
146 views 9:01 am 0 Comments April 12, 2023

Assessment 1 OM Report Briefing Note
Globalisation means that domestic service, production, and exporting may no longer be a viable
business model. As we know that there are many new standards of global competitiveness that impact
on quality, variety, customisation, convenience, timeliness, flexibility, and cost. The globalisation of
strategy contributes efficiency and add value to products and services.
In this assessment, select one of the following organisations of interest to you and write a short report
of 2500-word. You need to concisely recommend the business operations improvement in order to meet
customer requirements and gain profit.
Education Service Providers: e.g. CQUniversity
Health Care Service Provider: e.g. The Royal Melbourne Hospital
Internet Service Provider: e.g. Telstra, Optus
Banking Service Provider: e.g. Commonwealth, Westpac
Fast food industry: e.g. Domino pizza, McDonald
Social Media Provider: e.g. Facebook
Automotive Producer: e.g. Tesla, Toyota, Volvo
Delivery Service: e.g. Australian Post, Linfox logistics
Retail Supermarket Chain: e.g. Woolworth, Coles, Aldi
If you suggest an organisation other than above, you need to get approval from the assigned
You can prepare OM report using the below suggested guideline:
(1) Succinctly introduce the background of your selected organisation, e.g. products or services and
elaborate the value chain paradigms.
(Hint: e.g. value chain model, pre-and post-service view of the value chain, technology in value chain,
(3) Critically examine how value chain design can help your selected case organisation to improve
operational activities and why it is important.
(Hint: you can select and frame your discussion of any operations processes, e.g. banking mortgage
approval process, etc. if you choose to examine the banking service provider)
(4) Recommend how the organisation’s operations strategy best responds to current trend by
answering the following questions by proposing and/or developing the scope of business performance
measurement for your selected organisation to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency in operations
(Hint: to answer this question, you need to position yourself as an OM manager by addressing the key
issues and monitoring performance, e.g. number of mortgage approval vs. number of the applicants
within 3 months etc. or using any related performance measurement frameworks).
Prepare details for your report
The business report represents a combination of your insight, observation, reflection, literature review
and understanding of business operations. The following guidelines are as follows:
Try to explore first about your selected organisation.
Select appropriate refereed sources to frame and understand the above core concepts and
ideas (i.e. value chain, related frameworks etc.).
Take stock of insights. Consider the evidence.
What findings do you reach when gathering the insights and evidence from refereed sources
and/or your work experience if any?
You may include tables/figures/charts if needed.
You should include at least 15 references and no more than 50 references in your report. All
sources must be highly credible and fully referenced using the APA referencing style.
The summary, table of contents, reference list and appendices are excluded from a report’s
word count.
Use MS word to write your report and submit your assessment online using Assessment 1
link in Moodle, on or before the due date.
Please note that the Turnitin Plagiarism Software in Moodle will check all of your
submissions – we will recommend you to write the OM report in your own words.
If you have any concerns, please contact directly your campus lecturers.