Communication and reporting

132 views 8:32 am 0 Comments March 31, 2023

be considered additional resources. Communication andreporting requirements are a crucial component of yourmotorways and interchanges design plan. Theestablishment of reporting and communication proceduresas part of a thorough design of motorway and interchangeprojects is crucial.Documentation/dataList all the documentationand data that you canaccess for the project andprovide a brief descriptionof each.Risk management documentationMeteorologica and hydrological dataCultural and heritage dataGeotechnical dataLegislation and policiesand proceduresOutline the legislation, andpolicies and proceduresthat applies to detaileddesign of motorways andinterchanges work.Include at least twolegislation and two policiesand procedures.There are both general and specific civil construction laws,standards, and codes that must be taken into consideration.Construction activities have a well-known negative impacton the environment, and over time, steps have been takento improve workplace and construction practices.TheEnvironment Protection and BiodiversityConservation Act 1999is a piece of Commonwealthlegislation in Australia.Work health and safety is a crucial legal requirement forall civil works. Everyone has a responsibility to maintain asafe workplace.Australia’s specificWHS laws and regulationsare theWork Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Work Health andSafety Regulations 2011