Design Model

118 views 7:46 am 0 Comments May 30, 2023

7:34 .11 S’ •
Example Projects both Research and Develop… SU23 – CS699A – PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR
9. Design Model (Class and Method design) 1. Package diagram 2. Contracts (only 1) 3. Method specifications (only 1) 10. Data Management Layer Design 1. Object persistence format 2. Database schema 3. Data Access an Manipulations classes (NOT REQUIRED) 11. Human-Computer Interaction Layer Design 1. Windows Navigation Diagram (WND) (NOT REQUIRED) 2. Wireframe design (only 1 even if it runs on multiple platforms) 3. Storyboard (NOT REQUIRED) 12. Physical Architecture Layer Design 1. Deployment Diagram(s) (NOT REQUIRED) 2. Hardware and Software Specification 3. Operational Requirements 4. Portability Requirements (NOT REQUIRED) 5. Maintainability Requirements (NOT REQUIRED) 6. Performance Requirements 7. Capacity Requirements (NOT REQUIRED) 8. Availability and Reliability Requirements (NOT REQUIRED) 9. Security Requirements (NOT REQUIRED) 10. System Value (NOT REQUIRED) 11. Access Control Requirements (NOT REQUIRED) 12. Encryption and Authentication Requirements (NOT REQUIRED) 13. Virus Control Requirements (NOT REQUIRED) 14 Ci ilt! iral and Pnlitiral Rem lin.mentc (NVIT
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