Family environment

131 views 9:26 am 0 Comments June 28, 2023

STUDENT MODEL ESSAY association xxith the use of alcohol and delinquent Mlows are the most solid peer predictor. For example. drinking large amounts of alcohol is part of the culture in many colleges and university campuses (Bodenlos, Noonan & Wells, 2013) and can quickly result in alcohol abuse. Therefore, there is general agreement that peers have a large impact on the individual ‘vithin the group regarding the abuse of alcohol.
Another important cause of alcohol abuse in adolescence is the family environment. Family factors have a large impact on the later performance of the child and can provoke or support the abuse of alcohol in teenagers. According to a survey by Costello, Sung, Worthman & Angold (2007) these family factors are composed of “poverty and adversity”‘ “child-rearing style” and “family problems”. For children with behavioural problems, for example, it is more likely to have a bad performance at school and they therefore tend to drink more alcohol than their friends with less or no behavioural problems (Hinshaw; Linskey & Fergusson as cited in Huerta & Borgonovi, 2010). Early maltreatment such as neglect, physical or sexual abuse is also an issue that might be related with alcohol abuse in adolescence but preliminary findings could not back this theory so far (Costello, Sung, Worthman & Angold, 2007). Factors such as these are critical, as they can result in difference outcomes and need to be separated by sex.
There are several main effects caused by alcohol abuse in teenagers that have an impact on the social and health wellbeing of the adolescent. One of the main social effects is alcohol-related aggression and violence. A special form of violence caused by alcohol abuse may be aggression and violence against oneself that can even lead to suicide

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