Estimation through simulations

146 views 9:59 am 0 Comments June 3, 2023

Introduction to
Stochastic Actor-oriented Models
András VörösNursing Physical Assessment
Department of Social Statistics, University of Manchester
SOST71032 Social Network Analysis
* Thanks to Christoph Stadtfeld for many nice figures and examples.
How to infer a continuous-time model from
discrete panel data?
Discrete data

Estimation through simulations
The rate function
Actors consider changing their network at discrete time
points following a Poisson process
the timespans between two subsequent change
considerations are exponentially distributed
the time model can be specified with parameters (like the
choice model / objective function)

The objective function
The multinomial choice
The multinomial choice function has a value in [0,1]
How does the estimation work in RSiena?
Phase 1: the sensitivity of the statistics of the simulated
networks to the parameters is determined
Phase 2: parameters are estimated by iterative
updating; aim is roughly to minimize abs(target
statistics – simulated statistics)
Phase 3: check convergence (target stats. – sim stats.
really close to 0?) and calculate standard errors
Implemented estimation methods:
Method of Moments (MoM; default)
Generalized Method of Moments (GMoM)
Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation
Bayesian estimation
the last two have higher precision but more comp. intensive
This is actually Phase 2 of the estimation!
Checking the convergence of the model
Very important – models that did not converge shall
not be interpreted!
t-ratios for convergence:
“t-ratios for deviations from targets”
They quantify how much the simulated statistics deviate from
the target statistics on average
calculated as: average deviation / s.d. of deviation
the smaller the better – smaller deviation; rule of thumb: <0.1
Overall maximum convergence t-ratio
similar to the above but for any linear combination of the
target statistics
rule of thumb: <0.25
If a model did not converge
rerun with “prevAns”: continue from last values, skip phase 1
Please continue with the next topic.

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