course Assessment 2023
AERO 2380 Aviation Quality Systems 8

RMIT Classification: Trusted
Assessment 2
Individual Assignment
(This assessment contributes 30% of the total course mark)

SUBMISSION DUE: Week 5 ~ 23:59 Friday 18 August 2023
Individual Assignment
A report addressing a fundamental aspect of aviation quality systems with a
minimum word limit of 1,350* words and a maximum word limit of 1,500 words*.
Report Background: The Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner has had a troubled
gestation and entry into service.
Report Brief: Briefly summarize the troubled gestation of this aircraft focusing
on the main manufacturing/assembly
quality issues that occurred up to the first
deliveries and
entry into service with ANA and what measures were introduced to
resolve them. (
Do not mention the battery problem or any other issues that
occurred after its entry into service
For each quality issue you identify in your report, link it to whichever one of the
seven quality management principles from ISO 9001:2015 that is relevant. For
in 2008, when Boeing started to lay off staff from its Everett facility in
favour of outsourcing work, the workers organized strikes in protest. Hopefully
you would link this issue to “Engagement of people”, and perhaps also to
“Leadership” which was rather lacking in this instance.
Assessment Criteria
See the Marking Guide – Assessment 2, Individual Assignment, for a detailed
Rubric and a mark breakdown.
Introduction is worth 20 marks.
Main Body is worth 50 marks.
Conclusion is worth 20 marks.
References (style and quality of source material) is worth 10 marks.

➢ ➢ ➢
Penalties will apply to reports that fall below the minimum word count or exceed the
maximum word count. Every 100 words below the stated minimum of 1,350 words, and
every 100 words beyond the stated maximum of 1,500 words, will incur a penalty of
5%. So, if you submit a report with 1,750 words, a penalty of 10% will apply before
marking begins, meaning a perfect effort would score you a maximum mark of 90%.
(Important Note: References, titles, table of contents, footers, headers, or
any footnotes are not included in the total word count).

STEM College ~ School of Engineering

Course Assessment 2023
AERO 2380 Aviation Quality Systems 9

RMIT Classification: Trusted
Marking Guide – Assessment 2, Individual Assignment.

Student ID:
Student Name:
Overall Mark (out of 100):


Summarize the development of the B787. (10 marks).
8-10 (HD) 7-8 (DI) 6-7 (CR) 5-6 (PA) <5 (NN)
Succinct summary of the
B787 development, noting
all relevant factors.
Good summary of the
B787 development,
noting some relevant
Adequate summary of
the B787
development, noting a
few relevant factors.
Sparse summary of
the B787
development, with
no relevant factors.
Inadequate or no
summary of the B787
Briefly summarize the seven quality management principles from ISO 9001:2015. (10 marks).
8-10 (HD) 7-8 (DI) 6-7 (CR) 5-6 (PA) <5 (NN)
The QMP are introduced
and then all seven QMP
are summarised with a few
sentences of explanation.
The QMP are
introduced; the seven
QMP are listed with
some explanation.
The seven QMP are
listed with a very brief
The seven QMP are
just listed by name.
The seven QMP are
barely mentioned, or not


MAIN BODY (50 marks)
Identify some (e.g., 2 or 3, but no more than 4) of the major quality issues that occurred during the initial
manufacturing/assembly phase up to the first deliveries with ANA. (15 marks).
12-15 (HD) 10.5-12 (DI) 9-10.5 (CR) 7.5-9 (PA) <7.5 (NN)
Exceptionally clear
understanding of subject
matter and appreciation of
issues; well-organised,
formulated and sustained
arguments; use of
pictures/charts to illustrate
work; relevant literature
referenced. Evidence of
creative insight and
originality in terms of
application and analysis
with at least some
synthesis and evaluation.
Strong grasp of subject
matter and appreciation
of key issues, perhaps
lacking a little on the
finer points; clearly
developed arguments;
use of pictures/charts to
illustrate work;
appreciation of relevant
literature. Evidence of
creative and solid work
in terms of
application, analysis and
perhaps some synthesis.
understanding of
subject matter and
appreciation of some of
the main issues though
possibly with some
gaps; clearly developed
arguments; relevant
diagrams and literature
use, perhaps with some
gaps; well prepared and
presented. Solid
evidence of
comprehension and
application with perhaps
some analysis.
Some appreciation
of subject matter
and issues; work
generally lacking
in depth and
breadth and with
gaps. work
comprises a
simple factual
description (i.e.,
but little
application or
Unsatisfactory. Evidence
of lack of understanding
of subject (minimal or
comprehension and little
or no application) and
inability to identify
issues. Often
inadequate in depth and
breadth. Sometimes
incomplete or irrelevant.
Link each major quality issue you have identified to whichever one (or more) of the seven quality management principles
from ISO 9001:2015 is applicable. Explain why you have made this association. (15 marks).
12-15 (HD) 10.5-12 (DI) 9-10.5 (CR) 7.5-9 (PA) <7.5 (NN)
Each issue identified is
clearly linked to an
appropriate quality
principle and insightful
justification of this choice
is given.
Each issue identified is
properly linked to an
appropriate quality
principle and reasonable
justification of this choice
is given.
Each issue identified is
linked to an appropriate
quality principle and
some justification of this
choice is given.
Each issue
identified is linked
to an appropriate
quality principle.
Little justification
of this choice is
Each issue identified is
vaguely linked to a
quality principle that may
or may not be relevant.
No justification for this
choice is given.
For each major quality issue you have identified, explain how Boeing attempted to solve the issue and how successful its
solution was. (10 marks).
8-10 (HD) 7-8 (DI) 6-7 (CR) 5-6 (PA) <5 (NN)
Clear description of
Boeing’s remedial
action(s), and an insightful
analysis and evaluation of
its success.
Good description of
Boeing’s remedial
action(s), and an
analysis and evaluation
of its success.
Adequate description of
Boeing’s remedial
action(s), and some
evaluation of its
Sparse description
of Boeing’s
remedial action(s),
with or without
evaluation of its
Poor or no description of
Boeing’s remedial
action(s), with little or no
evaluation of its

STEM College ~ School of Engineering

Course Assessment 2023
AERO 2380 Aviation Quality Systems 10

RMIT Classification: Trusted

MAIN BODY (…./ continued)
Academic writing style, grammar, tone:
Following the formatting instructions, layout and organisation of the paper;
Use of supplied template. (10 marks).
8-10 (HD) 7-8 (DI) 6-7 (CR) 5-6 (PA) <5 (NN)
Writing style is lucid, easy
to read, and compelling –
topics flow smoothly and
coherently from one to
another and are clearly
linked; reader can easily
follow the line of
reasoning; template is
used effectively, following
strictly the formatting and
layout requirements,
including word count, font,
line spacing and so on. All
figures/charts and tables
are properly and
effectively presented with
titles and source
Writing style is easy to
read, and quite
compelling – topics
flow smoothly from
one to another with
ideas linked; reader
can follow the line of
reasoning; template is
used effectively, the
formatting and layout
requirements are
largely followed. All
figures/charts and
tables are properly
presented with titles
and source
Writing style is
satisfactory – topics
may be a little
disjointed and the
ideas are not
obviously linked;
reader can just
follow the line of
reasoning; template
is used, but the
formatting and
layout requirements
are generally not
followed. All
figures/charts and
tables are presented
but may lack titles.
Writing style is just
adequate but does not
read fluently – topics
are somewhat
disjointed and the
ideas are not
obviously linked;
reader can follow the
line of reasoning with
some effort; template
is not used or heavily
modified; the
formatting and layout
requirements are
generally not followed.
figures/charts are
patchy/not evident,
and may lack titles.
Writing style is poor,
disjointed, and difficult
to follow; reader cannot
easily follow the line of
reasoning; template is
not used or one of the
student’s own design is
substituted, the
formatting and layout
requirements are not
Figures/charts and
tables are difficult to
read, absent, or do not
support the argument.


CONCLUSION (20 marks)
Succinct, clear and how it relates to the introduction and general issues raised in the paper
All issues discussed
Clearly linked to prior sections with no new materials included
Implications of the study drawn.
16-20 (HD) 14-16 (DI) 12-14 (CR) 10-12 (PA) <10 (NN)
The importance of
incorporating sound
quality principles when
designing and building a
new aircraft is clearly
communicated with
insightful justification,
referring to the issues,
their consequences, and
possible solutions, as
explained in the main
The importance of
incorporating sound
quality principles when
designing and building
a new aircraft is well
communicated with
some justification,
referring to the issues,
their consequences,
and possible solutions,
as explained in the
main body.
The importance of
incorporating sound
quality principles when
designing and building
a new aircraft is
communicated with
vague justification,
referring to the issues,
their consequences,
and possible solutions,
as explained in the
main body.
The importance of
incorporating sound
quality principles when
designing and building
a new aircraft is
communicated with
little or no justification,
and may or may not
refer to the issues,
their consequences,
and possible f
solutions, as explained
in the main body.
The importance of
incorporating sound
quality principles
when designing and
building a new aircraft
is barely mentioned,
with little or no
justification, or is
largely absent.


Demonstrate wide research and critical analysis of the literature (Books, Journals and Industry periodicals) and provide
practical examples to support your response.
All sources cited in text and reference list correspond.
References listed in alphabetical order, following Harvard Reference Style requirements.
A minimum of 10 relevant references is required, with no less than six (6) of them peer-reviewed journal articles.
8-10 (HD) 7-8 (DI) 6-7 (CR) 5-6 (PA) <5 (NN)
Accurately referenced in the
appropriate style in both text
and referencing list. Citation
effectively integrated into the
text to support the point
being made. Presents
compelling evidence from
professionally legitimate
sources; attribution is clearly
and accurately articulated
Appropriate style of
citation and referencing
with minimal errors both
in text and referencing
list. Citation and
references appropriate
and integrated in a
satisfactory manner.
Style is correct but a
number of citation and
referencing errors.
Includes some good
attempts at integrating
citation into the text but
at times quotes may be
either over or under
Basic understanding
of style
requirements and a
number of citation
and referencing
Multiple errors
throughout citation
and referencing
style. Citations
poorly integrated or
not present in the


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