Building Services Engineering

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Directorate of Construction and Engineering: Technician
StudiesNursing Physical Assessment
Assignment Brief: HNC L4 CBE Building Services Engineering
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Student Name ID Number
Unit Number and Title U10 Principles of Ventilation & Air Conditioning Design &
Pearson Unit Code: D/615/1926.
Academic Year 2022 – 2023
Unit Assessor Nita Dixit
Assignment Title U10A2 LO3 and LO4
Issue Date 14 March 2023
Submission Date 04 June 2023
IV Name Imad Dagher
Date 04 November 2022
Submission Format:
You are to submit one A4 word-processed document, to include all attempted tasks. The choice of font face, font
size and line spacing are left to your discretion. However, as a professional report, clarity and readability are
critically important. You are encouraged to use diagrams and graphics to help to explain the topics.
Any material (images, drawings, diagrams, text) that is derived from other sources must be suitably referenced using
the Harvard form of referencing. Citations must appear within your text. The final page(s) of your assignment should
include a bibliography of any material used in support of your research. The order of the references must follow the
order in which the citations appear in your assignment.
Learning Outcomes
This assignment will assess learning outcome LO3 and LO4 for which you will be expected to present a design and
justify components for a non-domestic ventilation and air conditioning system.

Directorate of Construction and Engineering: Technician
Assignment Brief: HNC L4 CBE Building Services Engineering
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Assignment Scenario:
Your client is an up and coming ecommerce company,, wishing to build a prestigious company
headquarter complex to accommodate their expanding organisation.
In consultation with their architect, an out of town brownfield site
has been selected. Drawings have been prepared and submitted for
outline planning with the LPA.
The proposed new development will involve several buildings:
A new 24m high office block, arranged over 6 floors (5 floors of
office accommodation above ground and a basement level gym.)
You are currently employed by a Building Services Consultancy to
carry out the air conditioning system design. You have been
provided with the general arrangement drawings and supporting
information for the new office block.
You have been asked to provide information, analyses and relevant
design calculations for a suitable air conditioning system heating system including any possible sustainable options.
Your work should make reference to industry standard guides and legislation.
Preliminary calculations have been carried out and following adjustments the design data has been confirmed
below. The client has asked that fresh air makes up 21% of the total supply air for the office areas.
The building data per floor of office space:
Radiative Loads: 23.6kW
Conductive Loads: 2 kW
Convective (infiltration) Loads: 1 kW sensible (ignore the latent load)
Occupancy 1person/6m² of floor area
Room Temp = 21 ⁰C DB, 14.5°C WB
Supply Temperature: 16⁰C dB
Coil ADP: 8⁰C dB.
Outdoor Condition: 30⁰C dB; 20.5⁰C WB
The building data for the basement gym area is:
Occupancy 30 people.
Gym Equipment: 0.5 kW per item of equipment
Radiative Loads: 5 kW
Conductive Loads: 2 kW
Convective (infiltration) Loads: 1 kW
Room Temp = 18 ⁰C dB, 50% RH
Supply Temperature: 14⁰C dB
Coil ADP: 7⁰C dB.
Outdoor Condition: 30⁰C dB; 20.5⁰C WB
Use the following values for air:
Cp=1.02 kJ/Kg.K; latent heat of evaporation
(hfg) = 2450 kJ/kg
For lighting gains and office equipment gains use BSRIA data.
Your assignment must present all calculations, measurements, data, psychrometric charts clearly using correct
units and make reference to industry standard guides and legislation throughout.

Directorate of Construction and Engineering: Technician
Assignment Brief: HNC L4 CBE Building Services Engineering
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Assessment Task
Your client would like to consider a range of ventilation options for their new headquarter
building. Discuss and analyse the ventilation strategies that could be employed in the building. Your analyses must
also reflect on the occupiers’ operational requirements and the following common systems must be appraised in
your analyses:
Displacement ventilation
Mixed mode ventilation
Supply and extract ventilation
Night time cooling.
Whilst the design development continues, there is a requirement for a quantifiable design to be presented and
issued to the cost consultant. Present a design proposal and justify the selection of components for the new
building based on a “supply and return” ventilation and air conditioning system. Perform the necessary calculations
for both the basement and a representative floor of the offices above, to determine several design requirements as
The calculated supply air, recirculated return air, and fresh air flowrates, the psychrometric processes with a
description of the points entered on the chart, and an explanation of the process lines drawn onto the chart,
calculation of the mixed point conditions, the space sensible and latent loads, the total coil duties including the
associated latent and sensible loads and the heater battery duties.
Present the equipment components selected for the gym and office system, in the form of a component
arrangement diagram clearly labelling each component, flowrates, air temperature using data calculated using the
psychrometric chart and equations.
Compare different ventilation strategies to determine best practice.
Discuss the effect of different duct sizing on the performance of a ventilation and air conditioning installation.
Evaluate sustainable options for inclusion in a ventilation and air conditioning strategy for a given building type.

Directorate of Construction and Engineering: Technician
Assignment Brief: HNC L4 CBE Building Services Engineering
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Summative Assignment Feedback
Student Name/ID
Unit Title U/10 Principles of Ventilation & Air Conditioning Design &
Assignment Number U10A2 Assessor Nita Dixit
The date you
Date Received 1st
Re-submission Date 18 June 2023 Date Received 2nd
Strengths of performance
Limitations of performance
Any improvements needed in future assessments

Directorate of Construction and Engineering: Technician
Assignment Brief: HNC L4 CBE Building Services Engineering
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Criteria Merit *Achieved/Referred
P7 Discuss ventilation strategies for a given building.
P8 Present a ventilation and air conditioning design proposal for a
given building type.
P9 Specify ventilation and air conditioning components, including
ductwork sizing for a given building.
P10 Justify the selection of components for a nondomestic ventilation
and air conditioning system.
M4 Compare different ventilation strategies to determine best
M5 Discuss the effect of different duct sizing on the performance of a
ventilation and air conditioning installation.
D2 Evaluate sustainable options for inclusion in a ventilation and air
conditioning strategy for a given building type.
Assessor signature and date:
* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken
place and grade decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Assessor Signature: Date:
Internal Verifier’s Comments

Directorate of Construction and Engineering: Technician
Assignment Brief: HNC L4 CBE Building Services Engineering
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Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism.
I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student signature: Date:

Begin writing your assignment here…
Directorate of Construction and Engineering: Technician Studies
Assignment Brief: HNC L4 CBE Building Services Engineering
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Internal Verification – Assessment Decisions

Programme Title: HNC L4 CBE Building Services Engineering
Unit/Component Number and Title: U10 Ventilation & Air Conditioning Design & Installation.
Assessor Name: Nita Dixit Internal Verifier Name: Imad Dagher
Assignment title: U10 A2
Name of Learner
(If a larger sample is
required, please add rows or
use additional sheets)
(First, Resubmission,
List which
assessment and
grading criteria
the Assessor has
awarded. Please
state specific
criteria and not
an overall grade
List the assessment and grading
criteria where inaccurate
decisions have been made
State why the assessment decision is
*If an inaccurate decision is recorded the Internal
Verifier must recommend actions detailing the issues to
be addressed. The Assessor and the Internal Verifier
must then confirm that the action has been
undertaken before assessment decisions are issued to
Has every learner and the Assessor confirmed the authenticity of the evidence?
Is there evidence of collusion or plagiarism?
Does the assessment feedback to each learner:
Link to relevant assessment criteria?
Justify each assessment criterion awarded?
Provide appropriate guidance to the learner without giving specific actions for improvement?
GENERAL COMMENTS (if appropriate)

Directorate of Construction and Engineering: Technician Studies
Assignment Brief: HNC L4 CBE Building Services Engineering
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Any actions required must be reviewed across the whole cohort.
Action Required Target Date for
Date Action
I confirm that the assessment decisions are accurate, there is no evidence of assessment malpractice and any action points have been addressed and completed in
respect of the whole cohort.
Internal Verifier signature Imad Dagher Date
Assessor signature Nita Dixit Date
Lead Internal Verifier signature (if appropriate) Date
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