GDECE 108 Critcal Reflecton of Professional Practce (2000 words) 40%
This assignment will demonstrate your reflection of specific aspects towards your teaching
on the 108 placement. This reflection report will also help you to develop better
understanding on evidence-based teaching and transition your teaching skills into your
workplace. This assessment will need to highlight the importance of how pre-service teacher
use the process of reflection to analyse and improve their work and teaching performance.
The suggested structure of Assessment 4:
1. Introduce your placement sit, and your students;
2. Introduce your role during the placement;
3. Importance of the reflection process for pre-service teacher in terms of teaching,
developing and improving; you will need to make connections to EYLF and Australia
teachers’ standards;
4. How did you implement reflective teaching in your 108 placement? What did you learn
from your daily reflections? What did you learn by reflecting your mentor teachers’ teaching
practices? What did you learn by reflecting on your students’ reactions or learning
outcomes? Did you make any improvement? Did you identify your weakness during your
108 placement? Is your classroom management skill improved? Is your oral instruction skill
improved? Can you promote positive behaviour from your students during your placement?
While you discuss your critical reflections toward your teaching practices, please use
theories, EYFL and Australia teachers’ standards to support your ideas.
5. Conclusion and improvement for your 108 placement
Please refer to planning circle from EYLF/VEYLDF/NQS(Moodle)
Please refer to Educator guide to EYLF (p, 7).
Please refer to QA 1.3.2 critcal reflecton or Guide to NQF (p,135) to assist you with the AT4.
Some reflectve questons include, but are not limited to:
• How you gather informaton to beter understand children?
• How you implement age-appropriate and play based learning?
• How you make children’s learning and intentonal teaching visible and accessible?
• What theoretcal perspectves implemented in your practces?
• Whether the learning objectves achieved or not? Why yes and no? how you examine
your practces- What did well and did not well based on children’s responses and
• How to modify your lesson plans, teaching strategies, grouping, space, materials,
resources, learning environment setngs, invitatons to children?
• How your lesson plans reflect inclusive practces to children from diverse
backgrounds, including CaLD, Vulnerable families and Indigenous children and their
• How you create a positve relatonship with your mentor teacher and work
• What are the biggest challenges/obstacles you encountered during your placement
block and how you overcome them?
• Any strategies to support individual child?
Any strategies to extend emerging strengths, abilites, and interests?
• how documentaton or informaton about the development of the program
shows an ongoing cycle of planning and evaluaton, informing children’s
experiences in the program.