Business Analysis Scenario

129 views 8:27 am 0 Comments March 23, 2023

Team Project 1
Business Analysis Scenario
The purpose of this exercise is to provide Busi 650 students with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills
in the following areas: synthesis and analysis of data, creation of graphical and visual tools, problem
solving, creative and strategic thinking, developing recommendations, as well as overall presentation and
Problem Overview
The City of Vancouver has a target to reduce the size of the ‘rolling stock fleet’ by 20% over 2013 values
by 2020. The 2013 year-end rolling stock fleet size (‘baseline’) was 1200 units including light duty vehicles,
heavy trucks, and heavy equipment within all departments of the organization combined. The City’s fleet
is centrally owned and managed by the Equipment Services Branch of Engineering Services who then
effectively rents the fleet units to user groups across the organization at an annual rental rate to cover
expenses and capital repayment. Rental rates vary by equipment class and age, but are independent of
annual usage. Fleet units are replaced on a regular cycle, which varies by class. Fleet user groups are
generally protective of fleet assets and not keen to give them up.
The accompanying Excel spreadsheet provides a list of all rolling stock fleet units as of the end of 2014.
Included in this data set is information on each fleet unit such as what it is, who uses it, where it is located,
how much it was used in 2014, and how much time it spent in the garage in 2014. Notes: this is an actual
dataset with some data inaccuracies and incomplete entries. Explanatory comments have been included
in row 1 of the excel file.
Continued on Page 2…
You have been asked to provide a report back to project executives of the current state of the rolling stock
fleet as well as provide your initial recommendations on how to approach leaning out the fleet size. Using
your creative and strategic thinking skills, supplemented by the dataset provided, provide a summary (in
the format of your choice) that touches on the following:
1. Data Analysis & Observations:
a) Please provide a table or a graph showing fleet composition and usage by user group
and/or fleet type
b) Any observations into downtime and labour hours by equipment category
c) Any other observations related to the dataset that you wish to highlight
2. Recommendations:
a) List of additional data and information would you like to better understand fleet usage
and opportunities to reduce fleet numbers
b) How would you collect the additional data and information?
c) What are some benefits of reducing the fleet size?
d) Potential approaches and strategies to look into for reducing the fleet size
e) Any potential risks to do with reducing the fleet size and any suggested mitigation
3. Any other observations, comments, or recommendations you may have
4. Create a map based on the data provided to you (plus any external data you might need)
5. Based on your analysis, what would you recommend to the project executives as the next steps
in continuing to move this project forward?
Use visual tools such as graphs, charts, tables, MAPS etc., where possible.
If there is information you do
not have, for example for mapping your data, please use external publicly available data and then make
and state your assumptions
1) All analysis results should be posted on Tableau Public (
2) Please submit a 4 page (maximum) summary of the work taken of generate the results –
using the template provided as a guide (Appendix 1 – Summary of Analytics).
3) Each group should submit a power point presentation by the deadline. Please use
Pecha Kucha style
for your presentations
4) Each group will be presenting their final work to the class during week 11.
1) You need to use Tableau analytics for this team project.
2) Feel free to use other publicly available datasets to assist in your analysis
3) Be creative and insightful in your analysis Instructions

Appendix 1 – Summary of Analytics
Section 1: Overview
Provide information on the following:
– Teammebers Name
– Results Location
Tableau URL:
Section2: Summary of Data Exploration
– Overview
– Data
o Errors and Missing Data
o Transformations
o Data Joins
o Geospatial Data Assembly
– Summary Statistics
Section 3: Conclusion: Insights from Analysis
– Provide visualizations (Dashboards, Analytics of your tableau/ excel works)
– Identify the key findings of your work

Key Points Grade allocation
Format (font type, size, tables, charts) 20
Analysis (Tableau/ Excel) including link to
Tableau public
Use of external data sources 10
APA (source citation, reference page) 5
Presentation 10

N.B. Failure to comply with the above would result in low grades.