School of Education
EDPR2004 EDPR2006 EDP243 Children as Mathematical Learners | Assessment 2 / PortfolioSample Page and Mathematics Content Knowledge Test |Total marks: 50
HD Exemplary (40-50mark) | D Excellent (35-39.5 mark) | CR Proficient (30-34.5 mark) | P Sound (25-29.5 mark) | F Unresolved (<25 mark) | |
Criterion 1 10 marks Importance of Fractions |
Strong discussion of constructivist pedagogy related to the importance of fractions both in society and within the curriculum supported with strong and varied academic sources |
Clear and relevant discussion of fractions supported by academic research considering multiple elements of their importance |
Solid discussion of the importance of fractions with some relevant support from academic theory |
Some key points about the importance of fractions considered. Limited references to support discussion |
Incorrect information in regards to fractions. Limited or no real understanding of the importance of fractions demonstrated. Unclear discussion. No or very limited references |
Criterion 2 10 marks Key Fraction Constructs and how to teach them |
Excellent detail in the discussion of the five constructs. The activities or strategies selected to teach are engaging, relevant and fit a constructivist approach with links to why these have been chosen. Aligned perfectly to the theme |
Strong discussion of all five constructs. Well detailed, clearly described and explained, with strong variety of tasks within the theme. |
Sound discussion of the three approaches that demonstrates clear understanding and shows some strategies that would support constructivist learning of these constructs. Strategies are explained effectively and align to the sports theme |
Explains each of the three constructs briefly. Shows a strategy for each approach that would teach students in a constructivist approach |
Does not consider all the three of the main fraction constructs. Does not clearly show understanding of the constructs. Is unable to show some teaching strategies that would support student learning in a constructivist style |
Criterion 3 10 marks Fraction Models and explanations |
Fraction models are very clearly and fully explained. Refined understanding of differences between the models is clear. Diagrams and tasks are excellent and are linked to the vowels in your name’s scenario. Rationale for why each/ multiple model/s is important is included and very well presented |
Fraction models are well explained. Images and tasks are appropriate and are linked to the vowels in your names’ scenario. Rationale for why each/multiple model/s is important is included and appropriate |
Fraction models are clearly explained. Tasks would develop learning of the three models and some rationale of why each of the models is important is included. |
Fraction models are reasonably explained with tasks that would allow for some development of learning |
Models are not clearly identified, differentiated or explained. Discussion lacks clarity and depth. Task choices are generally not appropriate to the task or model. |
Criterion 4 5 marks Issues and misconceptions |
Excellent, well rounded discussion of how constructivism addresses common fractional issues and misconceptions is supported by a wide range of quality sources. |
Well researched discussion presented in regards to common issues and misconceptions related to fractions and how using constructivism can address these issues effectively is presented with sound academic support |
Sound discussion of common misconceptions and how they can be addressed using constructivist approaches is present clearly |
A few common fraction misconceptions are discussed but discussion is brief and/or lacking in real substance |
Common issues and misconception related to fractions are not addressed OR discussion is inaccurate or off topic. |
Criterion 5 5 marks Part B Q1- MCK -Decimals |
Excellent question- follows NAPLAN structure, links specifically to the AC, is clearly expressed and does not introduce unnecessary confusion. All distractors and correct answer are well explained, correct and justified. Distractors provide evidence of specific misconceptions. |
Very good question- follows NAPLAN structure, clearly links to the AC, is clearly expressed and does not introduce unnecessary confusion. All distractors and correct answer are well explained, correct and justified. Distractors provide evidence of specific misconceptions. |
Good question- follows NAPLAN structure, links to the AC, is fairly well expressed. All distractors and correct answer are explained and correct. Distractors provide evidence of some misconceptions. |
Satisfactory question Some distractors and correct response are explained, and correct |
Unsatisfactory response. Unsatisfactory question OR most answers incorrect or not relevant OR distractors incorrectly explained |
Criterion 6 5 marks Part B Q2- MCK -Decimals |
Excellent question- follows NAPLAN structure, links specifically to the AC, is clearly expressed and does not introduce unnecessary confusion All distractors and correct answer are well explained, correct and justified. Distractors provide evidence of specific misconceptions. |
Very good question- follows NAPLAN structure, clearly links to the AC, is clearly expressed and does not introduce unnecessary confusion. All distractors and correct answer are well explained, correct and justified. Distractors provide evidence of specific |
Good question- follows NAPLAN structure, links to the AC, is fairly well expressed All distractors and correct answer are explained and correct. Distractors provide evidence of some misconceptions. |
Satisfactory question Some distractors and correct response are explained, and correct |
Unsatisfactory response. Unsatisfactory question OR most answers incorrect or not relevant OR distractors incorrectly explained |
Criterion 7 5 marks Transcriptional elements of writing |
Essentially free from spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Fluent sentence and paragrap construction.5 marks |
h Generally free from spelling, grammar, and punctuation,errors.Sentences and paragraphs are well-formed.4 marks |
Occasional minor spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Sentences and paragraphs are generally coherent.3 marks |
Frequent minor spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Some awkward construction of sentences and paragraphs.2.5 marks |
Frequent and seriousspelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Awkward or poor sentence and paragraph construction. 0-2 marks |
Career No marks Achievement in relation to career goals |
Demonstrates the ability to design an effective diagnostic assessment which gives extensive, useful data to enable immediate directed intervention. Consider including this in your DPP as evidence of achievement for Maths against APST 5.1 |
Demonstrates the ability to design an effective diagnostic assessment which gives useful data to enable immediate intervention. Consider including this in your DPP as evidence of achievement for Maths against APST 5.1 |
Demonstrates the ability to design a diagnostic assessment which gives some data to enable intervention. Consider including this in your DPP as evidence of achievement for Maths against APST 5.1 |
Demonstrates some understanding of how to design a diagnostic. Consider revisiting this and using the feedback given to improve this prior to including it in your DPP as evidence of achievement for Maths against APST 5.1 |
Demonstrates limited understanding and how to design an effective diagnostic task in maths. Consider additional reading in this area to strengthen your DPP in APST 5.1 |
Integrity Acting honestly, ethically and fairly is taken very seriously in the University and relates to the way you work with others and share information, conduct relevant research, incorporate evidence, acknowledge the ideas and work of others (which includes using APA7 referencing conventions correctly), and present your work. Breaches are reported and can lead to penalties. Refer to Curtin’s Academic Integrity webpage, which provides comprehensive information and guidance. rights/academic-integrity/ |
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically; exploring relevant research and situating your own ideas within the academic discourse; and using APA7 conventions consistently and precisely to reflect this. |
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically, including ensuring that the ideas of others gained from your reading and research are acknowledged by correctly using APA7 paraphrasing, quoting and referencing conventions. |
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically, including ensuring that the ideas of others gained from your reading and research are acknowledged by correctly using APA7 paraphrasing, quoting and referencing conventions. |
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically, including applying APA7 paraphrasing, quoting and referencing convention to acknowledge ideas of others gained from your reading and research; however, some minor errors indicate you need to be more vigilant about doing this accurately and consistently. |
s Purposely left blank. |
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