Financial Planning and Analysis

93 views 8:15 am 0 Comments April 14, 2023

1. Background.

You support a senior business leader new to the company, who is trying orienting herself in the business during her first week on the job

2. Fact set.

Here is what your VP knows:

– the company has 3 product lines: P1, P2, and P3-

– earlier this year, changes in product design were made in response to customer needs, and associated pricing and promotional changes were made as part of the marketing rollout

– A link to a Salesforce report gave her a dump of order details (order by product, with associated price). The report is an unformatted flat file, which includes monthly performance for Q1’2018 and Q1’2017 for comparison purposes.

3. Business analysis required.

She wants to evaluate the success of these measures, before taking any additional action. Here is what she needs from you by way of support:

– when were the pricing changes made?

– when was the market response observed?

– how does do the product changes appear to have affected the product portfolio?

– what does YoY growth look like by product line? (revenue and units)

– how much of Q1’18’s YoY revenue growth can be attributed to:

* increased unit volume, and

* how much to pricing changes?

* how much can be attributed to shift in product mix?

– what additional information might you want to provide further insight and guidance?