Essay including an annotated bibliography

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Assessment Task 1: Essay including an annotated bibliography and intergrated literature review :Marketing Research and Data Analysis

This assessment task will; to build your research skills in ascertaining the relevance and quality of material on a topic by questioning whether the information meets the requirements of the topic. You are expected to determine whether the information is from a reliable academically respected source; AND to develop your theoretical and practical understanding of research literature on contemporary nursing issues. You are required to collate, organise and integrate information on a selected topic from the list provided below;


Topics -( the topic could be the same or different to task 1 & 2)

Should immunisations be mandated for all healthcare consumers?

You will engage in a review of the literature and analysis process on a contemporary nursing topic. The topic you chose for the group presentation will be your topic for the essay. You will search a wide variety of scholarly sources on the topic, select a minimum of ten (10) peer reviewed articles, and write a review of your reading, highlighting how the literature and research in the field informs your learning and future practice.


Useful resources:

The week 2 active learning session will focus on how to find suitable sources for this assessment, how to read them and how it can help you. Make sure you don’t miss the session. They will be facilitated by the librarian at each campus, along with a Learning Skills Advisor. Other useful online resources that explain the structure and content of an annotated bibliography in more detail can be found under week 2 contents . Other useful online resources that explain in more detail can be found under week 2 content.


Asessment Part 1:

Annotated Bibliography This assessment task will enable you to: • develop effective research skills through collating and analysing relevant and quality material related to a contemporary nursing issue; • develop theoretical and practical understanding of the research literature on a contemporary nursing issue. You are required to write an annotated bibliography of three (3) valid, reliable and peer reviewed sources relevant to the topic you have chosen from the list provided. Marking Guide: Refer to the marking rubric for specific details required for successful completion of task.




Weighting: 20%

Length: 500 words References:

three (3) reputable, current sources

In this task, you will have an opportunity to practice your research and reading skills, paraphrasing and summarising skills, academic writing, and your understanding of APA referencing. The purpose of this task is to prepare you for writing Part 2 (Literature Review). You are expected to find three journal articles and write an annotation for each. These articles can also be used in the Literature Review (Part 2). You will also need to include evidence of the search strategy you use to locate your three articles, including the search terms you used to locate them and the specific databases where you found your articles.


This task will include:

Three (3) annotations of three peer-reviewed, primary journal articles (last 5-7 years) comprising the following parts:



Full citation of the journal article using APA referencing style

A general statement about the author’s purpose for writing.

A short summary of the content.

A comment on the potential usefulness of the article for your literature review

Reflection on the usefulness of the article for the nursing profession more broadly

A list of the search terms you used to locate your article

The name of the database you used to source the article


Writing style: an annotated bibliography is a piece of formal academic writing and follows the general rules for all academic writing;


Arrange in alphabetical order

Write in a SINGLE paragraph (usually about 100-200 words, depending on the format but check with your lecturer)

Write in full sentences using academic writing style

Use transition words (e.g. furthermore, moreover, however, therefore) Be concise – mention only significant details in your summary

Use examples from other annotated bibliographies to guide and check your writing style Do NOT repeat information (e.g. the title) that is

already in your citation Do NOT cross reference i.e. use any in-text references as you are only writing about a single text


Asessment Part 2: essay – integrated literature review


You will engage in a review of the literature on a contemporary nursing topic (see choice of topics below). The topic you choose for this literature review can be your topic for the group presentation. You will find and read a wide variety of scholarly sources on the topic, integrating a minimum of ten (10) peer reviewed articles (including the three articles from your annotated bibliography) into a review.


Topic: Should immunisations be mandated for all healthcare consumers?


Marking Guide:

Refer to the marking rubric for specific details required for successful completion of task.

Weighting: 30% Word limit : 1300-1500 words (excluding reference list)



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