Evaluate the new role of HRD

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Title PageMarketing Research and Data Analysis












Table of contents:

Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3

Q1 Evaluate HRD in context……………………………………………………. 4

Q2 Analyse three key HRD practices6…………………………………………..6

Q3 Explain two ethical issues ………………………………………………….. 8

Q4 Two HRD focused recommendations……………………………………….9

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………… 10

References…………………………………………………………………… 11

















A subsector of the Human Resources team, HRD caters solely with the development and training of employees within an organization. The functionalities and purpose played by an HRD team within a company limit to the advancement of an employee’s personal and organizational skills, as well as refining their social abilities and creating an accommodating work environment.

According to (Du Plessis., 2009 & Rennie, 2003), employees are the blood of a company, and in order to ensure that the company works effectively, the employees need to be in prime working conditions. Human Resource Development focuses on building and creating a dynamic within the company that gives rise to a strong and efficient workforce capable of advancing through the daily changes within the industry.














Q1. Evaluate the new role of HRD in AEGON and the contribution its practices can make to both organizational and employee development

At AEGON, the new HRD team serves the purpose of dividing the operations of the Human Resource department such that more undivided attention can be paid to the betterment of the company workforce. Due to the recent changes in company vision, there is a need to mould the employee mindset and behavior to one that reflects the new goal put forward by the CEO. The HRD team has to adapt and redesign itself to cater to the new image that AEGON is trying to build.

One of the major new roles that the team is entrusted with is the responsibility of driving the new culture across the country. This entails that the HRD team has to adopt the new outlook of the company and work on creating a new image for AEGON within the United Kingdom. With the change in organizational behavior and the creation of a new culture, comes the need for the creation of a new behavioral dynamic.

The HRD team is also responsible for ensuring employee training. According to the changes implemented within the new policy, the employees have to adopt a new behavioral framework. In order to ensure that the employees keep the customer in mind while making company decisions, the HRD has to undertake the responsibility of retraining employees. The exercises that the HRD implements will result in a workforce that better understands their new roles and the changing policies of the company; thus ensuring that the organization and the employees both can fulfil their goals in terms of customer satisfaction. The HRD also has to check that any new recruits at the company are hired in accordance to the new policies, thus ensuring that all employees have the necessary skills required to cope with the changing culture at the company. A stable workforce that understands its goals, and utilizes its knowledge of the advancements within its organization allows for greater stature within the market as well as more profitable returns. Employee training within AEGON also includes compliance training that ensures that all company employees are aware of the financial regulatory requirements, and should be equipped to handle all issues arising in this field of work. With employees that better understand the company financial policies, AEGON can hope to return more profits and create a better name for itself within the market.

In order to guarantee customer satisfaction, the HRD has to set up initiatives that enhance customer service at all levels within AEGON. An improved customer service will result in a better understanding of the needs of the clients, thus allowing employees to fulfil both the customers’ demands as well as their own work goals.

According to Rachel Klinefield of the Toolbox, the most successful method to harness the true potential of the whole staff is research. An HRD needs to dig into what the employees seek from their job, and use this information to create a dynamic that drives the culture across the company and the target audience.

The HRD team at AEGON is responsible for implementing change within the employees and the company in accordance to the new culture, and hence allowing the organization to step up and change its image in the eyes of its clientele.
















Q2 Analyze three key HRD practices and the implications for the role that the new HRD team at AEGON should consider when planning their HRD strategy.

Human Resources Development is more than just the hiring of employees; it is a process that warrants a healthy relationship between the company and its employees. The HRD team is responsible for planning out strategies and implementing practices that create a friendly work environment that promotes positive work ethic and allows for optimal performance. Strategic HRD practices are essential for the smooth running of any organization. According to Grieves(2003), SHRD provides the foundation for understanding 21st century change management, while Lee(2003) states that such practices are all about understanding and influencing human conditions. In order to define Human Resource strategies, the HRD team has to take their key practices into account and reflect the impact each practice will have on the current role that the team plays within the company.

One of the most important practices that any HRD team needs to bring to play is internal training. Management training within an organization develops employee strength and provides the staff with an opportunity to contribute to the work environment. Internal training not only allows employees to stay in touch with the organization, but also forges relations among the staff. Innovative methods can be employed to host management training sessions, such as book clubs within the company. These meetings not only reinforce company policies and help train employees, but also provide employees with the time to get to know one another as well as raise any issues they may have with the current HRD policies. Implementing internal training at AEGON will allow the HRD team to train employees and create a workforce that is equipped with skills required to make the new company policies a success. Interaction between employees will also create a more open, peaceful environment that may give away to a creative and optimized workplace.

The 21st century is a place of rapid change and advancement. In order to keep up with these changes, any organization needs to adapt new technologies into its system. Inception of advanced technologies and new techniques within the company increase its efficiency and raise its value within the market. Thus, it is essential that all employees within the company be willing to adapt to the changing technological scenarios, and well versed in the current technology utilized by the company. The task falls to the HRD team to ensure that all employees are capable of operating company tech, as well as hiring trainers and employees who possess the know-how. The HRD team at AEGON is responsible for taking updates on company tech into consideration when designing training exercises. The team should make sure that the current staff is well versed in basic computer skills, and any new hires should be proficient in clerical tasks on the computer. A technologically advanced staff will not only be able to carry out tasks efficiently and effectively, but will also boost the company image.

Another important task that befalls the HRD is implementation of organizational strategies. Any changes within the company policy or regarding the company image have to be implemented throughout the company by the HRD team. Hence, the more flexible the organization design, the faster the whole company adapts and implements the change. At AEGON, it is important that the HRD team take the new policies and the changing culture of the company into account before designing organizational strategies. The team should identify the problem areas within the company that take longer to adapt to change and focus on their flexibility, before moving onto other sectors within AEGON.










Q3. Identify and explain two ethical issues that a HRD function might need to consider when operating in an organization such as AEGON UK.

Of all the issues that a Human Resources team has to handle, ethical problems are some of the hardest to deal with. More often than not, the line between ethical behavior within the company and unethical practices blurs, and it falls on the HRD team to make sure that the company follows proper ethical procedures. HRD professionals play a vital role in creating a more ethical society. , thus they need to do more than take mechanical practices into consideration; rather they have to investigate and examine the people and the organization itself.( Dr Simon Longstaff,1995).In a company like AEGON-one that deals with insurance and pensions-the ethical conundrum is even more pronounced.

One such issue is the most obvious one, yet the toughest one to tackle: privacy. Each employee within an organization has a personal life which they rarely want disclosed. Such personal details of an employee’s life are seldom needed by the company, and hence should be respected and protected by the company. However, for a company such as AEGON, the issue of privacy goes deeper than any other organization. This is because the company not only has to take employee privacy into regard, but also has to deal with sensitive client data as well. AEGON specializes with insurance and pension claims, and hence, is privy to personal details of all its clients; such as bank account numbers, family history etc. This information is sensitive and is handled by company employees. Thus, HRD needs to ensure that the company holds employees liable for any leaked information and guarantees its clients safety of the information they provide.

Another major ethical issue that the HRD of a company has to tackle is cash and compensation plans. In companies such as AEGON, the authority lies with the senior managers and executives. Thus, when one of these executives commits a personal excess with company money, the ethical burden is shouldered by the HR team. Often, the preferential treatment has to be compensated for by giving out perks or bonuses so that the lower ranks of staff do not feel left out. Such issues can also arise when some employees are awarded undeserved bonuses and extra perks. HR teams have to ensure that the distribution of bonuses and incentives is based on performance rather than preference.



Q4. Apply the principles of HRD to make two recommendations to address potential business issues that may arise, based on your analysis in questions 1, 2 and 3.

Once a business is in motion, it is faced with a variety as the market continues to evolve and grow. The continuous change within technology and birth of competition gives rise to new problems which require innovative solutions. Human Resources are needed in such scenarios in order to think up new answers to ever-changing issues. Business issues include coping up with changes in technology, issues with globalization, competition in the market and government policies to name a few. The HRD department of a business is recommended to employ their business principles to these areas in order to create an efficient, smooth running operation.

One of the most resolute issues faced by businesses in today’s age is the exponential growth of technology. With the pace at which technological advancements are taking place, investment in the latest technology can prove to be as big a complication as a lack of. For companies such as AEGON, it is necessary that adequate technology be employed to cater to the age and status of their clients. HRD should implement its internal training principle and create a platform which allows for flexible technology adaptation. This entails that the current staff be trained to use the latest possible technology that gets the work done effectively, rather than investing in the newest gadgets without having anyone to operate them. Care should be taken to ensure that client and employee privacy is maintained while implementing new software requirements.

In the modern age, the boundaries between culture and race have blurred to create a global village. Thus, businesses have to deal with a large base of potential clients and employees, which may give rise to discrimination among companies. In order to deal with this problem, companies should adopt training methods that train employees in the art of dealing with various cultures. In order to cope with new competitors and rival companies, it is important that all executive decisions be implemented within all levels of the company. Thus, it is important that the company implements a flexible and long term strategy plan with which to face all business issues head on.

Business issues are ever evolving, and it is important the HRD team has several strategies in play to keep the company in the market and up to date.


The Human Resource Development team is an important task force within AEGON, making sure that the company employees are satisfied and working effectively in order to achieve their personal work goals, as well as ensuring that the company fulfills its objectives as a business and stays in competition with its rivals. The HRD is essential in creating an ethical and open work environment that invites customers and allows job fulfillment.


















Teresia Njoki Muchira, Kellen Kiambati. The Role of Human Resource Development as a Change Agent. Education Journal. Vol. 4, No. 5, 2015, pp. 214-221. doi: 10.11648/j.edu.20150405.15




Tseng, Chien-Chi & Mclean, Gary. (2008). Strategic HRD practices as key factors in organizational learning. Journal of European Industrial Training. 32. 418-432. 10.1108/03090590810886544.





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