Analyse and evaluate information

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vo Nelson College lone
kcvel 374 c Acquisition of broad knowledge o Evaluate intomuitirm o Use intOrmatton to phut, develop and problem solve
o Generate ideas through
0 remlY:inr:::17:7:1:imand of 3,1AIISCII skills o Formulate responses to well defined and abstract c Analyse and evaluate information
Vera’ good Demonstration of v, good comprehension of the task with evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation aryl critical apREMA U. of a wide variety of 1111,0,1111C SOW., Transformation of knowledge Independent thinking and development of ideas Ability to communication .2, clearly and effectively V, good evidence of plena/noon V, good organi.tion, structure and presentation of work – mmintal errors Good references, appropriate sources (quality and quantity). No emirs in reference list or citations.
Excellent Advanced scholarship Goa beyond the material provided Excellent link to research Excellent analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal Excellent evidence of preparation Comprehensive and critical understanding of the topic Excellent ability to communicate C1.11, and effectively Excellent otganisation, WW1. and presentation of work Good references, appropriate sources (quality and quantity), No errors in reference list or citations.
o Critically review, consolidate and extend body of knowledge US, specialised skills o Critically evaluate concepts and evidence from a range of source, Transfer and apply skills and exercise significant pdgement in a range of situations Excellent — Outstanding (for use at tar of range) Outstanding ng understandmg. exploration and insight Strong evidence of original, and development of own ideas Develop a highly complex argument Outstanding ability to communicate topics clearly and concisely Advanced organisation. structure and presentation of work Good references. appropriate sources (quality and quantity). No errors in reference list or citations. References well utilised and critiqued
00. 0, V., Pod V, good Very Good Demonstration of v, good Demonstration of v, good Advanced scholarship comprehension of the task comprehension of the task Goes beyond the material Wt,theZtlerm of a””‘ with evidence of analysis, provided synthesis. evaluation V, good link to research Use of a wide variety of U. of a wide variety or very good amitysis, sr.., vrtorri.c sources Transtonnation of know. Imre sources evaluation and critical hidePerment %haiku’, ‘ indepeniTeriliinturdagried appraisal tbil’i7″‘””””’ and clearly and afinegrzyunicanon pVrearyp a,’ ,,,g000dn evidence 0 f Comprehensive atui critical c,1.4 anTeft=”””‘” ” development of ideas ca 0,n,.’ a “,…,:f::,- z.- . ac, ,,,,…171,1 cvidcn„ ,,L.,..y„,„y,x1 abilit to undemanding of the topic .7Pokain University.