Identify the importance of professional

126 views 8:30 am 0 Comments June 13, 2023

COV11:1•19 situation identify the importance of professional 2 of 4 munications and tools and techniques .r enhandrig the
in this topic you need to examine what professional communication
1) In the current situation of pandemic, identify the importance of Personal PrniacY and how to Protect it in face of the emerging Networking Technologies
ICT303: Assessment 5
Compiled by: Divya Leekha
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0 or 5
I or 6
T3 2020
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adopt to minimise these privacy risks in the current COVID-19 situation. You can pick an industry where 10T has found significant acceptance and highlight the privacy aspects in that context.
2) In a COVID.I9 situation identify the guidelines for ethical use of the computers and networks In any organisation.
Please discuss the NETIQUETTE technique and e.plain how it can help professionals to embrace eth. ux of networks in the c.r rent panda. situation. You need to use some cases in the discussion to add value to your discussion.
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3 In a COVID-19 situatkn identify the intellectual Propeny UP) rules and processes important for conducting high-tech business.
Please discuss how IP rules and processes are important for conducting high tech business in Australia or any other country. You need to state the key definitions used in this essay HP, High tech business) and clearly highlight their importance using examples from current pandemic situation.
3 or 8
4) In the current situation of pandemic, identify the importan. of collaboration and methods for enhancing collaboration in any
Given that ICT projects involve multl.stakeholder collaboration discuss collaboration technologies that are available for !CT professionals to collaborate on ICT projects. Use some cases in the discussion to value to your discussion from current COVID..19 situation.
4 or 9
ICT303: Assessment 5 Compiled by: DI, Leekha T3 2020

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