Advanced Diploma of Information Technology

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QIBA Student declaration

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I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).

I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process documented in the QIBA VET Student Plagiarism and Cheating Policy.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

Course ICT60220 – Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
Unit BSBTWK502 – Manage team effectiveness
Trainer/Assessors Name
Student Name
Student ID number
Business this assessment is based on:
Team this assessment is based on:
Documentation reviewed as preparation:

I acknowledge that my assessment documents will be reviewed as part of the assessment validation and moderation process and/or during auditing. I understand, if during a regulatory audit my assessment is deemed to be unsatisfactory, I will be requested to resit/resubmit. If this request to be reassessed is ignored, QIBA can revoke the qualification.


Student signature:



  Section 1: Establish a team performance plan

In a group round-table style discussion with your team and at least one stakeholder present, outline all the tasks the team must do to accomplish the expected outcomes. Your assessor will organise a date and time for the meeting.

Team Name:
What will your role in the team be and who are your team members?

State their roles in the team and provide a short description. (For example; Sales Representative 1: Joel – responsible to provide product information to clients)

Provide an overview of the purpose of the team in line with organisational objectives.

What is the team seeking to accomplish?

(For example; Increase sales, generate more revenue from software subscriptions)

Team manager responsibilities

What is the role of a manager or team leader?

(For example; oversee the project)




Team tasks

What are the main tasks and activities the team needs to do?

(For example; Liaise with marketing team to build brand name)







What input was received from the stakeholder/s?







What input was received from your team member?


Team member tasks and KPI’s

How did you decide which task to assign to each team member?


What are the timelines for completing each task?

Setting KPI’s

Outline the key performance indicators for each task.

Supporting the members of a team to achieve expected performance outcomes

(For example; provide training to a team member so they can achieve expected outcome, you must provide evidence of holding the training such as attaching power point slides, meeting notes or invitations, etc)


Attach: Link to business website About page or corporate brochure that summarises what the business does OR Simulation Pack if using case study

Team Performance Plan (use the template below)

Slides, visual aids or video clips


Team Performance Plan

Team Name:
Team Vision:
Team purpose statement:

Team Members

Tasks and Responsibilities:


Start and end date of activity

Team Member 1:


Team Member 2:


Team Member 3:


Signature of Team Leader:
















  Section 2: Develop and facilitate team cohesion

Complete this section after the meeting.

Policies and procedures

How did you develop/ modify the Internet Use Policy?

Develop team cohesion

What were the communication skills you applied when giving feedback?




What are the issues, concerns, problems highlighted?


How did you help team members identify issues?


How did you apply your problem-solving skills?



How did you encouraging team members to take responsibility for team activities?

Facilitate teamwork

How did you adapt your personal communication style to build positive working relationships?


Model desired behaviour and practices

Promote collaboration

Encourage and foster shared understanding of purpose, roles and responsibilities


Complete this section after the brainstorming session.

Develop a process for addressing concerns.

What were your ideas?



Outline the process you developed

What brainstorming and group leadership techniques did you use?
Attach: Internet Usage Policy and procedures (Use the template provided in student resource folder)


  Section 3: Liaise with stakeholders


Communicating with line management

You can use this space to plan your ideas if you like but you must include the emails as attachments

Create your draft email to your line manager. Include:

What were the issues?

What solutions are you proposing?


Create a draft email to your team. Include:

What was the decision line management informed you of?

When will this change occur?

How will it affect the team?

Attach to your portfolio.

Liaising with stakeholders

How can a manager establish open communication processes with stakeholders?





What unresolved issues, concerns and problems needs to be communicated to stakeholders?

Applying feedback

What feedback did you receive from the stakeholders?


How did you address their concerns?


Develop a PowerPoint presentation of the meeting that you had with the stakeholder.

Attach: Presentation slides

Draft Email to line manager

Draft Email to team