Citation and Referencing Assignment

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Citation and Referencing Assignment II
Nitin Winston
This coursework is intended to sharpen the academic writing skills, as well as the
understanding of proper citation and reference practises and their relevance to your Masters
In this coursework, 20 published works, including journals and conference papers, are
inspected, and their abstract content is examined to determine whether the abstract accurately
describes the work done in the research journal or conference papers, as well as whether the
abstract productively communicates the idea to the reader so that the reader’s primary goal is
The published works under review include articles and journals on renewable energy, more
specifically, themes relating to wind energy and the numerous difficulties involved in producing
wind power, as well as associated materials.

Citation and Referencing Assignment III
Nitin Winston
I want to express my gratitude to, Glasgow Caledonian University, for providing me with this
wonderful opportunity to learn and advance my expertise in electrical power engineering.
In order to improve my academic writing abilities for my coursework, I want to thank Dr. David
Petty, my professor for this module of Project Planning and Management, for providing this
coursework and the thorough directions regarding the assignment. Also, I want to thank my
university’s library and personnel for helping me access publications and research papers on
my field on a consistent basis.
Finally, I would want to express my gratitude to my senior colleagues for their important
support and guidance in helping me develop my academic writing abilities.

Citation and Referencing Assignment IV
Nitin Winston
I devote my work to thanking the All-Powerful God for giving me the chance to enrol in this
degree at Glasgow Caledonian University and hone my project management abilities in the
electrical power industry.
Moreover, I dedicate this to my parents, teachers, and friends who have supported me along
the way throughout my profession.

Authors Declaration
Citation and Referencing Assignment V
Nitin Winston
Authors Declaration
Any data or material from other sources is cited and referenced in accordance with the Harvard
System of referencing. This coursework and its contents are entirely my own work.

Citation and Referencing Assignment VI
Nitin Winston

WT Wind Turbines
LVRT Low Voltage Ride Through
HVRT High Voltage Ride Through
MV Medium Voltage
TWh Terra Watt Hour
IOT Internet of Things
WSN Wireless Sensor Networks
SEH Solar Energy Harvesting
ER Electrified Rail Roads
EV Electric Vehicles
PV Photo Voltaic
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
PDSC Photo Diode Assisted Dual Start-up
LC Level Converter
AQP Auxiliary Charge Pump

Table of Contents
Citation and Referencing Assignment VII
Nitin Winston
Table of Contents
Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… II
Dedication ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….IV
Author’s Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………………….. V
Abbreviations ………………………………………………………………………………………………….VI
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………………………….. VII
Section A – Literature Review……………………………………………………………………. 1
References……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Section B – Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………6
Abstract Journal 1…………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Abstract Journal 2…………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Appendices…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Literature Review
Citation and Referencing Assignment 1
Nitin Winston
Literature Review
Renewable energy is the energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher
rate than they are consumed. With the increase in demand in electricity, various renewable
energy sources like wind, biogas, tidal, solar etc plays a predominant role in power generation.
Electricity should be produced exactly at the time it is needed. Hence, Wind and biogas
combination for power generation is an effective way where wind is uncontrolled and biogas
is a controlled form. Wind power is not reliable thus, biogas is introduced to balance the
electricity of wind power. The biogas generation is under control and can provide electricity to
balance the output power of wind generation. (Z. Yanning, K. Longyun, 2009)
Wind power fluctuation can also be decreased by integrating energy storage into the wind
power producing system. Estimating the appropriate storage capacities for the required
applications is crucial because a storage system involves a capital investment. Additionally, a
storage application for energy is needed to lessen output variance during gusty winds. (M. -S.
Lu, C. -L. Chang, 2009)
It is highly mandatory that the wind system should adhere with the grid compliance for
effective simulation and testing purposes. In Wind turbines these requirements are often
difficult to fulfil. Hence a highly sophisticated grid simulator to reproduce field circumstances
of wind energy converters in laboratories and provide a system to test wind turbine systems
will provide a solution. Artificial grid and grid event simulation capabilities, includes Grid
impedance adjustment, adjustable frequency (45 – 65Hz), LVRT and HVRT event simulation
according to international standards, Faults – Voltage sags down to 0V, Symmetric and
asymmetric faults, 2-phase-faults, 1-phase-fault, 4 wire MV, Low THD level, Powerful
transient grid and Multi dip simulation. (C. Mehler, T. Jersch, 2016)
A new calculating approach is suggested for the wind power in order to analyse the realistic
capacity of the power grid to absorb wind power. The output characteristics of a wind farm are
examined using a probability and statistics approach, and the impact of a characteristic index
on the wind farm is investigated. (H. Wang et al., 2021) The distribution network’s ability to
accommodate distributed wind power generation will have an impact on how power moves
through it. It will undoubtedly have an impact on voltage stability. The distribution network is
addressed with a reactive power control method based on wind turbine output predictions. (W.
Huang & W. Zhang, 2021).

Literature Review
Citation and Referencing Assignment 2
Nitin Winston
Calculation and analysis of the wind power receiving capacity of the power grid is mainly
defined according to various factors affecting system peak shaving and combined with the
characteristics of wind power peak shaving. The balance is carried out monthly, and the power
grid’s peak shaving capacity and wind power acceptance capacity are provided, so that the
calculated results can more accurately reflect the issues that will be present in the operation of
the power grid in the future. This is done by taking into account the comprehensive constraints
of power grid start up mode in different seasons (months). (F. Sun, X. Zhang, 2021)
These days, generated hydropower from waterwheel is one of the cheapest ways to produce
electricity. By using a belt and pulley system to connect the waterwheel to a generator,
electricity can be generated, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. A full bridge
rectifier is used to transmit electricity in its most efficient form i.e., from direct current into
pure direct current while the regulator is used to regulate the current, and the battery helps to
store it. (J. A. Hameed, A. T. Saeed, 2018)
Due to the higher water speeds brought on by operating under these higher heads, the issues
with high head turbine design have received a lot of attention and study. The utmost care is
given to design of turbine casing, speed ring, guide vanes, etc., to prevent eddies and
disturbance of the stream line flow. The volute casing is made in such a way that when it travels
around the turbine’s circumference at a speed adequate to ensure a constant increase in water
velocity, the cross-sectional area of the volute channel will shrink. This will deliver the power
water to the guide vanes under the same velocity and pressure head at all points of the guide
vane. (E. M. Breed)
The operation and design of machineries Waterwheel Generators and Synchronous Condensers
in Long Transmission Lines is quite different. To increase the stability of generators, supplying
leading current the field, strength must be increased with respect to that of the armature. This
means increasing the ampere turns on the field or decreasing the ampere-turns on the armature
or a combination of both. Most condensers are built with leading power factor or over-excited
functioning in mind. On long lines, where the leading current drawn by the line may be
sufficient to raise the receiver voltage at light loads, the condenser may need to operate at a
lagging power factor or under-excite in order to maintain the standard receiver voltage. (M. W.
Solar power has grown significantly more quickly than any other fuel source over the past ten
years. In 2020, the total amount of electricity from all sources utilised globally was over 27000
TWh, or roughly 17% of all energy consumption. Renewable energy sources like solar, wind,

Literature Review
Citation and Referencing Assignment 3
Nitin Winston
and hydroelectricity made for 83% of the newly built generating capacity for 2020. (N. M.
Haegel & S. R. Kurtz, 2021)
The foundational elements of today’s internet of things (IoT) infrastructure in smart buildings,
smart parking, and smart cities are wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The WSN nodes are
severely constrained by their low battery energy, which can only function for a few days
depending on the duty cycle of operation. This issue can be resolved using a special and
extremely effective solar energy harvesting method for rechargeable battery-based WSN
nodes. The optimal SEH-WSN (Solar Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network) nodes
should be able to function for an endless network lifespan.
Photovoltaic (PV) cells in the harvester system convert solar energy into electrical form. The
wireless sensor node battery is then charged using this electrical energy. Going outside in
remote places decreases the human effort required to change the batteries of hundreds or
thousands of sensor nodes. As a result, the design issue of wireless sensor nodes’ limited energy
availability has been overcome, and the effort required by humans to periodically change the
battery has decreased. (H. Sharma, A. Haque and Z. A. Jaffery, 2018)
Road and rail transportation have rapidly expanded during the past few years as vital pillars of
passenger mobility and freight transport. The capacity of rail and road transportation for
photovoltaic generation offers a remedy towards carbon emissions made by other energy
sources. Electric vehicles (EVs) for road travel and electrified railroads (ERs) for rail travel are
the main forces behind the electrification of the transportation sector. (L. Jia, J. Ma, P. Cheng
& Y. Liu, 2020)
Solar road technology provides an opportunity to harvest the vast, dispersed, photovoltaic (PV)
energy, while maximizing the land utilization. The annual yield is found to be 213 kWh/m2 if
the same model is simulated for a solar road PV installation in India. (A. Shekhar et al., 2018)
Remote devices, such as sensors and communications devices, require continuously available
power which can be fed using solar energy. (J. W. Kimball, B. T. Kuhn and R. S. Balog, 2009)
Ultra-compact single-chip solar energy harvesting IC on-chip solar cell for biomedical implant
applications is another advancement in the medical field. (Z. Chen, M. -K. Law, P. -I. Mak and
R. P. Martins, 2017)

Citation and Referencing Assignment 4
Nitin Winston
N. M. Haegel and S. R. Kurtz, “Global Progress Toward Renewable Electricity: Tracking the
Role of Solar,” in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1335-1342, Nov. 2021,
doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2021.3104149.
C. Mehler, T. Jersch, P. Koralewicz and B. Tegtmeier, “Advanced grid simulator topology for
testing of renewable energy supply units especially wind energy converters (WECs) under
laboratory conditions,” 2016 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and
Applications (EPE’16 ECCE Europe), 2016, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/EPE.2016.7695474.
E. Brudler et al., “24 years postgraduate program renewable energy,” 2nd International
Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET 2012), 2012,
pp. 1-4.
J. A. Hameed, A. T. Saeed and M. H. Rajab, “Design and analysis of hydroelectric generation
using waterwheel,” 2018 9th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), 2018, pp. 1-
6, doi: 10.1109/IREC.2018.8362443.
Z. Yanning, K. Longyun, C. Binggang, H. Chung-Neng and W. Guohong, “Renewable energy
distributed power system with wind power and biogas generator,” 2009 Transmission &
Distribution Conference & Exposition: Asia and Pacific, 2009, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/TDASIA.2009.5356995.
E. M. Breed, “Waterwheel construction and governing,” in Journal of the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 1261-1263, Dec. 1923, doi:
M. W. Smith, “Waterwheel Generators and Synchronous Condensers for Long Transmission
Lines,” in Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. XLII, pp. 1043-
1053, January-December 1923, doi: 10.1109/T-AIEE.1923.5060943.
Y. Li, H. Liu, Y. Chi, X. Fan, X. Tian and Z. Zhang, “Requirement Analysis on Large-scale
Renewable Energy DC Collection and Transmission Technology,” 2020 4th International
Conference on HVDC (HVDC), 2020, pp. 410-414, doi: 10.1109/HVDC50696.2020.9292827.
H. Wang et al., “Evaluation Method of Wind Power Consumption Limitation in Power System
with High Proportion of Wind Power,” 2021 IEEE 4th International Electrical and Energy
Conference (CIEEC), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CIEEC50170.2021.9510533.
W. Huang and W. Zhang, “Research on Distributed wind Power Reactive Voltage Coordinated
Control Strategy Connected to Distribution Network,” 2021 4th International Conference on
Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering (CEEPE), 2021, pp. 529-534, doi:

Citation and Referencing Assignment 5
Nitin Winston
F. Sun, X. Zhang, J. Xu, J. Sun, H. Zeng and Q. Jia, “Calculation of power grid wind power
acceptance capacity based on different dispatching methods,” 2021 International Conference
on Power System Technology (POWERCON), 2021, pp. 985-989, doi:
T. Mikhail, S. Tatyana and S. Petr, “Usage efficiency of renewable energy sources for charging
passenger electric transport,” 2018 Renewable Energies, Power Systems & Green Inclusive
Economy (REPS-GIE), 2018, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/REPSGIE.2018.8488844.
H. Sharma, A. Haque and Z. A. Jaffery, “An Efficient Solar Energy Harvesting System for
Wireless Sensor Nodes,” 2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics,
Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), 2018, pp. 461-464, doi:
A. Shekhar et al., “Harvesting Roadway Solar Energy—Performance of the Installed
Infrastructure Integrated PV Bike Path,” in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 8, no. 4, pp.
1066-1073, July 2018, doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2820998.
L. Jia, J. Ma, P. Cheng and Y. Liu, “A perspective on solar energy-powered road and rail
transportation in China,” in CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 760-
771, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2020.02040.
J. W. Kimball, B. T. Kuhn and R. S. Balog, “A System Design Approach for Unattended Solar
Energy Harvesting Supply,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
952-962, April 2009, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2008.2009056.
Z. Chen, M. -K. Law, P. -I. Mak and R. P. Martins, “A Single-Chip Solar Energy Harvesting
IC Using Integrated Photodiodes for Biomedical Implant Applications,” in IEEE Transactions
on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 44-53, Feb. 2017, doi:
M. -S. Lu, C. -L. Chang, W. -J. Lee and L. Wang, “Combining the Wind Power Generation
System with Energy Storage Equipment,” in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol.
45, no. 6, pp. 2109-2115, Nov.-dec. 2009, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2009.2031937.
F. AYADI, I. COLAK, I. GARIP and H. I. BULBUL, “Targets of Countries in Renewable
Energy,” 2020 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application
(ICRERA), 2020, pp. 394-398, doi: 10.1109/ICRERA49962.2020.9242765.
F. O. Igbinovia, J. Krupka, P. Hajek, Z. Muller and J. Tlusty, “Bioenergy Electricity on Internet
of Renewable Energy (IoRE) Framework for Sustainable Electricity Grid Integration in the
European Union (EU),” 2020 21st International Scientific Conference on Electric Power
Engineering (EPE), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/EPE51172.2020.926918

Abstract Journal 1
Citation and Referencing Assignment 6
Nitin Winston
Abstract Journal 1
The cost of wind energy is now competitive with other fuel-based generation resources due to
developments in wind turbine technology. The development of wind power has advanced
quickly over the past ten years as a result of the rise in the cost of fossil fuels and the worry
over global warming. Since the 1990s, the yearly growth rate has exceeded 26%. Since it is
difficult to predict and control the output of wind generation, its potential impacts on the
electric grid are different from the traditional energy sources. The variability of wind power
can be reduced by integrating energy storage with the wind power producing system.
The most developed and economical renewable energy is wind power. Wind energy never runs
out and doesn’t need “fuel.” Global warming-causing greenhouse gases are not produced by
wind turbines. On farms or ranches, wind turbines can be built, boosting the local economy.
Because wind turbines only occupy a small portion of the land, farmers and ranchers can
continue to labour there. The major challenge to use wind as a source of power is that wind
power may not be available when electricity is needed.
The proposed wind farm consists of several wind turbines that are grouped together, connected
to a substation via an underground cable, and connected to the 161-kV system using a step-up
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) battery model CBEST is utilised for the energy
storage model. It has the capacity to mimic a battery’s dynamic properties. This model
represents the battery’s input and output power restrictions as well as the converter’s ac current
restrictions. The battery rating is assumed to be sufficient by the model to meet any energy
demands that arise throughout the simulation.

Abstract Journal 2
Citation and Referencing Assignment 7
Nitin Winston
Abstract Journal 2
The emerging e-healthcare system is patient driven, where patients can continuously monitor
their own health even at home. An ultra-compact single-chip solar energy harvesting IC using
on-chip solar cell can be used for biomedical implant applications. When compared to the
traditional stacked photodiode technique, using an on-chip charge pump with parallel linked
photodiodes can increase efficiency by 3.5 percent while maintaining a single-chip design. To
raise the efficiency of energy harvesting, systematic charge pump and solar cell area
optimization is also introduced. The on-chip charge pump may operate at a maximum
efficiency of 67%, according to measurement results. In applications like subdermal implant
applications and intraocular pressure monitoring, solar energy harvesting has recently been
shown to be a workable solution.
The proposed single-chip solar energy harvesting system consists of on-chip solar cell, a
voltage reference with a Photodiode-assisted Dual Start-up Circuit (PDSC), a clock phase
generator, an auxiliary charge pump (AQP), two level converters (LCs), and a main charge
The solar cell collects the incoming solar energy and supplies power to the load and the other
components. For biassing the clock phase generator, the voltage reference produces a reference
voltage called Vref. It is suggested to use PDSC to reduce overhead while improving voltage
reference start-up time. The AQP and LCs are supplied with a two-phase non-overlapping
clock, 1 and 2, by the clock phase generator utilising a 5-stage ring oscillator. To ensure a low
beginning voltage while reducing reversion loss, an AQP is used to generate an auxiliary supply
voltage (Vaux).

Citation and Referencing Assignment 8
Nitin Winston
Appendix A………………………………………………………9
Appendix B………………………………………………………17

Appendix A
Citation and Referencing Assignment 9
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Appendix A
Appendix A
Citation and Referencing Assignment 10
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Appendix A
Citation and Referencing Assignment 11
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Citation and Referencing Assignment 12
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Citation and Referencing Assignment 13
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Citation and Referencing Assignment 14
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Citation and Referencing Assignment 15
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Appendix A
Citation and Referencing Assignment 16
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Appendix B
Citation and Referencing Assignment 17
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Appendix B
Appendix B
Citation and Referencing Assignment 18
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Appendix B
Citation and Referencing Assignment 19
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Citation and Referencing Assignment 20
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Citation and Referencing Assignment 21
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Appendix B
Citation and Referencing Assignment 27
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